If attempting to reproduce a build failure results in a successful build, here are some possibilities:
Was the previous failure that you observed in Android Studio? This script cannot necessarily reproduce errors from the editor
A) You could ask a teammate for help
The build may be nondeterministic
A) ab-damage-estimator can search for examples of this error on build servers https://dashboards.corp.google.com/_d7c29bbb_d22c_4d60_833b_98f096f089e7?f=branch:in:aosp-androidx-main&f=day:pd:90 B) Develocity can search for examples of this error on developer computers https://ge.androidx.dev/scans/failures To upload your own build scan data, see https://g3doc.corp.google.com/company/teams/androidx/onboarding.md?cl=head#gradle-build-scans C) You could run the build in a loop, in hopes of reproducing the error again D) You could upload a build scan for a failure from the build server via development/publishScan.sh Build scans sometimes have different information than error logs. Build scans can also be directly compared using Develocity (the server that hosts them)
The state of your build could be different from when you started your previous build
Running the failing build may have deleted the problematic state (cleared caches etc) A) Next time, you could make a backup of the build state ( development/diagnose-build-failure/impl/backup-state.sh ) before the failure occurs and compare to the build state after the failure occurs