blob: b6e4e0de8cf7bb794d63c84d58ee3383955e10c6 [file] [log] [blame] [view]
# Usage
There are two ways to use the `uinput` command:
* **Recommended:** `uinput -` reads commands from standard input until End-of-File (Ctrl+D) is sent.
This mode can be used interactively from a terminal or used to control uinput from another program
or app (such as the CTS tests via [`UinputDevice`][UinputDevice]).
* `uinput <filename>` reads commands from a file instead of standard input.
There are also two supported input formats, described in the sections below. The tool will
automatically detect which format is being used.
## evemu recording format (recommended)
`uinput` supports the evemu format, as used by the [FreeDesktop project's evemu suite][FreeDesktop].
This is a simple text-based format compatible with recording and replay tools on other platforms.
However, it only supports playback of events from one device from a single recording. Recordings can
be made using the `evemu-record` command on Android or other Linux-based OSes.
## JSON-like format
The other supported format is JSON-based, though the parser is in [lenient mode] to allow comments,
and integers can be specified in hexadecimal (e.g. `0xABCD`). The input file (or standard input) can
contain multiple commands, which will be executed in sequence. Simply add multiple JSON objects to
the file, one after the other without separators:
"id": 1,
"command": "register",
// ...
"id": 1,
"command": "delay",
// ...
Many examples of command files can be found [in the CTS tests][cts-example-jsons].
[lenient mode]:
### Command reference
#### `register`
Register a new uinput device
| Field | Type | Description |
|:----------------:|:--------------:|:-------------------------- |
| `id` | integer | Device ID |
| `command` | string | Must be set to "register" |
| `name` | string | Device name |
| `vid` | 16-bit integer | Vendor ID |
| `pid` | 16-bit integer | Product ID |
| `bus` | string | Bus that device should use |
| `port` | string | `phys` value to report |
| `configuration` | object array | uinput device configuration|
| `ff_effects_max` | integer | `ff_effects_max` value |
| `abs_info` | array | Absolute axes information |
`id` is used for matching the subsequent commands to a specific device to avoid ambiguity when
multiple devices are registered.
`bus` is used to determine how the uinput device is connected to the host. The options are `"usb"`
and `"bluetooth"`.
Device configuration is used to configure the uinput device. The `type` field provides a `UI_SET_*`
control code as an integer value or a string label (e.g. `"UI_SET_EVBIT"`), and data is a vector of
control values to be sent to the uinput device, which depends on the control code.
| Field | Type | Description |
| `type` | integer\|string | `UI_SET_` control type |
| `data` | integer\|string array | control values |
Due to the sequential nature in which this is parsed, the `type` field must be specified before
the `data` field in this JSON Object.
`ff_effects_max` must be provided if `UI_SET_FFBIT` is used in `configuration`.
`abs_info` fields are provided to set the device axes information. It is an array of below objects:
| Field | Type | Description |
| `code` | integer\|string | Axis code or label |
| `info` | object | Axis information object |
The axis information object is defined as below, with the fields having the same meaning as those
Linux's [`struct input_absinfo`][struct input_absinfo]:
| Field | Type | Description |
|:-------------:|:-------------:|:-------------------------- |
| `value` | integer | Latest reported value |
| `minimum` | integer | Minimum value for the axis |
| `maximum` | integer | Maximum value for the axis |
| `fuzz` | integer | fuzz value for noise filter|
| `flat` | integer | values to be discarded |
| `resolution` | integer | resolution of axis |
"id": 1,
"command": "register",
"name": "Keyboard (Test)",
"vid": 0x18d2,
"pid": 0x2c42,
"bus": "usb",
{"type":"UI_SET_EVBIT", "data":["EV_KEY", "EV_FF"]},
{"type":"UI_SET_KEYBIT", "data":["KEY_0", "KEY_1", "KEY_2", "KEY_3"]},
{"type":"UI_SET_ABSBIT", "data":["ABS_Y", "ABS_WHEEL"]},
{"type":"UI_SET_FFBIT", "data":["FF_RUMBLE"]}
"ff_effects_max" : 1,
"abs_info": [
{"code":"ABS_Y", "info": {"value":20, "minimum":-255,
"maximum":255, "fuzz":0, "flat":0, "resolution":1}
{"code":"ABS_WHEEL", "info": {"value":-50, "minimum":-255,
"maximum":255, "fuzz":0, "flat":0, "resolution":1}
[struct input_absinfo]:
##### Waiting for registration
After the command is sent, there will be a delay before the device is set up by the Android input
stack, and `uinput` does not wait for that process to finish. Any commands sent to the device during
that time will be dropped. If you are controlling `uinput` by sending commands through standard
input from an app, you need to wait for [`onInputDeviceAdded`][onInputDeviceAdded] to be called on
an `InputDeviceListener` before issuing commands to the device. If you are passing a file to
`uinput`, add a `delay` after the `register` command to let registration complete. You can add a
`sync` in certain positions, like at the end of the file to get a response when all commands have
finished processing.
##### Unregistering the device
As soon as EOF is reached (either in interactive mode, or in file mode), the device that was created
will be unregistered. There is no explicit command for unregistering a device.
#### `delay`
Add a delay to command processing
| Field | Type | Description |
|:-------------:|:-------------:|:-------------------------- |
| `id` | integer | Device ID |
| `command` | string | Must be set to "delay" |
| `duration` | integer | Delay in milliseconds |
"id": 1,
"command": "delay",
"duration": 10
#### `inject`
Send an array of uinput event packets to the uinput device
| Field | Type | Description |
|:-------------:|:---------------------:|:-------------------------- |
| `id` | integer | Device ID |
| `command` | string | Must be set to "inject" |
| `events` | integer\|string array | events to inject |
The `events` parameter is an array of integers in sets of three: a type, an axis code, and an axis
value, like you'd find in Linux's `struct input_event`. For example, sending presses of the 0 and 1
keys would look like this:
"id": 1,
"command": "inject",
"events": ["EV_KEY", "KEY_0", 1,
"EV_KEY", "KEY_0", 0,
"EV_KEY", "KEY_1", 1,
"EV_KEY", "KEY_1", 0,
#### `sync`
A command used to get a response once the command is processed. When several `inject` and `delay`
commands are used in a row, the `sync` command can be used to track the progress of the command
| Field | Type | Description |
| `id` | integer | Device ID |
| `command` | string | Must be set to "sync" |
| `syncToken` | string | The token used to identify this sync command |
"id": 1,
"command": "syncToken",
"syncToken": "finished_injecting_events"
This command will result in the following response when it is processed:
"id": 1,
"result": "sync",
"syncToken": "finished_injecting_events"
## Notes
The `getevent` utility can used to print out the key events for debugging purposes.