Binary Compatibility Validator
The goal of the binary compatiblity validator is check for binary incompatible changes between two sets of klibs. It does not handle Android / JVM targets, and within AndroidX those are checked by Metalava.
The project consists of a Klib dump parser that parses the format created by Kotlin/binary-compatibility-validator and a binary compatibility checker which compares two sets of LibraryAbi
s for incompatible changes. LibraryAbi
s can be obtained either by parsing dump text, or directly from a klib file using org.jetbrains.kotlin.library.abi.LibraryAbiReader
List of implemented rules
The tool currently handles a subset of compatible changes listed below. Generally every change that is not compatible is assumed to be incompatible and will result in a check failure.
If you believe that a change is incorrectly marked compatible, or have a feature request for a type of compatible change that is not implemented, please file a bug.
Compatible Changes
- General
- Change the internals of existing implementations.
- Add a new concrete entity
- add a new class of any modality
- add a new function with implementation to a class.
- Change a private entity to a publicly accessible entity.
- Make an entity visibility weaker (more accessible).
- Add or remove an annotation other than @BinarySignatureName.
- Classes
- Classifier kinds
- Changing a class to a data class
- Changing a data class to a non-data class, as long as the ABI surface is the same
- Changing an interface to a functional interface
- Inheritance
- Abstract class to be non-abstract open
- Sealed class to be non-sealed open
- Sealed class to be non-sealed abstract
- Changing the order of supertypes
- Changing a supertype to one of its subtypes, as long as the ABI surface is the same
- Functions
- Function kind
- Non-inline function to be inline
- Changes to function parameters and receivers
- Adding a default value to a parameter
- Changing a default value for a parameter
- Inheritance
- Abstract function to non-abstract open
- Properties
- Changes between property kinds
- Non-const property to be const
- Non-inline property to be inline
- Changing a non-open read-only property to a mutable property
- Type parameters
- Change from a reified type parameter to a regular one
Incompatible Changes
Although any changes not in the above list are assumed to be incompatible, the following are explicitly tested for.
- General
- Change a publicly accessible entity to a private entity.
- Make an entity visibility stronger (less accessible).
- Change an entity name.
- Remove an existing concrete entity.
- Type Parameters
- Adding new type parameters
- Removing existing type parameters
- Changing from a regular type parameter to a reified one
- Changing type parameter variance
- Changing the set of types in type parameter bounds
- Classes
- Classifier kinds
- To/from an enum class
- To/from an annotation class
- To/from a value class
- Non-interface to/from an interface
- Non-object to/from an object
- Nested classifier to/from an inner classifier
- Functional interface to an interface
- Inheritance
- Non-abstract class to be abstract
- Non-sealed classifier to be sealed
- Changing the set of supertypes
- Functions
- Function kinds
- Inline function to be non-inline
- To/from a suspending function
- Parameters and receivers
- Removing a default value from a parameter
- Changing a vararg parameter to/from an array type parameter
- Changing between inline, crossinline and noinline inline function parameters
- Changing between an extension receiver and a function’s first parameter
- Properties
- Property kinds
- Const property to be non-const
- Inline property to be non-inline
- Mutable property to a read-only property
- Open read-only property to an open mutable property
Running the tools
Within AndroidX, these tools are used for the tasks updateAbi
and checkAbi
, see
for more information.
To run the parser stand-alone:
val parsed: LibraryAbi = KlibDumpParser(dumpFiletext).parse()
To run compatibility checks stand-alone:
mapOf("<some target>" to libraryAbiAfter),
mapOf("<some target>" to libraryAbiBefore),