Ignore VisibleForTests in all test libraries

In test libraries, the lint warning that you shouldn't use code
annotated with @VisibleForTests is a false positive. While the code is
technically production code, it should only be run as test code.

This CL introduces two new library types: PUBLISHED_TEST_LIBRARY and
INTERNAL_TEST_LIBRARY. The first one has the same properties as
PUBLISHED_LIBRARY and the latter one has the same properties as UNSET.
The difference is that for these test library types, the
"VisibleForTests" lint warning is disabled instead of fatal.

I didn't change the libary type of the following libraries, mostly
because they did not have a type (so UNSET), but did have publish set to
SNAPSHOT_AND_RELEASE (with some exceptions, e.g. LINT libraries).
Setting these libraries to INTERNAL_TEST_LIBRARY would be incorrect
(they are not internal), but setting them to PUBLISHED_TEST_LIBRARY
**may** affect how they are published.

* arch/core/core-testing
* camera/camera-camera2-pipe-testing
* compose/lint/common-test
* core/core-animation-testing
* enterprise/enterprise-feedback-testing
* fragment/fragment-testing
* fragment/fragment-testing-lint
* lifecycle/lifecycle-runtime-testing
* mediarouter/mediarouter-testing
* navigation/navigation-testing
* room/room-compiler-processing-testing
* room/room-testing
* wear/wear-input-testing
* wear/tiles/tiles-testing
* work/work-testing

Fix: 207828221
Test: ./gradlew bOS
Change-Id: I3d7a1cb601bb95ebbad319b1dc739e827a8ece8f
diff --git a/testutils/testutils-common/build.gradle b/testutils/testutils-common/build.gradle
index dccc2a9..19480c5 100644
--- a/testutils/testutils-common/build.gradle
+++ b/testutils/testutils-common/build.gradle
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
  * limitations under the License.
+import androidx.build.LibraryType
 plugins {
@@ -32,3 +34,7 @@
         freeCompilerArgs += ["-Xopt-in=kotlin.RequiresOptIn"]
+androidx {
+    type = LibraryType.INTERNAL_TEST_LIBRARY