InputSettingsObserver: Decouple key repeat settings from long press

Key repeat settings are now independent from long press settings, so
remove the code that handled the case where key repeat settings were
dependent on the long press settings as a fallback.

Bug: 310657006
Test: adb shell settings put secure key_repeat_timeout <value>
Change-Id: I16f1276cf04c7b2b4b794900cc498d3a1174feed
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/input/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/input/
index aab491e..8e0289e 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/input/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/input/
@@ -47,9 +47,6 @@
     private final NativeInputManagerService mNative;
     private final Map<Uri, Consumer<String /* reason*/>> mObservers;
-    // Cache prevent notifying same KeyRepeatInfo data to native code multiple times.
-    private KeyRepeatInfo mLastKeyRepeatInfoSettingsUpdate;
     InputSettingsObserver(Context context, Handler handler, InputManagerService service,
             NativeInputManagerService nativeIms) {
@@ -84,9 +81,9 @@
                         (reason) -> updateShowKeyPresses()),
-                        (reason) -> updateKeyRepeatInfo(getLatestLongPressTimeoutValue())),
+                        (reason) -> updateKeyRepeatInfo()),
-                        (reason) -> updateKeyRepeatInfo(getLatestLongPressTimeoutValue())),
+                        (reason) -> updateKeyRepeatInfo()),
                         (reason) -> updateShowRotaryInput()));
@@ -182,46 +179,32 @@
     private void updateLongPressTimeout(String reason) {
-        final int longPressTimeoutValue = getLatestLongPressTimeoutValue();
-        // Before the key repeat timeout was introduced, some users relied on changing
-        // LONG_PRESS_TIMEOUT settings to also change the key repeat timeout. To support this
-        // backward compatibility, we'll preemptively update key repeat info here, in case where
-        // key repeat timeout was never set, and user is still relying on long press timeout value.
-        updateKeyRepeatInfo(longPressTimeoutValue);
+        // Not using ViewConfiguration.getLongPressTimeout here because it may return a stale value.
+        final int longPressTimeoutMs = Settings.Secure.getIntForUser(mContext.getContentResolver(),
+                Settings.Secure.LONG_PRESS_TIMEOUT, ViewConfiguration.DEFAULT_LONG_PRESS_TIMEOUT,
+                UserHandle.USER_CURRENT);
         final boolean featureEnabledFlag =
                         DEEP_PRESS_ENABLED, true /* default */);
         final boolean enabled =
-                        && longPressTimeoutValue <= ViewConfiguration.DEFAULT_LONG_PRESS_TIMEOUT;
+                        && longPressTimeoutMs <= ViewConfiguration.DEFAULT_LONG_PRESS_TIMEOUT;
         Log.i(TAG, (enabled ? "Enabling" : "Disabling") + " motion classifier because " + reason
                 + ": feature " + (featureEnabledFlag ? "enabled" : "disabled")
-                + ", long press timeout = " + longPressTimeoutValue);
+                + ", long press timeout = " + longPressTimeoutMs + " ms");
-    private void updateKeyRepeatInfo(int fallbackKeyRepeatTimeoutValue) {
-        // Not using ViewConfiguration.getKeyRepeatTimeout here because it may return a stale value.
+    private void updateKeyRepeatInfo() {
+        // Use ViewConfiguration getters only as fallbacks because they may return stale values.
         final int timeoutMs = Settings.Secure.getIntForUser(mContext.getContentResolver(),
-                Settings.Secure.KEY_REPEAT_TIMEOUT_MS, fallbackKeyRepeatTimeoutValue,
+                Settings.Secure.KEY_REPEAT_TIMEOUT_MS, ViewConfiguration.getKeyRepeatTimeout(),
         final int delayMs = Settings.Secure.getIntForUser(mContext.getContentResolver(),
                 Settings.Secure.KEY_REPEAT_DELAY_MS, ViewConfiguration.getKeyRepeatDelay(),
-        if (mLastKeyRepeatInfoSettingsUpdate == null || !mLastKeyRepeatInfoSettingsUpdate.isEqualTo(
-                timeoutMs, delayMs)) {
-            mNative.setKeyRepeatConfiguration(timeoutMs, delayMs);
-            mLastKeyRepeatInfoSettingsUpdate = new KeyRepeatInfo(timeoutMs, delayMs);
-        }
-    }
-    // Not using ViewConfiguration.getLongPressTimeout here because it may return a stale value.
-    private int getLatestLongPressTimeoutValue() {
-        return Settings.Secure.getIntForUser(mContext.getContentResolver(),
-                Settings.Secure.LONG_PRESS_TIMEOUT, ViewConfiguration.DEFAULT_LONG_PRESS_TIMEOUT,
-                UserHandle.USER_CURRENT);
+        mNative.setKeyRepeatConfiguration(timeoutMs, delayMs);
     private void updateMaximumObscuringOpacityForTouch() {
@@ -233,19 +216,4 @@
-    private static class KeyRepeatInfo {
-        private final int mKeyRepeatTimeoutMs;
-        private final int mKeyRepeatDelayMs;
-        private KeyRepeatInfo(int keyRepeatTimeoutMs, int keyRepeatDelayMs) {
-            this.mKeyRepeatTimeoutMs = keyRepeatTimeoutMs;
-            this.mKeyRepeatDelayMs = keyRepeatDelayMs;
-        }
-        public boolean isEqualTo(int keyRepeatTimeoutMs, int keyRepeatDelayMs) {
-            return mKeyRepeatTimeoutMs == keyRepeatTimeoutMs
-                    && mKeyRepeatDelayMs == keyRepeatDelayMs;
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/tests/Input/src/com/android/server/input/InputManagerServiceTests.kt b/tests/Input/src/com/android/server/input/InputManagerServiceTests.kt
index 93a5582..c1784f3 100644
--- a/tests/Input/src/com/android/server/input/InputManagerServiceTests.kt
+++ b/tests/Input/src/com/android/server/input/InputManagerServiceTests.kt
@@ -149,7 +149,9 @@
-        verify(native).setKeyRepeatConfiguration(anyInt(), anyInt())
+        // Called twice at boot, since there are individual callbacks to update the
+        // key repeat timeout and the key repeat delay.
+        verify(native, times(2)).setKeyRepeatConfiguration(anyInt(), anyInt())