RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Add 1/16th pixel offset when drawing non-AA points/lines

This nudge ensures that pixel-aligned non-AA'd draws fill the desired

Coupled with, we're moving this logic from
Skia to Android so that the prerotation matrix can be properly accounted
for. Offseting only in Skia without accounting for prerotation  meant
the device-space Y offset could be applied in the wrong direction when
using Vulkan.

Equivalent change in T: Idfb5027fe3230f2c2b0cad224f2c7640e147ce4a

Bug: 254771190
Test: android.uirendering.cts.testclasses.ExactCanvasTests#testDrawLine
Change-Id: I975b62510a36312a395d1e254474bca726a9445d
(cherry picked from commit 7f785ebd57cf129bb39e89237fba541912ce3649)
diff --git a/libs/hwui/renderthread/VulkanSurface.cpp b/libs/hwui/renderthread/VulkanSurface.cpp
index 21b6c44..a8da04b 100644
--- a/libs/hwui/renderthread/VulkanSurface.cpp
+++ b/libs/hwui/renderthread/VulkanSurface.cpp
@@ -63,6 +63,18 @@
     return SkMatrix::I();
+static SkM44 GetPixelSnapMatrix(SkISize windowSize, int transform) {
+    // Small (~1/16th) nudge to ensure that pixel-aligned non-AA'd draws fill the
+    // desired fragment
+    static const SkScalar kOffset = 0.063f;
+    SkMatrix preRotation = GetPreTransformMatrix(windowSize, transform);
+    SkMatrix invert;
+    LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(!preRotation.invert(&invert));
+    return SkM44::Translate(kOffset, kOffset)
+            .postConcat(SkM44(preRotation))
+            .preConcat(SkM44(invert));
 static bool ConnectAndSetWindowDefaults(ANativeWindow* window) {
@@ -178,6 +190,8 @@
     outWindowInfo->preTransform =
             GetPreTransformMatrix(outWindowInfo->size, outWindowInfo->transform);
+    outWindowInfo->pixelSnapMatrix =
+            GetPixelSnapMatrix(outWindowInfo->size, outWindowInfo->transform);
     err = window->query(window, NATIVE_WINDOW_MIN_UNDEQUEUED_BUFFERS, &query_value);
     if (err != 0 || query_value < 0) {
@@ -413,6 +427,7 @@
         mWindowInfo.preTransform = GetPreTransformMatrix(mWindowInfo.size, mWindowInfo.transform);
+        mWindowInfo.pixelSnapMatrix = GetPixelSnapMatrix(mWindowInfo.size, mWindowInfo.transform);
     uint32_t idx;