Refactor satellite APIs

1. Add description to clarify if isSatelliteSupported is affected by
   provisioning status.
2. Renamed SatelliteStateCallback to SatelliteModemStateCallback as it
   accepts modem state change event only.
3. Member varialbes in AntennaPosition become private from default.
4. Added descriptions about range info that can be returned for PointingInfo
5. Added description for SatelliteDatagramCallback

Bug: 297933128
Flag: NONE
Test: atest SatelliteManagerTest, SatelliteManagerTestonMockService,
SatelliteSessionControllerTest, RadioOnStateListenerTest
Test: manual test using testSatelliteApp

Change-Id: I94d9c9813e5eece77d17b0f2c6c1983c71180619
11 files changed