Migrate to using = for property setting

Gradle has deprecated `compileSdk 35` style syntax in
Gradle 8.12, in preparation for that upgrade, fix up the violations
in androidx build.gradle files

Test: ./gradlew bOS --dry-run -> https://ge.androidx.dev/s/bqs4fmehxdqzs/deprecations
      and after -> https://ge.androidx.dev/s/nvc7s5bdfpuaa/deprecations
Change-Id: Ic4787d46f40e3856e5f0fa1e3c0a63e3dddc2108
diff --git a/room/room-compiler-processing/build.gradle b/room/room-compiler-processing/build.gradle
index 450707c..4cc1d58 100644
--- a/room/room-compiler-processing/build.gradle
+++ b/room/room-compiler-processing/build.gradle
@@ -107,11 +107,11 @@
 tasks.withType(Test).configureEach { test ->
-    test.maxParallelForks(2)
+    test.maxParallelForks = 2
     test.systemProperty("androidx.room.compiler.processing.strict", "true")
     // With the move to K2 and KSP2 the memory usage has increased so we enlarge the heap
     // to prevent OOM while running all the tests in one go.
-    test.maxHeapSize("8g")
+    test.maxHeapSize = "8g"
 androidx {