Testing collection KMP release

This project helps to validate a newly-staged version of the KMP build of androidx.collection. Here's how!

Stage the release

  • Create a new global release in production or autopush JetPad (TODO: more info about how)
  • Schedule a library group release attached to the global release for androidx.collect (TODO: ditto)
  • You cannot stage unless the global ADMRS config allowlists the KMP targets. If necessary, you may need to create, have reviewed, and submit a CL like this one.
    • It can take around 30 minutes between submission and updating the loaded allowlist in ADMRS, so be patient.
  • Then:
    • Start with prod or autopush
    • Release Dates > Browse Release Date
    • Click Release Information for the global release you created above
    • Stage to ADMRS
    • Compose BOM? No (not relevant to our test)
    • Answer “Yes” to “really staging”
  • At this point, you will either see an error in the first ~20 seconds if something is wrong with our stuff, or ADMRS will go quietly do things for a few minutes, resulting in an email to [email protected].

Test the staged release

  • Check out this repo (if you haven't): git clone sso://user/saff
  • The email has instructions for how to set up a proxy server for the staged maven repo.
  • Once that's done, if necessary, edit the androidx.collection version in build.gradle.kts
  • To test JVM:
    • ./gradlew installDist
    • ./build/install/collection-consumer/bin/collection-consumer
  • To test native:
    • ./gradlew nativeBinaries
    • build/bin/native/releaseExecutable/collection-consumer.kexe
  • You can look back at the stdout for the adt-redir proxy server to assure yourself that the androidx dependencies are being loaded through the proxy.
  • Profit??!