tree: a7d987ab091051d720c38638294c0d09b141a22b [path history] [tgz]
  1. testapp/
  2. testsdk/
  3. testsdk-asb/

Privacy Sandbox tools integration tests

Integration test (app and SDK) using the App-SDK bridge (the “shim library”).

testsdk/ contains an SDK (using the API Compiler), manually setting AidlInput and FrameworkAidlInput instead of using androidx.privacysandbox.library ( since we want to use the HEAD versions of the shim tools.

testsdk-asb/ wraps the test SDK in an Android SDK Bundle (ASB), using

testapp/ contains a simple Android app with a dependency on testsdk-asb, using the HEAD version of the API Generator. This is the project which will contain the integration tests themselves.