| # Status Bar Data Pipeline |
| |
| ## Background |
| |
| The status bar is the UI shown at the top of the user's screen that gives them |
| information about the time, notifications, and system status like mobile |
| conectivity and battery level. This document is about the implementation of the |
| wifi and mobile system icons on the right side: |
| |
|  |
| |
| In Android U, the data pipeline that determines what mobile and wifi icons to |
| show in the status bar has been re-written with a new architecture. This format |
| generally follows Android best practices to |
| [app architecture](https://developer.android.com/topic/architecture#recommended-app-arch). |
| This document serves as a guide for the new architecture, and as a guide for how |
| OEMs can add customizations to the new architecture. |
| |
| ## Architecture |
| |
| In the new architecture, there is a separate pipeline for each type of icon. For |
| Android U, **only the wifi icon and mobile icons have been implemented in the |
| new architecture**. |
| |
| As shown in the Android best practices guide, each new pipeline has a data |
| layer, a domain layer, and a UI layer: |
| |
|  |
| |
| The classes in the data layer are `repository` instances. The classes in the |
| domain layer are `interactor` instances. The classes in the UI layer are |
| `viewmodel` instances and `viewbinder` instances. In this document, "repository" |
| and "data layer" will be used interchangably (and the same goes for the other |
| layers). |
| |
| The wifi logic is in `statusbar/pipeline/wifi` and the mobile logic is in |
| `statusbar/pipeline/mobile`. |
| |
| #### Repository (data layer) |
| |
| System callbacks, broadcast receivers, configuration values are all defined |
| here, and exposed through the appropriate interface. Where appropriate, we |
| define `Model` objects at this layer so that clients do not have to rely on |
| system-defined interfaces. |
| |
| #### Interactor (domain layer) |
| |
| Here is where we define the business logic and transform the data layer objects |
| into something consumable by the ViewModel classes. For example, |
| `MobileIconsInteractor` defines the CBRS filtering logic by exposing a |
| `filteredSubscriptions` list. |
| |
| #### ViewModel (UI layer) |
| |
| View models should define the final piece of business logic mapping to UI logic. |
| For example, the mobile view model checks the `IconInteractor.isRoaming` flow to |
| decide whether or not to show the roaming indicator. |
| |
| #### ViewBinder |
| |
| These have already been implemented and configured. ViewBinders replace the old |
| `applyMobileState` mechanism that existed in the `IconManager` classes of the |
| old pipeline. A view binder associates a ViewModel with a View, and keeps the |
| view up-to-date with the most recent information from the model. |
| |
| Any new fields added to the ViewModel classes need to be equivalently bound to |
| the view here. |
| |
| ### Putting it all together |
| |
| Putting that altogether, we have this overall architecture diagram for the |
| icons: |
| |
|  |
| |
| ### Mobile icons architecture |
| |
| Because there can be multiple mobile connections at the same time, the mobile |
| pipeline is split up hierarchically. At each level (data, domain, and UI), there |
| is a singleton parent class that manages information relevant to **all** mobile |
| connections, and multiple instances of child classes that manage information for |
| a **single** mobile connection. |
| |
| For example, `MobileConnectionsRepository` is a singleton at the data layer that |
| stores information relevant to **all** mobile connections, and it also manages a |
| list of child `MobileConnectionRepository` classes. `MobileConnectionRepository` |
| is **not** a singleton, and each individual `MobileConnectionRepository` |
| instance fully qualifies the state of a **single** connection. This pattern is |
| repeated at the `Interactor` and `ViewModel` layers for mobile. |
| |
|  |
| |
| Note: Since there is at most one wifi connection, the wifi pipeline is not split |
| up in the same way. |
| |
| ## Customizations |
| |
| The new pipeline completely replaces these classes: |
| |
| * `WifiStatusTracker` |
| * `MobileStatusTracker` |
| * `NetworkSignalController` and `NetworkSignalControllerImpl` |
| * `MobileSignalController` |
| * `WifiSignalController` |
| * `StatusBarSignalPolicy` (including `SignalIconState`, `MobileIconState`, and |
| `WifiIconState`) |
| |
| Any customizations in any of these classes will need to be migrated to the new |
| pipeline. As a general rule, any change that would have gone into |
| `NetworkControllerImpl` would be done in `MobileConnectionsRepository`, and any |
| change for `MobileSignalController` can be done in `MobileConnectionRepository` |
| (see above on the relationship between those repositories). |
| |
| ### Sample customization: New service |
| |
| Some customizations require listening to additional services to get additional |
| data. This new architecture makes it easy to add additional services to the |
| status bar data pipeline to get icon customizations. |
| |
| Below is a general guide to how a new service should be added. However, there |
| may be exceptions to this guide for specific use cases. |
| |
| 1. In the data layer (`repository` classes), add a new `StateFlow` that listens |
| to the service: |
| |
| ```kotlin |
| class MobileConnectionsRepositoryImpl { |
| ... |
| val fooVal: StateFlow<Int> = |
| conflatedCallbackFlow { |
| val callback = object : FooServiceCallback(), FooListener { |
| override fun onFooChanged(foo: Int) { |
| trySend(foo) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| fooService.registerCallback(callback) |
| |
| awaitClose { fooService.unregisterCallback(callback) } |
| } |
| .stateIn(scope, started = SharingStarted.WhileSubscribed(), FOO_DEFAULT_VAL) |
| } |
| ``` |
| |
| 1. In the domain layer (`interactor` classes), either use this new flow to |
| process values, or just expose the flow as-is for the UI layer. |
| |
| For example, if `bar` should only be true when `foo` is positive: |
| |
| ```kotlin |
| class MobileIconsInteractor { |
| ... |
| val bar: StateFlow<Boolean> = |
| mobileConnectionsRepo |
| .mapLatest { foo -> foo > 0 } |
| .stateIn(scope, SharingStarted.WhileSubscribed(), initialValue = false) |
| } |
| ``` |
| |
| 1. In the UI layer (`viewmodel` classes), update the existing flows to process |
| the new value from the interactor. |
| |
| For example, if the icon should be hidden when `bar` is true: |
| |
| ```kotlin |
| class MobileIconViewModel { |
| ... |
| iconId: Flow<Int> = combine( |
| iconInteractor.level, |
| iconInteractor.numberOfLevels, |
| iconInteractor.bar, |
| ) { level, numberOfLevels, bar -> |
| if (bar) { |
| null |
| } else { |
| calcIcon(level, numberOfLevels) |
| } |
| } |
| ``` |
| |
| ## Demo mode |
| |
| SystemUI demo mode is a first-class citizen in the new pipeline. It is |
| implemented as an entirely separate repository, |
| `DemoMobileConnectionsRepository`. When the system moves into demo mode, the |
| implementation of the data layer is switched to the demo repository via the |
| `MobileRepositorySwitcher` class. |
| |
| Because the demo mode repositories implement the same interfaces as the |
| production classes, any changes made above will have to be implemented for demo |
| mode as well. |
| |
| 1. Following from above, if `fooVal` is added to the |
| `MobileConnectionsRepository` interface: |
| |
| ```kotlin |
| class DemoMobileConnectionsRepository { |
| private val _fooVal = MutableStateFlow(FOO_DEFAULT_VALUE) |
| override val fooVal: StateFlow<Int> = _fooVal.asStateFlow() |
| |
| // Process the state. **See below on how to add the command to the CLI** |
| fun processEnabledMobileState(state: Mobile) { |
| ... |
| _fooVal.value = state.fooVal |
| } |
| } |
| ``` |
| |
| 1. (Optional) If you want to enable the command line interface for setting and |
| testing this value in demo mode, you can add parsing logic to |
| `DemoModeMobileConnectionDataSource` and `FakeNetworkEventModel`: |
| |
| ```kotlin |
| sealed interface FakeNetworkEventModel { |
| data class Mobile( |
| ... |
| // Add new fields here |
| val fooVal: Int? |
| ) |
| } |
| ``` |
| |
| ```kotlin |
| class DemoModeMobileConnectionDataSource { |
| // Currently, the demo commands are implemented as an extension function on Bundle |
| private fun Bundle.activeMobileEvent(): Mobile { |
| ... |
| val fooVal = getString("fooVal")?.toInt() |
| return Mobile( |
| ... |
| fooVal = fooVal, |
| ) |
| } |
| } |
| ``` |
| |
| If step 2 is implemented, then you will be able to pass demo commands via the |
| command line: |
| |
| ``` |
| adb shell am broadcast -a com.android.systemui.demo -e command network -e mobile show -e fooVal <test value> |
| ``` |
| |
| ## Migration plan |
| |
| For Android U, the new pipeline will be enabled and default. However, the old |
| pipeline code will still be around just in case the new pipeline doesn’t do well |
| in the testing phase. |
| |
| For Android V, the old pipeline will be completely removed and the new pipeline |
| will be the one source of truth. |
| |
| Our ask for OEMs is to default to using the new pipeline in Android U. If there |
| are customizations that seem difficult to migrate over to the new pipeline, |
| please file a bug with us and we’d be more than happy to consult on the best |
| solution. The new pipeline was designed with customizability in mind, so our |
| hope is that working the new pipeline will be easier and faster. |
| |
| Note: The new pipeline currently only supports the wifi and mobile icons. The |
| other system status bar icons may be migrated to a similar architecture in the |
| future. |