Merge "Stop requesting focus to the input text field if authentication was successful" into main
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/multivalentTests/src/com/android/systemui/bouncer/ui/viewmodel/PasswordBouncerViewModelTest.kt b/packages/SystemUI/multivalentTests/src/com/android/systemui/bouncer/ui/viewmodel/PasswordBouncerViewModelTest.kt
index 492543f..af3ddfc 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/multivalentTests/src/com/android/systemui/bouncer/ui/viewmodel/PasswordBouncerViewModelTest.kt
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/multivalentTests/src/com/android/systemui/bouncer/ui/viewmodel/PasswordBouncerViewModelTest.kt
@@ -310,6 +310,41 @@
+    @Test
+    fun afterSuccessfulAuthentication_focusIsNotRequested() =
+        testScope.runTest {
+            val authResult by collectLastValue(authenticationInteractor.onAuthenticationResult)
+            val textInputFocusRequested by collectLastValue(underTest.isTextFieldFocusRequested)
+            lockDeviceAndOpenPasswordBouncer()
+            // remove focus from text field
+            underTest.onTextFieldFocusChanged(false)
+            runCurrent()
+            // focus should be requested
+            assertThat(textInputFocusRequested).isTrue()
+            // simulate text field getting focus
+            underTest.onTextFieldFocusChanged(true)
+            runCurrent()
+            // focus should not be requested anymore
+            assertThat(textInputFocusRequested).isFalse()
+            // authenticate successfully.
+            underTest.onPasswordInputChanged("password")
+            underTest.onAuthenticateKeyPressed()
+            runCurrent()
+            assertThat(authResult).isTrue()
+            // remove focus from text field
+            underTest.onTextFieldFocusChanged(false)
+            runCurrent()
+            // focus should not be requested again
+            assertThat(textInputFocusRequested).isFalse()
+        }
     private fun TestScope.switchToScene(toScene: SceneKey) {
         val currentScene by collectLastValue(sceneInteractor.currentScene)
         val bouncerHidden = currentScene == Scenes.Bouncer && toScene != Scenes.Bouncer
@@ -327,10 +362,7 @@
-    private suspend fun TestScope.setLockout(
-        isLockedOut: Boolean,
-        failedAttemptCount: Int = 5,
-    ) {
+    private suspend fun TestScope.setLockout(isLockedOut: Boolean, failedAttemptCount: Int = 5) {
         if (isLockedOut) {
             repeat(failedAttemptCount) {
@@ -350,7 +382,7 @@
         kosmos.fakeUserRepository.selectedUser.value =
                 userInfo = userInfo,
-                selectionStatus = SelectionStatus.SELECTION_COMPLETE
+                selectionStatus = SelectionStatus.SELECTION_COMPLETE,
@@ -374,7 +406,7 @@
             subtypes =
                 List(auxiliarySubtypes + nonAuxiliarySubtypes) {
                     InputMethodModel.Subtype(subtypeId = it, isAuxiliary = it < auxiliarySubtypes)
-                }
+                },
@@ -383,9 +415,6 @@
         private const val WRONG_PASSWORD = "Wrong password"
         private val USER_INFOS =
-            listOf(
-                UserInfo(100, "First user", 0),
-                UserInfo(101, "Second user", 0),
-            )
+            listOf(UserInfo(100, "First user", 0), UserInfo(101, "Second user", 0))
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/bouncer/ui/viewmodel/AuthMethodBouncerViewModel.kt b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/bouncer/ui/viewmodel/AuthMethodBouncerViewModel.kt
index 873d1b3..4185aed 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/bouncer/ui/viewmodel/AuthMethodBouncerViewModel.kt
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/bouncer/ui/viewmodel/AuthMethodBouncerViewModel.kt
@@ -86,6 +86,9 @@
             _animateFailure.value = authenticationResult != AuthenticationResult.SUCCEEDED
+            if (authenticationResult == AuthenticationResult.SUCCEEDED) {
+                onSuccessfulAuthentication()
+            }
@@ -116,6 +119,9 @@
     /** Returns the input entered so far. */
     protected abstract fun getInput(): List<Any>
+    /** Invoked after a successful authentication. */
+    protected open fun onSuccessfulAuthentication() = Unit
     /** Perform authentication result haptics */
     private fun performAuthenticationHapticFeedback(result: AuthenticationResult) {
         if (result == AuthenticationResult.SKIPPED) return
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/bouncer/ui/viewmodel/PasswordBouncerViewModel.kt b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/bouncer/ui/viewmodel/PasswordBouncerViewModel.kt
index 2493cf1..1427d78 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/bouncer/ui/viewmodel/PasswordBouncerViewModel.kt
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/src/com/android/systemui/bouncer/ui/viewmodel/PasswordBouncerViewModel.kt
@@ -81,50 +81,59 @@
     val selectedUserId: StateFlow<Int> = _selectedUserId.asStateFlow()
     private val requests = Channel<Request>(Channel.BUFFERED)
+    private var wasSuccessfullyAuthenticated = false
     override suspend fun onActivated(): Nothing {
-        coroutineScope {
-            launch { super.onActivated() }
-            launch {
-                requests.receiveAsFlow().collect { request ->
-                    when (request) {
-                        is OnImeSwitcherButtonClicked -> {
-                            inputMethodInteractor.showInputMethodPicker(
-                                displayId = request.displayId,
-                                showAuxiliarySubtypes = false,
-                            )
-                        }
-                        is OnImeDismissed -> {
-                            interactor.onImeHiddenByUser()
+        try {
+            coroutineScope {
+                launch { super.onActivated() }
+                launch {
+                    requests.receiveAsFlow().collect { request ->
+                        when (request) {
+                            is OnImeSwitcherButtonClicked -> {
+                                inputMethodInteractor.showInputMethodPicker(
+                                    displayId = request.displayId,
+                                    showAuxiliarySubtypes = false,
+                                )
+                            }
+                            is OnImeDismissed -> {
+                                interactor.onImeHiddenByUser()
+                            }
+                launch {
+                    combine(isInputEnabled, isTextFieldFocused) { hasInput, hasFocus ->
+                            hasInput && !hasFocus && !wasSuccessfullyAuthenticated
+                        }
+                        .collect { _isTextFieldFocusRequested.value = it }
+                }
+                launch {
+                    selectedUserInteractor.selectedUser.collect { _selectedUserId.value = it }
+                }
+                launch {
+                    // Re-fetch the currently-enabled IMEs whenever the selected user changes, and
+                    // whenever
+                    // the UI subscribes to the `isImeSwitcherButtonVisible` flow.
+                    combine(
+                            // InputMethodManagerService sometimes takes
+                            // some time to update its internal state when the
+                            // selected user changes.
+                            // As a workaround, delay fetching the IME info.
+                            selectedUserInteractor.selectedUser.onEach {
+                                delay(DELAY_TO_FETCH_IMES)
+                            },
+                            _isImeSwitcherButtonVisible.onSubscriberAdded(),
+                        ) { selectedUserId, _ ->
+                            inputMethodInteractor.hasMultipleEnabledImesOrSubtypes(selectedUserId)
+                        }
+                        .collect { _isImeSwitcherButtonVisible.value = it }
+                }
+                awaitCancellation()
-            launch {
-                combine(isInputEnabled, isTextFieldFocused) { hasInput, hasFocus ->
-                        hasInput && !hasFocus
-                    }
-                    .collect { _isTextFieldFocusRequested.value = it }
-            }
-            launch { selectedUserInteractor.selectedUser.collect { _selectedUserId.value = it } }
-            launch {
-                // Re-fetch the currently-enabled IMEs whenever the selected user changes, and
-                // whenever
-                // the UI subscribes to the `isImeSwitcherButtonVisible` flow.
-                combine(
-                        // InputMethodManagerService sometimes takes some time to update its
-                        // internal
-                        // state when the selected user changes. As a workaround, delay fetching the
-                        // IME
-                        // info.
-                        selectedUserInteractor.selectedUser.onEach { delay(DELAY_TO_FETCH_IMES) },
-                        _isImeSwitcherButtonVisible.onSubscriberAdded()
-                    ) { selectedUserId, _ ->
-                        inputMethodInteractor.hasMultipleEnabledImesOrSubtypes(selectedUserId)
-                    }
-                    .collect { _isImeSwitcherButtonVisible.value = it }
-            }
-            awaitCancellation()
+        } finally {
+            // reset whenever the view model is "deactivated"
+            wasSuccessfullyAuthenticated = false
@@ -141,6 +150,10 @@
         return _password.value.toCharArray().toList()
+    override fun onSuccessfulAuthentication() {
+        wasSuccessfullyAuthenticated = true
+    }
     /** Notifies that the user has changed the password input. */
     fun onPasswordInputChanged(newPassword: String) {
         if (newPassword.isNotEmpty()) {