Move away from caching configurations in buildSrc/shared.gradle
AndroidX has special code to serialize/deserialize configurations in
buildSrc/shared.gradle. We had cacheableImplementation/cacheableApi
extending implementation/api. However, because we resolve down to jars
for cacheableImplementation and cacheableApi separately and put those
jars on the two classpaths, it can lead to issues where a dependency
version is bumped under a library. This is exactly what happens when
trying to update wire plugin ( that depends on
okio in cacheableImplementation configuration, but okio at a different
version is also pulled in by another dep in cacheableApi configuration.
To remove the risk of hitting this issue, remove this caching layer
that is now mostly redundant with Gradle configuration caching enabled.
Also upgrading to wire 4.4.1 as that fixes kotlinpoet classpath issues
Test: ./gradlew :benchmark:benchmark-common:generateDebugProtos success
with local patch.
Change-Id: Ib603a54d5970e8e29284a9cef62a994ca0bfdb5c
diff --git a/buildSrc/shared.gradle b/buildSrc/shared.gradle
index a253d3d..7e4b0de 100644
--- a/buildSrc/shared.gradle
+++ b/buildSrc/shared.gradle
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile
apply plugin: "kotlin"
apply from: "../kotlin-dsl-dependency.gradle"
apply plugin: "java-gradle-plugin"
@@ -13,146 +11,49 @@
-configurations {
- // Dependencies added to these configurations get copied into the corresponding configuration
- // (cacheableApi gets copied into api, etc).
- // Because we cache the resolutions of these configurations, performance is faster when
- // artifacts are put into these configurations than when those artifacts are put into their
- // corresponding configuration.
- cacheableApi {
- canBeConsumed = false // not directly used to satisfy a project dependency
- attributes {
- attribute(Usage.USAGE_ATTRIBUTE, project.objects.named(Usage.class, Usage.JAVA_RUNTIME));
- attribute(Category.CATEGORY_ATTRIBUTE, project.objects.named(Category.class, Category.LIBRARY));
- attribute(LibraryElements.LIBRARY_ELEMENTS_ATTRIBUTE, project.objects.named(LibraryElements.class, LibraryElements.JAR));
- attribute(TargetJvmVersion.TARGET_JVM_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE, Integer.parseInt(JavaVersion.current().getMajorVersion()));
- attribute(GradlePluginApiVersion.GRADLE_PLUGIN_API_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE, project.objects.named(GradlePluginApiVersion.class, GradleVersion.current().getVersion()));
- }
- }
- cacheableImplementation {
- canBeConsumed = false // not directly used to satisfy a project dependency
- attributes {
- attribute(Usage.USAGE_ATTRIBUTE, project.objects.named(Usage.class, Usage.JAVA_RUNTIME));
- attribute(Category.CATEGORY_ATTRIBUTE, project.objects.named(Category.class, Category.LIBRARY));
- attribute(LibraryElements.LIBRARY_ELEMENTS_ATTRIBUTE, project.objects.named(LibraryElements.class, LibraryElements.JAR));
- attribute(TargetJvmVersion.TARGET_JVM_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE, Integer.parseInt(JavaVersion.current().getMajorVersion()));
- attribute(GradlePluginApiVersion.GRADLE_PLUGIN_API_VERSION_ATTRIBUTE, project.objects.named(GradlePluginApiVersion.class, GradleVersion.current().getVersion()));
- }
- extendsFrom(project.configurations.cacheableApi)
- }
- cacheableRuntimeOnly {
- canBeConsumed = false // not directly used to satisfy a project dependency
- }
dependencies {
- cacheableApi(libs.toml)
- cacheableImplementation(libs.gson)
- cacheableImplementation(libs.dom4j) {
+ implementation(project(":jetpad-integration"))
+ // Gradle APIs
+ implementation(gradleApi())
+ compileOnly(findGradleKotlinDsl())
+ // Plugins we use and configure
+ implementation(libs.androidGradlePluginz)
+ implementation(libs.androidToolsCommon) // for
+ implementation(libs.kotlinGradlePluginz)
+ implementation(libs.dokkaGradlePluginz)
+ // variety of json parsers
+ implementation(libs.gson)
+ implementation(libs.json) // b/241475613
+ implementation(libs.jsonSimple)
+ // XML parsers used in MavenUploadHelper.kt
+ implementation(libs.dom4j) {
// Optional dependency where Ivy fails to parse the POM file.
exclude(group:"", module:"xsdlib")
- cacheableApi(libs.androidGradlePluginz)
- // AGP has removes dependency on json-simple in http://b/239967984, so add explicitly
- cacheableImplementation(libs.jsonSimple)
- cacheableImplementation(libs.dexMemberList)
- cacheableApi(libs.kotlinGradlePluginz)
- cacheableImplementation(gradleApi())
- cacheableApi(libs.dokkaGradlePluginz)
- // needed by inspection plugin
- cacheableImplementation(libs.protobufGradlePluginz)
- cacheableImplementation(libs.wireGradlePluginz)
- cacheableImplementation(libs.shadow)
+ implementation(libs.xerces)
+ implementation(libs.shadow) // used by BundleInsideHelper.kt
+ implementation(libs.apacheAnt) // used in AarManifestTransformerTask.kt for unziping
+ implementation(libs.toml)
+ implementation(libs.apacheCommonIo) // used in CheckApiEquivalenceTask.kt
+ implementation(libs.dexMemberList) // used in ReportLibraryMetricsTask.kt
+ implementation(libs.protobufGradlePluginz) // needed to compile inspection plugin
+ implementation(libs.kotlinPoet) // needed to compile material-icon-generator
+ implementation(libs.xmlpull) // needed to compile material-icon-generator
// dependencies that aren't used by buildSrc directly but that we resolve here so that the
// root project doesn't need to re-resolve them and their dependencies on every build
- cacheableRuntimeOnly(libs.hiltAndroidGradlePluginz)
- // Needed for hiltAndroidGradlePluginz to workaround
- cacheableApi(libs.javapoet)
- // room kotlintestapp uses the ksp plugin but it does not publish a plugin marker yet
- cacheableApi(libs.kspGradlePluginz)
- // dependencies whose resolutions we don't need to cache
- compileOnly(findGradleKotlinDsl()) // Only one file in this configuration, no need to cache it
- implementation(project(":jetpad-integration")) // Doesn't have a .pom, so not slow to load
+ runtimeOnly(libs.hiltAndroidGradlePluginz)
+ runtimeOnly(libs.javapoet) // for hiltAndroidGradlePluginz to workaround
+ runtimeOnly(libs.kspGradlePluginz)
+ runtimeOnly(libs.wireGradlePluginz)
-// Saves configuration into destFile
-// Each line of destFile will be the absolute filepath of one of the files in configuration
-def saveConfigurationResolution(configuration, destFile) {
- def resolvedConfiguration = configuration.resolvedConfiguration
- def files = resolvedConfiguration.files
- def paths = files.collect { f -> f.toString() }
- def serialized = paths.join("\n")
- destFile.text = serialized
-// Parses a file into a list of Dependency objects representing a ResolvedConfiguration
-def parseConfigurationResolution(savedFile, throwOnError) {
- def savedText = savedFile.text
- def filenames = savedText.split("\n")
- def valid = true
- def dependencies = filenames.collect { filename ->
- if (!project.file(filename).exists()) {
- if (throwOnError) {
- throw new GradleException("\nFile " + filename + " listed as a resolved dependency in " + savedFile + " does not exist!\n\nFor more information, see b/187075069")
- } else {
- valid = false
- }
- }
- project.dependencies.create(project.files(filename))
- }
- if (!valid) {
- return null
- }
- return dependencies
-// Resolves a Configuration into a list of Dependency objects
-def resolveConfiguration(configuration) {
- def resolvedName =
- def cacheDir = new File(project.rootProject.buildDir, "/" + resolvedName)
- def inputsFile = new File(cacheDir, "/deps")
- def outputsFile = new File(cacheDir, "/result")
- def inputText = fingerprintConfiguration(configuration)
- def parsed = null
- if (inputsFile.exists() && inputsFile.text == inputText) {
- // Try to parse the previously resolved configuration, but don't give up if it mentions a
- // nonexistent file. If something has since deleted one of the referenced files, we will
- // try to reresolve that file later
- parsed = parseConfigurationResolution(outputsFile, false)
- }
- // If the configuration has changed or if any of its files have been deleted, reresolve it
- if (parsed == null) {
- cacheDir.mkdirs()
- saveConfigurationResolution(configuration, outputsFile)
- inputsFile.text = inputText
- // confirm that the resolved configuration parses successfully
- parsed = parseConfigurationResolution(outputsFile, true)
- }
- return parsed
-// Computes a unique string from a Configuration based on its dependencies
-// This is used for up-to-date checks
-def fingerprintConfiguration(configuration) {
- def dependencies = configuration.allDependencies
- def dependencyTexts = dependencies.collect { dep -> + ":" + + ":" + dep.version }
- return dependencyTexts.join("\n")
-// Imports the contents of fromConf into toConf
-// Uses caching to often short-circuit the resolution of fromConf
-def loadConfigurationQuicklyInto(fromConf, toConf) {
- def resolved = resolveConfiguration(fromConf)
- resolved.each { dep ->
- project.dependencies.add(, dep)
- }
-loadConfigurationQuicklyInto(configurations.cacheableApi, configurations.api)
-loadConfigurationQuicklyInto(configurations.cacheableImplementation, configurations.implementation)
-loadConfigurationQuicklyInto(configurations.cacheableRuntimeOnly, configurations.runtimeOnly)
project.tasks.withType(Jar) { task ->
task.reproducibleFileOrder = true
task.preserveFileTimestamps = false
diff --git a/gradle/libs.versions.toml b/gradle/libs.versions.toml
index df01294..9dec36d 100644
--- a/gradle/libs.versions.toml
+++ b/gradle/libs.versions.toml
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
protobuf = "3.19.4"
skiko = "0.7.7"
sqldelight = "1.3.0"
-wire = "3.6.0"
+wire = "4.4.1"
androidAccessibilityFramework = { module = "", version = { strictly = "2.1" } }
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@
androidLintChecks = { module = "", version.ref = "androidLint" }
androidLintChecksMin = { module = "", version.ref = "androidLintMin" }
androidLintTests = { module = "", version.ref = "androidLint" }
+androidToolsCommon = { module = "", version.ref = "androidLint" }
autoCommon = { module = "", version = "0.11" }
atomicFu = { module = "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:atomicfu", version.ref = "atomicFu" }
atomicFuPluginz = { module = "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:atomicfu-gradle-plugin", version.ref = "atomicFu" }
@@ -67,7 +68,9 @@
autoValueAnnotations = { module = "", version.ref = "autoValue" }
autoValueParcel = { module = "", version = "0.2.6" }
antlr4 = { module = "org.antlr:antlr4", version = "4.7.1" }
+apacheAnt = { module = "org.apache.ant:ant", version = "1.10.11" }
apacheCommonsCodec = { module = "commons-codec:commons-codec", version = "1.15" }
+apacheCommonIo = { module = "commons-io:commons-io", version = "2.4" }
assertj = { module = "org.assertj:assertj-core", version = "3.11.1" }
checkerframework = { module = "org.checkerframework:checker-qual", version = "2.5.3" }
checkmark = { module = "net.saff.checkmark:checkmark", version = "0.1.2" }
@@ -96,6 +99,7 @@
hiltCore = { module = "", version.ref = "hilt" }
intellijAnnotations = { module = "com.intellij:annotations", version = "12.0" }
javapoet = { module = "com.squareup:javapoet", version = "1.13.0" }
+json = { module = "org.json:json", version = "20180813" }
jsonSimple = { module = "com.googlecode.json-simple:json-simple", version = "1.1" }
jsqlparser = { module = "com.github.jsqlparser:jsqlparser", version = "3.1" }
jsr250 = { module = "javax.annotation:javax.annotation-api", version = "1.2" }
diff --git a/gradle/verification-metadata.xml b/gradle/verification-metadata.xml
index e28fe80..51bedde 100644
--- a/gradle/verification-metadata.xml
+++ b/gradle/verification-metadata.xml
@@ -419,7 +419,10 @@
<trusted-key id="d790f72ea8fd39551012b62dcf9f3090ce4cb752" group="org.abego.treelayout" name="org.abego.treelayout.core"/>
<trusted-key id="da7a1bb85b19e4fb05073431205c8673dc742c7c" group="org.apache.maven"/>
<trusted-key id="db0597e3144342256bc81e3ec727d053c4481cf5" group="org.tensorflow"/>
- <trusted-key id="dbd744ace7ade6aa50dd591f66b50994442d2d40" group="com.squareup.okio"/>
+ <trusted-key id="dbd744ace7ade6aa50dd591f66b50994442d2d40">
+ <trusting group="com.squareup.okio"/>
+ <trusting group="com.squareup.wire"/>
+ </trusted-key>
<trusted-key id="dddafa7674e54418" group="org.testng"/>
<trusted-key id="e0130a3ed5a2079e" group="org.webjars"/>
<trusted-key id="e0cb7823cfd00fbf" group=""/>