| #!/bin/bash |
| set -e |
| |
| # This script runs frameworks/support/gradlew |
| |
| # find script |
| SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd $(dirname $0) && pwd)" |
| |
| # resolve directories |
| cd "$SCRIPT_DIR/../.." |
| if [ "$OUT_DIR" == "" ]; then |
| OUT_DIR="../../out" |
| fi |
| mkdir -p "$OUT_DIR" |
| export OUT_DIR="$(cd $OUT_DIR && pwd)" |
| if [ "$DIST_DIR" == "" ]; then |
| DIST_DIR="$OUT_DIR/dist" |
| fi |
| mkdir -p "$DIST_DIR" |
| export DIST_DIR="$DIST_DIR" |
| if [ "$CHANGE_INFO" != "" ]; then |
| cp "$CHANGE_INFO" "$DIST_DIR/" |
| fi |
| if [ "$MANIFEST" == "" ]; then |
| export MANIFEST="$DIST_DIR/manifest_${BUILD_NUMBER}.xml" |
| fi |
| |
| # parse arguments |
| if [ "$1" == "--diagnose" ]; then |
| DIAGNOSE=true |
| shift |
| else |
| DIAGNOSE=false |
| fi |
| |
| # record the build start time |
| BUILD_START_MARKER="$OUT_DIR/build.sh.start" |
| # record the build number |
| echo "$BUILD_NUMBER" >> "$OUT_DIR/build_number.log" |
| # only keep the last 10 build numbers |
| tail -n 10 "$OUT_DIR/build_number.log" > "$OUT_DIR/build_number.log.tail" |
| mv "$OUT_DIR/build_number.log.tail" "$OUT_DIR/build_number.log" |
| cp "$OUT_DIR/build_number.log" "$DIST_DIR/build_number.log" |
| |
| # runs a given command and prints its result if it fails |
| function run() { |
| echo Running "$*" |
| if eval "$*"; then |
| return 0 |
| else |
| echo >&2 |
| echo "Gradle command failed:" >&2 |
| echo >&2 |
| # Echo the Gradle command formatted for ease of reading. |
| # Put each argument on its own line because some arguments may be long. |
| # Also put "\" at the end of non-final lines so the command can be copy-pasted |
| echo "$*" | sed 's/ / \\\n/g' | sed 's/^/ /' >&2 |
| return 1 |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| # export some variables |
| ANDROID_HOME=../../prebuilts/fullsdk-linux |
| |
| # enable remote build cache unless explicitly disabled |
| if [ "$USE_ANDROIDX_REMOTE_BUILD_CACHE" == "" ]; then |
| fi |
| |
| # unzip native dependencies for KMP (konan) |
| KONAN_HOST_LIBS="$OUT_DIR/konan-host-libs" |
| $SCRIPT_DIR/prepare-linux-sysroot.sh "$KONAN_HOST_LIBS" |
| |
| # run the build |
| if run ./gradlew --ci saveSystemStats "$@"; then |
| echo build passed |
| else |
| if [ "$DIAGNOSE" == "true" ]; then |
| # see if diagnose-build-failure.sh can identify the root cauase |
| echo "running diagnose-build-failure.sh, see build.log" >&2 |
| # Specify a short timeout in case we're running on a remote server, so we don't take too long. |
| # We probably won't have enough time to fully diagnose the problem given this timeout, but |
| # we might be able to determine whether this problem is reproducible enough for a developer to |
| # more easily investigate further |
| ./development/diagnose-build-failure/diagnose-build-failure.sh --timeout 600 "--ci saveSystemStats $*" |
| fi |
| if grep "/prefab" "$DIST_DIR/logs/gradle.log" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then |
| # error looks like it might have involved prefab, copy the prefab dir to DIST where we can find it |
| if [ -e "$OUT_DIR/androidx/external/libyuv/build" ]; then |
| cd "$OUT_DIR/androidx/external/libyuv/build" |
| echo "Zipping $PWD into $DIST_DIR/libyuv-build.zip" |
| zip -qr "$DIST_DIR/libyuv-build.zip" . |
| cd - |
| fi |
| fi |
| BUILD_STATUS=1 # failure |
| fi |
| |
| # check that no unexpected modifications were made to the source repository, such as new cache directories |
| DIST_DIR=$DIST_DIR $SCRIPT_DIR/verify_no_caches_in_source_repo.sh $BUILD_START_MARKER |
| |
| exit "$BUILD_STATUS" |