Enable kotlin explicitApi for android projects

Previously, we had explicitApi disable for android projects due to
https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-37652 however that was fixed
in Kotlin 1.9.0

Explicitly disabling it for all the Android projects that are currently not

Test: ./gradlew createArchive
Change-Id: I9345d0448340df6fe13d1b203677a024da8bfb89
diff --git a/glance/glance-preview/build.gradle b/glance/glance-preview/build.gradle
index ac7fc83..939c4dd 100644
--- a/glance/glance-preview/build.gradle
+++ b/glance/glance-preview/build.gradle
@@ -34,4 +34,5 @@
     description = "Glance preview library. This library provides the API required for marking the" +
             "glance @Composable components that should have preview in the Android Studio."
     metalavaK2UastEnabled = true
+    legacyDisableKotlinStrictApiMode = true