Stop requesting focus to the input text field if authentication was successful

Right now, after successful authentication,
 1. onTextFieldFocusChanged is invoked with false
 2. This triggers the coroutine which sees that `inputEnabled && !hasFocus` is true
 3. isTextFieldFocusRequested is then set to true
 4. The LaunchedEffect(isTextFieldFocusRequested) runs and requests focus on the text field
 5. This repeats until the DisposableEffect and the view is disposed.

This is preventing the RemoteInputView in the notification from getting focus and showing inline reply input area

Test: atest PlatformScenarioTests:android.platform.test.scenario.sysui.notification.NotificationRemoteInput#remoteInputReply_lockscreenPasswordLockedLifetimeExtends -- --abi arm64-v8a
Bug: 368108228
Change-Id: I06e2e0d6609ff12be830e712e46ce7bce2e39b5b
3 files changed