Add more ways to run AppLaunch.

1) Pass a list of compiler filters.
2) Pass an option to output cpu cycles and major faults from app.

bug: 73091359

Test: adb shell "am instrument -e drop_cache true -e compiler_filters \"speed-profile|verify|quicken\" -e simpleperf_app true -e apps^Maps -e launch_directory /data/local/tmp -w"

adb shell "am instrument -e drop_cache true -e simpleperf_cmd \"simpleperf stat -a\" -e apps^Maps -e launch_directory /data/local/tmp -w" Maps=1488,1850,1973,1972,1929,1947,1968,1771,2006,1912,
Test results for InstrumentationTestRunner=.
Time: 88.636

OK (1 test)

Change-Id: I61fea8c124107cbd7234f69358078780ab74c4b6
diff --git a/tests/AppLaunch/src/com/android/tests/applaunch/ b/tests/AppLaunch/src/com/android/tests/applaunch/
index 063060f..228f9bb 100644
--- a/tests/AppLaunch/src/com/android/tests/applaunch/
+++ b/tests/AppLaunch/src/com/android/tests/applaunch/
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@
     private static final int JOIN_TIMEOUT = 10000;
     private static final String TAG = AppLaunch.class.getSimpleName();
     // optional parameter: comma separated list of required account types before proceeding
     // with the app launch
     private static final String KEY_REQUIRED_ACCOUNTS = "required_accounts";
@@ -73,32 +74,36 @@
     private static final String KEY_LAUNCH_ITERATIONS = "launch_iterations";
     private static final String KEY_LAUNCH_ORDER = "launch_order";
     private static final String KEY_DROP_CACHE = "drop_cache";
-    private static final String KEY_SIMULATE_MAINTANANCE = "simulate_maintanance";
-    private static final String KEY_SIMPLEPPERF_CMD = "simpleperf_cmd";
+    private static final String KEY_SIMPLEPERF_CMD = "simpleperf_cmd";
+    private static final String KEY_SIMPLEPERF_APP = "simpleperf_app";
     private static final String KEY_TRACE_ITERATIONS = "trace_iterations";
     private static final String KEY_LAUNCH_DIRECTORY = "launch_directory";
     private static final String KEY_TRACE_DIRECTORY = "trace_directory";
     private static final String KEY_TRACE_CATEGORY = "trace_categories";
     private static final String KEY_TRACE_BUFFERSIZE = "trace_bufferSize";
     private static final String KEY_TRACE_DUMPINTERVAL = "tracedump_interval";
+    private static final String KEY_COMPILER_FILTERS = "compiler_filters";
+    private static final String SIMPLEPERF_APP_CMD =
+            "simpleperf --log fatal stat --csv -e cpu-cycles,major-faults --app %s & %s";
     private static final String WEARABLE_ACTION_GOOGLE =
-    private static final int INITIAL_LAUNCH_IDLE_TIMEOUT = 5000; //5s to allow app to idle
-    private static final int POST_LAUNCH_IDLE_TIMEOUT = 750; //750ms idle for non initial launches
-    private static final int BETWEEN_LAUNCH_SLEEP_TIMEOUT = 5000; //5s between launching apps
+    private static final int INITIAL_LAUNCH_IDLE_TIMEOUT = 5000; // 5s to allow app to idle
+    private static final int POST_LAUNCH_IDLE_TIMEOUT = 750; // 750ms idle for non initial launches
+    private static final int BETWEEN_LAUNCH_SLEEP_TIMEOUT = 5000; // 5s between launching apps
     private static final String LAUNCH_SUB_DIRECTORY = "launch_logs";
     private static final String LAUNCH_FILE = "applaunch.txt";
     private static final String TRACE_SUB_DIRECTORY = "atrace_logs";
-    private static final String DEFAULT_TRACE_CATEGORIES = "sched,freq,gfx,view,dalvik,webview,"
-            + "input,wm,disk,am,wm";
+    private static final String DEFAULT_TRACE_CATEGORIES =
+            "sched,freq,gfx,view,dalvik,webview,input,wm,disk,am,wm";
     private static final String DEFAULT_TRACE_BUFFER_SIZE = "20000";
     private static final String DEFAULT_TRACE_DUMP_INTERVAL = "10";
-    private static final String TRIAL_LAUNCH = "TRAIL_LAUNCH";
+    private static final String TRIAL_LAUNCH = "TRIAL_LAUNCH";
     private static final String DELIMITER = ",";
     private static final String DROP_CACHE_SCRIPT = "/data/local/tmp/";
     private static final String APP_LAUNCH_CMD = "am start -W -n";
     private static final String SUCCESS_MESSAGE = "Status: ok";
-    private static final String PROFILE_COMPILE_SUCCESS = "Success";
+    private static final String COMPILE_SUCCESS = "Success";
     private static final String THIS_TIME = "ThisTime:";
     private static final String LAUNCH_ITERATION = "LAUNCH_ITERATION - %d";
     private static final String TRACE_ITERATION = "TRACE_ITERATION-%d";
@@ -106,14 +111,15 @@
     private static final String TRACE_ITERATION_PREFIX = "TRACE_ITERATION";
     private static final String LAUNCH_ORDER_CYCLIC = "cyclic";
     private static final String LAUNCH_ORDER_SEQUENTIAL = "sequential";
-    private static final String SPEED_PROFILE_CMD = "cmd package compile -f -m speed-profile %s";
+    private static final String COMPILE_CMD = "cmd package compile -f -m %s %s";
+    private static final String SPEED_PROFILE_FILTER = "speed-profile";
+    private static final String VERIFY_FILTER = "verify";
+    private static final String LAUNCH_SCRIPT_NAME = "appLaunch";
     private Map<String, Intent> mNameToIntent;
     private List<LaunchOrder> mLaunchOrderList = new ArrayList<LaunchOrder>();
     private Map<String, String> mNameToResultKey;
-    private Map<String, List<Long>> mNameToLaunchTime;
+    private Map<String, Map<String, List<AppLaunchResult>>> mNameToLaunchTime;
     private IActivityManager mAm;
     private String mSimplePerfCmd = null;
     private String mLaunchOrder = null;
@@ -123,12 +129,10 @@
     private String mTraceDirectoryStr = null;
     private Bundle mResult = new Bundle();
     private Set<String> mRequiredAccounts;
-    private boolean mTrailLaunch = true;
-    private File mFile = null;
-    private FileOutputStream mOutputStream = null;
+    private boolean mTrialLaunch = false;
     private BufferedWriter mBufferedWriter = null;
-    private boolean mSimulateMaintanance = false;
+    private boolean mSimplePerfAppOnly = false;
+    private String[] mCompilerFilters = null;
     protected void setUp() throws Exception {
@@ -142,6 +146,16 @@
+    private void addLaunchResult(LaunchOrder launch, AppLaunchResult result) {
+        mNameToLaunchTime.get(launch.getApp()).get(launch.getCompilerFilter()).add(result);
+    }
+    private boolean hasFailureOnFirstLaunch(LaunchOrder launch) {
+        List<AppLaunchResult> results =
+            mNameToLaunchTime.get(launch.getApp()).get(launch.getCompilerFilter());
+        return (results.size() > 0) && (results.get(0).mLaunchTime < 0);
+    }
     public void testMeasureStartUpTime() throws RemoteException, NameNotFoundException,
             IOException, InterruptedException {
         InstrumentationTestRunner instrumentation =
@@ -149,11 +163,6 @@
         Bundle args = instrumentation.getArguments();
         mAm = ActivityManager.getService();
         String launchDirectory = args.getString(KEY_LAUNCH_DIRECTORY);
-        mTraceDirectoryStr = args.getString(KEY_TRACE_DIRECTORY);
-        mDropCache = Boolean.parseBoolean(args.getString(KEY_DROP_CACHE));
-        mSimplePerfCmd = args.getString(KEY_SIMPLEPPERF_CMD);
-        mLaunchOrder = args.getString(KEY_LAUNCH_ORDER, LAUNCH_ORDER_CYCLIC);
-        mSimulateMaintanance =  Boolean.parseBoolean(args.getString(KEY_SIMULATE_MAINTANANCE));
@@ -171,13 +180,14 @@
         try {
             File launchSubDir = new File(launchRootDir, LAUNCH_SUB_DIRECTORY);
             if (!launchSubDir.exists() && !launchSubDir.mkdirs()) {
                 throw new IOException("Unable to create the lauch file sub directory");
-            mFile = new File(launchSubDir, LAUNCH_FILE);
-            mOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(mFile);
+            File file = new File(launchSubDir, LAUNCH_FILE);
+            FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(file);
             mBufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(
-                    mOutputStream));
+                    outputStream));
             // Root directory for trace file during the launches
             File rootTrace = null;
@@ -217,70 +227,67 @@
             for (LaunchOrder launch : mLaunchOrderList) {
+                dropCache();
                 // App launch times for trial launch will not be used for final
                 // launch time calculations.
                 if (launch.getLaunchReason().equals(TRIAL_LAUNCH)) {
                     // In the "applaunch.txt" file, trail launches is referenced using
                     // "TRIAL_LAUNCH"
-                    long launchTime = startApp(launch.getApp(), true, launch.getLaunchReason());
-                    if (launchTime < 0) {
-                        List<Long> appLaunchList = new ArrayList<Long>();
-                        appLaunchList.add(-1L);
-                        mNameToLaunchTime.put(launch.getApp(), appLaunchList);
+                    String appPkgName = mNameToIntent.get(launch.getApp())
+                        .getComponent().getPackageName();
+                    if (SPEED_PROFILE_FILTER.equals(launch.getCompilerFilter())) {
+                        assertTrue(String.format("Not able to compile the app : %s", appPkgName),
+                              compileApp(VERIFY_FILTER, appPkgName));
+                    } else if (launch.getCompilerFilter() != null) {
+                        assertTrue(String.format("Not able to compile the app : %s", appPkgName),
+                              compileApp(launch.getCompilerFilter(), appPkgName));
+                    }
+                    // We only need to run a trial for the speed-profile filter, but we always
+                    // run one for "applaunch.txt" consistency.
+                    AppLaunchResult launchResult =
+                        startApp(launch.getApp(), true, launch.getLaunchReason());
+                    if (launchResult.mLaunchTime < 0) {
+                        addLaunchResult(launch, new AppLaunchResult());
                         // simply pass the app if launch isn't successful
                         // error should have already been logged by startApp
-                    closeApp(launch.getApp(), true);
-                    dropCache();
-                    if (mSimulateMaintanance) {
-                        String appPkgName = mNameToIntent.get(launch.getApp())
-                                .getComponent().getPackageName();
-                        assertTrue(String.format("Not able to speed profile the app : %s",
-                                appPkgName), profileCompileApp(appPkgName));
+                    if (SPEED_PROFILE_FILTER.equals(launch.getCompilerFilter())) {
+                        // Send SIGUSR1 to force dumping a profile.
+                        String sendSignalCommand =
+                            String.format("killall -s SIGUSR1 %s", appPkgName);
+                        getInstrumentation().getUiAutomation().executeShellCommand(
+                            sendSignalCommand);
+                        assertTrue(String.format("Not able to compile the app : %s", appPkgName),
+                              compileApp(launch.getCompilerFilter(), appPkgName));
-                    sleep(BETWEEN_LAUNCH_SLEEP_TIMEOUT);
                 // App launch times used for final calculation
-                if (launch.getLaunchReason().contains(LAUNCH_ITERATION_PREFIX)) {
-                    long launchTime = -1;
-                    if (null != mNameToLaunchTime.get(launch.getApp())) {
-                        long firstLaunchTime = mNameToLaunchTime.get(launch.getApp()).get(0);
-                        if (firstLaunchTime < 0) {
-                            // skip if the app has failures while launched first
-                            continue;
-                        }
+                else if (launch.getLaunchReason().contains(LAUNCH_ITERATION_PREFIX)) {
+                    AppLaunchResult launchResults = null;
+                    if (hasFailureOnFirstLaunch(launch)) {
+                        // skip if the app has failures while launched first
+                        continue;
                     // In the "applaunch.txt" file app launches are referenced using
                     // "LAUNCH_ITERATION - ITERATION NUM"
-                    launchTime = startApp(launch.getApp(), true, launch.getLaunchReason());
-                    if (launchTime < 0) {
+                    launchResults = startApp(launch.getApp(), true, launch.getLaunchReason());
+                    if (launchResults.mLaunchTime < 0) {
+                        addLaunchResult(launch, new AppLaunchResult());
                         // if it fails once, skip the rest of the launches
-                        List<Long> appLaunchList = new ArrayList<Long>();
-                        appLaunchList.add(-1L);
-                        mNameToLaunchTime.put(launch.getApp(), appLaunchList);
                     } else {
-                        if (null != mNameToLaunchTime.get(launch.getApp())) {
-                            mNameToLaunchTime.get(launch.getApp()).add(launchTime);
-                        } else {
-                            List<Long> appLaunchList = new ArrayList<Long>();
-                            appLaunchList.add(launchTime);
-                            mNameToLaunchTime.put(launch.getApp(), appLaunchList);
-                        }
+                        addLaunchResult(launch, launchResults);
-                    closeApp(launch.getApp(), true);
-                    dropCache();
-                    sleep(BETWEEN_LAUNCH_SLEEP_TIMEOUT);
                 // App launch times for trace launch will not be used for final
                 // launch time calculations.
-                if (launch.getLaunchReason().contains(TRACE_ITERATION_PREFIX)) {
+                else if (launch.getLaunchReason().contains(TRACE_ITERATION_PREFIX)) {
                     AtraceLogger atraceLogger = AtraceLogger
                     // Start the trace
@@ -293,11 +300,10 @@
                     } finally {
                         // Stop the trace
-                        closeApp(launch.getApp(), true);
-                        dropCache();
-                        sleep(BETWEEN_LAUNCH_SLEEP_TIMEOUT);
+                closeApp(launch.getApp(), true);
+                sleep(BETWEEN_LAUNCH_SLEEP_TIMEOUT);
         } finally {
             if (null != mBufferedWriter) {
@@ -306,29 +312,45 @@
         for (String app : mNameToResultKey.keySet()) {
-            StringBuilder launchTimes = new StringBuilder();
-            for (Long launch : mNameToLaunchTime.get(app)) {
-                launchTimes.append(launch);
-                launchTimes.append(",");
+            for (String compilerFilter : mCompilerFilters) {
+                StringBuilder launchTimes = new StringBuilder();
+                StringBuilder cpuCycles = new StringBuilder();
+                StringBuilder majorFaults = new StringBuilder();
+                for (AppLaunchResult result : mNameToLaunchTime.get(app).get(compilerFilter)) {
+                    launchTimes.append(result.mLaunchTime);
+                    launchTimes.append(",");
+                    if (mSimplePerfAppOnly) {
+                        cpuCycles.append(result.mCpuCycles);
+                        cpuCycles.append(",");
+                        majorFaults.append(result.mMajorFaults);
+                        majorFaults.append(",");
+                    }
+                }
+                String filterName = (compilerFilter == null) ? "" : ("-" + compilerFilter);
+                mResult.putString(mNameToResultKey.get(app) + filterName, launchTimes.toString());
+                if (mSimplePerfAppOnly) {
+                    mResult.putString(mNameToResultKey.get(app) + filterName + "-cpuCycles",
+                        cpuCycles.toString());
+                    mResult.putString(mNameToResultKey.get(app) + filterName + "-majorFaults",
+                        majorFaults.toString());
+                }
-            mResult.putString(mNameToResultKey.get(app), launchTimes.toString());
         instrumentation.sendStatus(0, mResult);
-     * Compile the app package using speed compile command and return true or false
+     * Compile the app package using compilerFilter and return true or false
      * based on status of the compilation command.
-    private boolean profileCompileApp(String appPkgName) throws IOException {
-        Log.i(TAG, "Starting to speed profile " + appPkgName);
+    private boolean compileApp(String compilerFilter, String appPkgName) throws IOException {
         try (ParcelFileDescriptor result = getInstrumentation().getUiAutomation().
-                executeShellCommand(String.format(SPEED_PROFILE_CMD, appPkgName));
+                executeShellCommand(String.format(COMPILE_CMD, compilerFilter, appPkgName));
                 BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
                         new FileInputStream(result.getFileDescriptor())))) {
             String line;
             while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
-                if (line.contains(PROFILE_COMPILE_SUCCESS)) {
+                if (line.contains(COMPILE_SUCCESS)) {
                     return true;
@@ -344,38 +366,42 @@
     private void setLaunchOrder() {
         if (LAUNCH_ORDER_CYCLIC.equalsIgnoreCase(mLaunchOrder)) {
-            if (mTrailLaunch) {
-                for (String app : mNameToResultKey.keySet()) {
-                    mLaunchOrderList.add(new LaunchOrder(app, TRIAL_LAUNCH));
-                }
-            }
-            for (int launchCount = 0; launchCount < mLaunchIterations; launchCount++) {
-                for (String app : mNameToResultKey.keySet()) {
-                    mLaunchOrderList.add(new LaunchOrder(app,
-                            String.format(LAUNCH_ITERATION, launchCount)));
-                }
-            }
-            if (mTraceDirectoryStr != null && !mTraceDirectoryStr.isEmpty()) {
-                for (int traceCount = 0; traceCount < mTraceLaunchCount; traceCount++) {
+            for (String compilerFilter : mCompilerFilters) {
+                if (mTrialLaunch) {
                     for (String app : mNameToResultKey.keySet()) {
-                        mLaunchOrderList.add(new LaunchOrder(app,
-                                String.format(TRACE_ITERATION, traceCount)));
+                        mLaunchOrderList.add(new LaunchOrder(app, compilerFilter, TRIAL_LAUNCH));
+                    }
+                }
+                for (int launchCount = 0; launchCount < mLaunchIterations; launchCount++) {
+                    for (String app : mNameToResultKey.keySet()) {
+                        mLaunchOrderList.add(new LaunchOrder(app, compilerFilter,
+                                  String.format(LAUNCH_ITERATION, launchCount)));
+                    }
+                }
+                if (mTraceDirectoryStr != null && !mTraceDirectoryStr.isEmpty()) {
+                    for (int traceCount = 0; traceCount < mTraceLaunchCount; traceCount++) {
+                        for (String app : mNameToResultKey.keySet()) {
+                            mLaunchOrderList.add(new LaunchOrder(app, compilerFilter,
+                                      String.format(TRACE_ITERATION, traceCount)));
+                        }
         } else if (LAUNCH_ORDER_SEQUENTIAL.equalsIgnoreCase(mLaunchOrder)) {
-            for (String app : mNameToResultKey.keySet()) {
-                if (mTrailLaunch) {
-                    mLaunchOrderList.add(new LaunchOrder(app, TRIAL_LAUNCH));
-                }
-                for (int launchCount = 0; launchCount < mLaunchIterations; launchCount++) {
-                    mLaunchOrderList.add(new LaunchOrder(app,
-                            String.format(LAUNCH_ITERATION, launchCount)));
-                }
-                if (mTraceDirectoryStr != null && !mTraceDirectoryStr.isEmpty()) {
-                    for (int traceCount = 0; traceCount < mTraceLaunchCount; traceCount++) {
-                        mLaunchOrderList.add(new LaunchOrder(app,
-                                String.format(TRACE_ITERATION, traceCount)));
+            for (String compilerFilter : mCompilerFilters) {
+                for (String app : mNameToResultKey.keySet()) {
+                    if (mTrialLaunch) {
+                        mLaunchOrderList.add(new LaunchOrder(app, compilerFilter, TRIAL_LAUNCH));
+                    }
+                    for (int launchCount = 0; launchCount < mLaunchIterations; launchCount++) {
+                        mLaunchOrderList.add(new LaunchOrder(app, compilerFilter,
+                                String.format(LAUNCH_ITERATION, launchCount)));
+                    }
+                    if (mTraceDirectoryStr != null && !mTraceDirectoryStr.isEmpty()) {
+                        for (int traceCount = 0; traceCount < mTraceLaunchCount; traceCount++) {
+                            mLaunchOrderList.add(new LaunchOrder(app, compilerFilter,
+                                    String.format(TRACE_ITERATION, traceCount)));
+                        }
@@ -385,7 +411,7 @@
     private void dropCache() {
-        if (true == mDropCache) {
+        if (mDropCache) {
             assertNotNull("Issue in dropping the cache",
@@ -394,7 +420,7 @@
     private void parseArgs(Bundle args) {
         mNameToResultKey = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
-        mNameToLaunchTime = new HashMap<String, List<Long>>();
+        mNameToLaunchTime = new HashMap<>();
         String launchIterations = args.getString(KEY_LAUNCH_ITERATIONS);
         if (launchIterations != null) {
             mLaunchIterations = Integer.parseInt(launchIterations);
@@ -421,7 +447,38 @@
-        mTrailLaunch = "true".equals(args.getString(KEY_TRIAL_LAUNCH));
+        String compilerFilterList = args.getString(KEY_COMPILER_FILTERS);
+        if (compilerFilterList != null) {
+            // If a compiler filter is passed, we make a trial launch to force compilation
+            // of the apps.
+            mTrialLaunch = true;
+            mCompilerFilters = compilerFilterList.split("\\|");
+        } else {
+            // Just pass a null compiler filter to use the current state of the app.
+            mCompilerFilters = new String[1];
+        }
+        // Pre-populate the results map to avoid null checks.
+        for (String app : mNameToLaunchTime.keySet()) {
+            HashMap<String, List<AppLaunchResult>> map = new HashMap<>();
+            mNameToLaunchTime.put(app, map);
+            for (String compilerFilter : mCompilerFilters) {
+                map.put(compilerFilter, new ArrayList<>());
+            }
+        }
+        mTraceDirectoryStr = args.getString(KEY_TRACE_DIRECTORY);
+        mDropCache = Boolean.parseBoolean(args.getString(KEY_DROP_CACHE));
+        mSimplePerfCmd = args.getString(KEY_SIMPLEPERF_CMD);
+        mLaunchOrder = args.getString(KEY_LAUNCH_ORDER, LAUNCH_ORDER_CYCLIC);
+        mSimplePerfAppOnly = Boolean.parseBoolean(args.getString(KEY_SIMPLEPERF_APP));
+        mTrialLaunch = mTrialLaunch || Boolean.parseBoolean(args.getString(KEY_TRIAL_LAUNCH));
+        if (mSimplePerfCmd != null && mSimplePerfAppOnly) {
+            Log.w(TAG, String.format("Passing both %s and %s is not supported, ignoring %s",
+        }
     private boolean hasLeanback(Context context) {
@@ -465,17 +522,17 @@
-    private long startApp(String appName, boolean forceStopBeforeLaunch, String launchReason)
-            throws NameNotFoundException, RemoteException {
+    private AppLaunchResult startApp(String appName, boolean forceStopBeforeLaunch,
+            String launchReason) throws NameNotFoundException, RemoteException {
         Log.i(TAG, "Starting " + appName);
         Intent startIntent = mNameToIntent.get(appName);
         if (startIntent == null) {
             Log.w(TAG, "App does not exist: " + appName);
             mResult.putString(mNameToResultKey.get(appName), "App does not exist");
-            return -1L;
+            return new AppLaunchResult();
-        AppLaunchRunnable runnable = new AppLaunchRunnable(startIntent, forceStopBeforeLaunch ,
+        AppLaunchRunnable runnable = new AppLaunchRunnable(startIntent, forceStopBeforeLaunch,
         Thread t = new Thread(runnable);
@@ -569,10 +626,12 @@
     private class LaunchOrder {
         private String mApp;
+        private String mCompilerFilter;
         private String mLaunchReason;
-        LaunchOrder(String app,String launchReason){
+        LaunchOrder(String app, String compilerFilter, String launchReason){
             mApp = app;
+            mCompilerFilter = compilerFilter;
             mLaunchReason = launchReason;
@@ -584,6 +643,10 @@
             mApp = app;
+        public String getCompilerFilter() {
+            return mCompilerFilter;
+        }
         public String getLaunchReason() {
             return mLaunchReason;
@@ -593,9 +656,31 @@
+    private class AppLaunchResult {
+        long mLaunchTime;
+        long mCpuCycles;
+        long mMajorFaults;
+        AppLaunchResult() {
+            mLaunchTime = -1L;
+            mCpuCycles = -1L;
+            mMajorFaults = -1L;
+        }
+        AppLaunchResult(String launchTime, String cpuCycles, String majorFaults) {
+            try {
+                mLaunchTime = Long.parseLong(launchTime, 10);
+                mCpuCycles = Long.parseLong(cpuCycles, 10);
+                mMajorFaults = Long.parseLong(majorFaults, 10);
+            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
+                Log.e(TAG, "Error parsing result", e);
+            }
+        }
+    }
     private class AppLaunchRunnable implements Runnable {
         private Intent mLaunchIntent;
-        private Long mResult;
+        private AppLaunchResult mLaunchResult;
         private boolean mForceStopBeforeLaunch;
         private String mLaunchReason;
@@ -604,14 +689,15 @@
             mLaunchIntent = intent;
             mForceStopBeforeLaunch = forceStopBeforeLaunch;
             mLaunchReason = launchReason;
-            mResult = -1L;
+            mLaunchResult = new AppLaunchResult();
-        public Long getResult() {
-            return mResult;
+        public AppLaunchResult getResult() {
+            return mLaunchResult;
         public void run() {
+            File launchFile = null;
             try {
                 String packageName = mLaunchIntent.getComponent().getPackageName();
                 String componentName = mLaunchIntent.getComponent().flattenToShortString();
@@ -619,17 +705,38 @@
                     mAm.forceStopPackage(packageName, UserHandle.USER_CURRENT);
                 String launchCmd = String.format("%s %s", APP_LAUNCH_CMD, componentName);
-                if (null != mSimplePerfCmd) {
+                if (mSimplePerfAppOnly) {
+                    try {
+                        // executeShellCommand cannot handle shell specific actions, like '&'.
+                        // Therefore, we create a file containing the command and make that
+                        // the command to launch.
+                        launchFile = File.createTempFile(LAUNCH_SCRIPT_NAME, ".sh");
+                        launchFile.setExecutable(true);
+                        try (FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(launchFile);
+                             BufferedWriter writer =
+                                new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(stream))) {
+                            String cmd = String.format(SIMPLEPERF_APP_CMD, packageName, launchCmd);
+                            writer.write(cmd);
+                        }
+                        launchCmd = launchFile.getAbsolutePath();
+                    } catch (IOException e) {
+                        Log.w(TAG, "Error writing the launch command", e);
+                        return;
+                    }
+                } else if (null != mSimplePerfCmd) {
                     launchCmd = String.format("%s %s", mSimplePerfCmd, launchCmd);
                 Log.v(TAG, "Final launch cmd:" + launchCmd);
                 ParcelFileDescriptor parcelDesc = getInstrumentation().getUiAutomation()
-                mResult = Long.parseLong(parseLaunchTimeAndWrite(parcelDesc, String.format
-                        ("App Launch :%s %s",
-                                componentName, mLaunchReason)), 10);
+                mLaunchResult = parseLaunchTimeAndWrite(parcelDesc, String.format
+                        ("App Launch :%s %s", componentName, mLaunchReason));
             } catch (RemoteException e) {
                 Log.w(TAG, "Error launching app", e);
+            } finally {
+                if (launchFile != null) {
+                    launchFile.delete();
+                }
@@ -639,12 +746,14 @@
          * @param parcelDesc
          * @return
-        private String parseLaunchTimeAndWrite(ParcelFileDescriptor parcelDesc, String headerInfo) {
+        private AppLaunchResult parseLaunchTimeAndWrite(ParcelFileDescriptor parcelDesc,
+                String headerInfo) {
             String launchTime = "-1";
+            String cpuCycles = "-1";
+            String majorFaults = "-1";
             boolean launchSuccess = false;
             try {
                 InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(parcelDesc.getFileDescriptor());
-                StringBuilder appLaunchOuput = new StringBuilder();
                 /* SAMPLE OUTPUT :
                 Starting: Intent { }
                 Status: ok
@@ -653,6 +762,11 @@
                 TotalTime: 357
                 WaitTime: 377
+                /* WITH SIMPLEPERF :
+                Performance counter statistics,
+                6595722690,cpu-cycles,4.511040,GHz,(100%),
+                0,major-faults,0.000,/sec,(100%),
+                Total test time,1.462129,seconds,*/
                 BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
                 String line = null;
@@ -669,6 +783,23 @@
                         String launchSplit[] = line.split(":");
                         launchTime = launchSplit[1].trim();
+                    if (mSimplePerfAppOnly) {
+                        // Parse simpleperf output.
+                        if (lineCount == 9) {
+                            if (!line.contains("cpu-cycles")) {
+                                Log.e(TAG, "Error in simpleperf output");
+                            } else {
+                                cpuCycles = line.split(",")[0].trim();
+                            }
+                        } else if (lineCount == 10) {
+                            if (!line.contains("major-faults")) {
+                                Log.e(TAG, "Error in simpleperf output");
+                            } else {
+                                majorFaults = line.split(",")[0].trim();
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
@@ -678,7 +809,7 @@
             } catch (IOException e) {
                 Log.w(TAG, "Error writing the launch file", e);
-            return launchTime;
+            return new AppLaunchResult(launchTime, cpuCycles, majorFaults);