Correctness checks

Android lint

Android lint runs correctness checks on all library source code, with a limited subset of checks run on test sources.

Lint sometimes flags false positives, even though it is safe to ignore these errors (for example WeakerAccess warnings when you are avoiding synthetic access). There may also be lint failures when your library is in the middle of a beta / rc / stable release, and cannot make the breaking changes needed to fix the root cause. There are two ways of ignoring lint errors:

  1. Suppression - using @SuppressLint (for Java) or @Suppress annotations to ignore the warning per call site, per method, or per file.

    Note: @SuppressLint requires Android dependency

  2. Baselines - allowlisting errors in a lint-baseline.xml file at the root of the project directory.

Where possible, you should use a suppression annotation at the call site. This helps ensure that you are only suppressing the exact failure, and this also keeps the failure visible so it can be fixed later on. Only use a baseline if you are in a Java library without Android dependencies, or when enabling a new lint check, and it is prohibitively expensive / not possible to fix the errors generated by enabling this lint check.

To update a lint baseline after you have fixed issues, run the updateLintBaseline task.

./gradlew :core:core:updateLintBaseline

Metalava API lint

As well as Android lint, which runs on all source code, Metalava will also run checks on the public API surface of each library. Similar to with Android Lint, there can sometimes be false positives / intended deviations from the API guidelines that Metalava will lint your API surface against. When this happens, you can suppress Metalava API lint issues using @SuppressLint (for Java) or @Suppress annotations. In cases where it is not possible, update Metalava's baseline with the updateApiLintBaseline task.

./gradlew :core:core:updateApiLintBaseline

This will create/amend the api_lint.ignore file that lives in a library's api directory.

Build output

In order to more easily identify the root cause of build failures, we want to keep the amount of output generated by a successful build to a minimum. Consequently, we track build output similarly to the way in which we track lint warnings.

Invoking build output validation

You can add -Pandroidx.validateNoUnrecognizedMessages to any other gradlew command to enable validation of build output. For example:

./gradlew -Pandroidx.validateNoUnrecognizedMessages :help

Exempting new build output messages

Please avoid exempting new build output and instead fix or suppress the warnings themselves, because that will take effect not only on the build server but also in Android Studio, and will also run more quickly.

If you cannot prevent the message from being generating and must exempt the message anyway, follow the instructions in the error:

$ ./gradlew -Pandroidx.validateNoUnrecognizedMessages :help

Error: found 15 new messages found in /usr/local/google/workspace/aosp-androidx-git/out/dist/gradle.log.

Please fix or suppress these new messages in the tool that generates them.
If you cannot, then you can exempt them by doing:

  1. cp /usr/local/google/workspace/aosp-androidx-git/out/dist/gradle.log.ignore /usr/local/google/workspace/aosp-androidx-git/frameworks/support/development/build_log_simplifier/messages.ignore
  2. modify the new lines to be appropriately generalized

Each line in this exemptions file is a regular expression matching one or more lines of output to be exempted. You may want to make these expressions as specific as possible to ensure that the addition of new, similar messages will also be detected (for example, discovering an existing warning in a new source file).