The WebView/Webkit demo app serves as both a practical demonstration how to use the latest AndroidX Webkit APIs and as a means to exercise those APIs for manual testing.
cd frameworks/support/ # Optional: you can use Android Studio as your editor ./studiow -y # Build the app ./gradlew :webkit:integration-tests:testapp:assembleDebug # Install the app ./gradlew :webkit:integration-tests:testapp:installDebug # Check for Lint warnings ./gradlew :webkit:integration-tests:testapp:lintDebug # Run automated espresso tests ./gradlew :webkit:integration-tests:testapp:connectedAndroidTest # Optional: launch the app via adb adb shell am start -n com.example.androidx.webkit/.MainActivity adb shell am start -n com.example.androidx.webkit/.ForceDarkActivity # or, any exported Activity
array in, or in a suitable lower-level Activity, like do not publicly distribute prebuilt APKs. Googlers can download prebuilt APKs by following these instructions.
Most Activities have documentation for the expected behavior. See descriptions and screenshots at http://go/wvsl-demo-app-guide, and can see screen recording videos at http://go/wvsl-demo-app-recordings.