Expand RS vector3 types to vector4.
The underlying LLVM implementation for vector3 types does this implicitly. If
RS does not adjust its implementation, we will always be misaligned for any
subsequent data after a vector3 type. We previously inserted padding into the
reflected layers from llvm-rs-cc (hence the skip padding part of this change).
We can safely ignore the padding now that the Java/native code is updated to
use the expanded size. The compiler will also need modification to ensure that
we don't mistakenly skip over any end-of-struct padding.
Fixing the 3 component vector padding problem.
Change-Id: If68af42287deb8f4b28addcd19a9fa314656be44
diff --git a/rsAllocation.cpp b/rsAllocation.cpp
index 35d812d..c1192fe 100644
--- a/rsAllocation.cpp
+++ b/rsAllocation.cpp
@@ -195,6 +195,81 @@
prefix, getPtr(), mHal.state.usageFlags, mHal.state.mipmapControl);
+uint32_t Allocation::getPackedSize() const {
+ uint32_t numItems = mHal.state.type->getSizeBytes() / mHal.state.type->getElementSizeBytes();
+ return numItems * mHal.state.type->getElement()->getSizeBytesUnpadded();
+void Allocation::writePackedData(const Type *type,
+ uint8_t *dst, const uint8_t *src, bool dstPadded) {
+ const Element *elem = type->getElement();
+ uint32_t unpaddedBytes = elem->getSizeBytesUnpadded();
+ uint32_t paddedBytes = elem->getSizeBytes();
+ uint32_t numItems = type->getSizeBytes() / paddedBytes;
+ uint32_t srcInc = !dstPadded ? paddedBytes : unpaddedBytes;
+ uint32_t dstInc = dstPadded ? paddedBytes : unpaddedBytes;
+ // no sub-elements
+ uint32_t fieldCount = elem->getFieldCount();
+ if (fieldCount == 0) {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numItems; i ++) {
+ memcpy(dst, src, unpaddedBytes);
+ src += srcInc;
+ dst += dstInc;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // Cache offsets
+ uint32_t *offsetsPadded = new uint32_t[fieldCount];
+ uint32_t *offsetsUnpadded = new uint32_t[fieldCount];
+ uint32_t *sizeUnpadded = new uint32_t[fieldCount];
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) {
+ offsetsPadded[i] = elem->getFieldOffsetBytes(i);
+ offsetsUnpadded[i] = elem->getFieldOffsetBytesUnpadded(i);
+ sizeUnpadded[i] = elem->getField(i)->getSizeBytesUnpadded();
+ }
+ uint32_t *srcOffsets = !dstPadded ? offsetsPadded : offsetsUnpadded;
+ uint32_t *dstOffsets = dstPadded ? offsetsPadded : offsetsUnpadded;
+ // complex elements, need to copy subelem after subelem
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numItems; i ++) {
+ for (uint32_t fI = 0; fI < fieldCount; fI++) {
+ memcpy(dst + dstOffsets[fI], src + srcOffsets[fI], sizeUnpadded[fI]);
+ }
+ src += srcInc;
+ dst += dstInc;
+ }
+ delete[] offsetsPadded;
+ delete[] offsetsUnpadded;
+ delete[] sizeUnpadded;
+void Allocation::unpackVec3Allocation(const void *data, uint32_t dataSize) {
+ const uint8_t *src = (const uint8_t*)data;
+ uint8_t *dst = (uint8_t*)getPtr();
+ writePackedData(getType(), dst, src, true);
+void Allocation::packVec3Allocation(OStream *stream) const {
+ uint32_t paddedBytes = getType()->getElement()->getSizeBytes();
+ uint32_t unpaddedBytes = getType()->getElement()->getSizeBytesUnpadded();
+ uint32_t numItems = mHal.state.type->getSizeBytes() / paddedBytes;
+ const uint8_t *src = (const uint8_t*)getPtr();
+ uint8_t *dst = new uint8_t[numItems * unpaddedBytes];
+ writePackedData(getType(), dst, src, false);
+ stream->addByteArray(dst, getPackedSize());
+ delete[] dst;
void Allocation::serialize(OStream *stream) const {
// Need to identify ourselves
@@ -207,10 +282,17 @@
uint32_t dataSize = mHal.state.type->getSizeBytes();
+ // 3 element vectors are padded to 4 in memory, but padding isn't serialized
+ uint32_t packedSize = getPackedSize();
// Write how much data we are storing
- stream->addU32(dataSize);
- // Now write the data
- stream->addByteArray(getPtr(), dataSize);
+ stream->addU32(packedSize);
+ if (dataSize == packedSize) {
+ // Now write the data
+ stream->addByteArray(getPtr(), dataSize);
+ } else {
+ // Now write the data
+ packVec3Allocation(stream);
+ }
Allocation *Allocation::createFromStream(Context *rsc, IStream *stream) {
@@ -230,22 +312,30 @@
+ Allocation *alloc = Allocation::createAllocation(rsc, type, RS_ALLOCATION_USAGE_SCRIPT);
+ type->decUserRef();
// Number of bytes we wrote out for this allocation
uint32_t dataSize = stream->loadU32();
- if (dataSize != type->getSizeBytes()) {
+ // 3 element vectors are padded to 4 in memory, but padding isn't serialized
+ uint32_t packedSize = alloc->getPackedSize();
+ if (dataSize != type->getSizeBytes() &&
+ dataSize != packedSize) {
LOGE("failed to read allocation because numbytes written is not the same loaded type wants\n");
+ ObjectBase::checkDelete(alloc);
return NULL;
- Allocation *alloc = Allocation::createAllocation(rsc, type, RS_ALLOCATION_USAGE_SCRIPT);
alloc->setName(name.string(), name.size());
- type->decUserRef();
- uint32_t count = dataSize / type->getElementSizeBytes();
- // Read in all of our allocation data
- alloc->data(rsc, 0, 0, count, stream->getPtr() + stream->getPos(), dataSize);
+ if (dataSize == type->getSizeBytes()) {
+ uint32_t count = dataSize / type->getElementSizeBytes();
+ // Read in all of our allocation data
+ alloc->data(rsc, 0, 0, count, stream->getPtr() + stream->getPos(), dataSize);
+ } else {
+ alloc->unpackVec3Allocation(stream->getPtr() + stream->getPos(), dataSize);
+ }
stream->reset(stream->getPos() + dataSize);
return alloc;