AndroidX policies and processes

This document is intended to describe release policies that affect the workflow of an engineer developing within the AndroidX libraries. It also describes the process followed by a release engineer or TPM to take a development branch and publish it as a release on Google Maven.

Policies and processes automated via tooling are noted in yellow.

Project directory structure

Libraries developed in AndroidX follow a consistent project naming and directory structure.

Library groups should organize their modules into directories and module names (in brackets) as:

  <feature-name>-<sub-feature>/ [<feature-name>:<feature-name>-<sub-feature>]
    samples/ [<feature-name>:<feature-name>-<sub-feature>:samples]
    testapp/ [<feature-name>:testapp]
    testlib/ [<feature-name>:testlib]

For example, the navigation library group's directory structure is:

  navigation-benchmark/ [navigation:navigation-benchmark]
  navigation-ui/ [navigation:navigation-ui]
  navigation-ui-ktx/ [navigation:navigation-ui-ktx]
    testapp/ [navigation:integration-tests:testapp]


Artifact : Previously referred to as “a Support Library library.” A library -- typically Java or Android -- that maps to a single Maven artifact, ex. androidx.recyclerview:recyclerview. An artifact is associated with a single Android Studio module and a directory containing a build.gradle configuration, resources, and source code.

API Council : A committee that reviews Android APIs, both platform and library, to ensure they are consistent and follow the best-practices defined in our API guidelines.

Semantic Versioning (SemVer) : A versioning standard developed by one of the co-founders of GitHub that is understood by common dependency management systems, including Maven. In this document, we are referring specifically to Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.

Managing versions

This section outlines the steps for a variety of common versioning-related tasks. Artifact versions should only be modified by their owners as specified in the artifact directory's OWNERS file.

Artifact versions are specified in LibraryVersions.kt. Versions are bound to your artifact in the supportLibrary block in your artifact's build.gradle file. The Version class validates the version string at build time.

In the LibraryVersions.kt file:

object LibraryVersions {
    val SNAZZY_ARTIFACT = Version("1.1.0-alpha03")

In your artifact's build.gradle file:


supportLibrary {
   mavenVersion = LibraryVersions.SNAZZY_ARTIFACT

Finalizing for release

When the artifact is ready for release, its versioned API file should be finalized to ensure that the subsequent versioned release conforms to the versioning policies.

./gradlew <module>:finalizeApi

This will prevent any subsequent changes to the API surface until the artifact version is updated. To update the artifact version and allow changes within the semantic versioning contract, simply update the version string in the artifact's build.gradle (see Workflow introduction).

To avoid breaking the development workflow, we recommend that API finalization and version string updates be submitted as a single CL.


Artifacts may depend on other artifacts within AndroidX as well as sanctioned third-party libraries.

Versioned artifacts

One of the most difficult aspects of independently-versioned releases is maintaining compatibility with public artifacts. In a mono repo such as Google‘s repository or Android Git at master revision, it’s easy for an artifact to accidentally gain a dependency on a feature that may not be released on the same schedule.

Pre-release dependencies

Pre-release suffixes must propagate up the dependency tree. For example, if your artifact has API-type dependencies on pre-release artifacts, ex. 1.1.0-alpha01, then your artifact must also carry the alpha suffix. If you only have implementation-type dependencies, your artifact may carry either the alpha or beta suffix.

Pinned versions

To avoid issues with dependency versioning, consider pinning your artifact‘s dependencies to the oldest version (available via local maven_repo or Google Maven) that satisfies the artifact’s API requirements. This will ensure that the artifact's release schedule is not accidentally tied to that of another artifact and will allow developers to use older libraries if desired.

dependencies {

Artifacts should be built and tested against both pinned and tip-of-tree versions of their dependencies to ensure behavioral compatibility.

Non-Pinned versions

Below is an example of a non-pinned dependency. It ties the artifact's release schedule to that of the dependency artifact, because the dependency will need to be released at the same time.

dependencies {

Non-public APIs

Artifacts may depend on non-public (e.g. @hide) APIs exposed within their own artifact or another artifact in the same groupId; however, cross-artifact usages are subject to binary compatibility guarantees and @RestrictTo(Scope.LIBRARY_GROUP) APIs must be tracked like public APIs.

Dependency versioning policies are enforced at build time in the createArchive task. This task will ensure that pre-release version suffixes are propagated appropriately.

Cross-artifact API usage policies are enforced by the checkApi and checkApiRelease tasks (see Life of a release).

Third-party libraries

Artifacts may depend on libraries developed outside of AndroidX; however, they must conform to the following guidelines:

  • Prebuilt must be checked into Android Git with both Maven and Make artifacts
    • prebuilts/maven_repo is recommended if this dependency is only intended for use with AndroidX artifacts, otherwise please use external
  • Prebuilt directory must contains an OWNERS file identifying one or more individual owners (e.g. NOT a group alias)
  • Library must be approved by legal