preliminary script to annotate flaky/failing tests

Bug: 190196333

Test: download output of go/androidx-test-failures as a file such as /tmp/f and then run ./development/ /tmp/f

Change-Id: Id0fc8458fc1de8297c8abc16ce7fbc49a798a853
diff --git a/development/ b/development/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0e38902
--- /dev/null
+++ b/development/
@@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
+Parses information about failing tests, and then generates a change to disable them.
+Requires that the `bugged` command-line tool is installed, see go/bugged .
+import argparse, csv, os, subprocess
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+  description=__doc__
+parser.add_argument("config_path", help="Path of file to process, downloaded from go/androidx-test-failures", nargs="+")
+dirOfThisScript = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+supportRoot = os.path.dirname(dirOfThisScript)
+class LocatedFailure(object):
+  def __init__(self, failure, location):
+    self.failure = failure
+    self.location = location
+class TestFailure(object):
+  def __init__(self, qualifiedClassName, methodName, testDefinitionName, consistent, branchName, testResultId):
+    self.qualifiedClassName = qualifiedClassName
+    self.methodName = methodName
+    self.testDefinitionName = testDefinitionName
+    self.consistent = consistent
+    self.branchName = branchName
+    self.testResultId = testResultId
+  def getUrl(self):
+    return "" + self.testResultId
+class FailuresDatabase(object):
+  """A collection of LocatedFailure instances, organized by their locations"""
+  def __init__(self):
+    self.failuresByPath = {}
+  def add(self, locatedFailure):
+    path = locatedFailure.location.filePath
+    if path not in self.failuresByPath:
+      self.failuresByPath[path] = {}
+    failuresAtPath = self.failuresByPath[path]
+    lineNumber = locatedFailure.location.lineNumber
+    if lineNumber not in failuresAtPath:
+      failuresAtPath[lineNumber] = locatedFailure
+    else:
+      # already have a failure at this location
+      if not failuresAtPath[lineNumber].failure.consistent:
+        # if the previously detected failure wasn't consistent, update with the new one
+        failuresAtPath[lineNumber] = locatedFailure
+  # returns Map<String, LocatedFailure> with key being filePath
+  def getAll(self):
+    results = {}
+    for path, failuresAtPath in self.failuresByPath.items():
+      lineNumbers = sorted(failuresAtPath.keys(), reverse=True)
+      resultsAtPath = []
+      # add failures in reverse order to make it easier to modify methods without adjusting line numbers for other methods
+      for line in lineNumbers:
+        resultsAtPath.append(failuresAtPath[line])
+      results[path] = resultsAtPath
+    return results
+# parses the data file containing the failing tests
+def parse():
+  arguments = parser.parse_args()
+  configPath = arguments.config_path[0]
+  failures = []
+  with open(configPath) as configFile:
+    config = csv.DictReader(configFile, delimiter="\t")
+    for item in config:
+      # Decide whether this failure appears to be happening reliably (consistent = True)
+      # or flakily (consistent = False).
+      #
+      # A flaky failure will probably occur a small number (probably 1) of times in a row
+      # and a small fraction of times (slightly more than 0%),
+      #
+      # whereas a consistent failure will probably occur a large number of times (until we address
+      # it, probably at least 3) and about 100% of the time
+      #
+      # These cutoff values are mostly arbitrary, about halfway between the expectations for these
+      # two types of failures
+      if int(item["consecutive_failures"]) >= 2 and float(item["failure_rate"]) > 0.5:
+        consistent = True
+      else:
+        consistent = False
+      failures.append(
+        TestFailure(
+          item["test_class"],
+          item["method"],
+          item["test_definition_name"],
+          consistent,
+          item["branch_name"],
+          item["test_result_id"]
+        )
+      )
+  return failures
+class FileLocation(object):
+  def __init__(self, filePath, lineNumber):
+    self.filePath = filePath
+    self.lineNumber = lineNumber
+  def __str__(self):
+    return self.filePath + "#" + str(self.lineNumber)
+class ShellRunner(object):
+  def __init__(self):
+    return
+  def runAndGetOutput(self, args):
+    result =, capture_output=True, text=True).stdout
+    return result
+  def run(self, args):
+, capture_output=False)
+shellRunner = ShellRunner()
+class FileFinder(object):
+  def __init__(self, rootPath):
+    self.rootPath = rootPath
+    self.resultsCache = {}
+  def findIname(self, name):
+    if name not in self.resultsCache:
+      text = shellRunner.runAndGetOutput(["find", self.rootPath , "-type", "f", "-iname", name])
+      filePaths = [path.strip() for path in text.split("\n")]
+      filePaths = [path for path in filePaths if path != ""]
+      self.resultsCache[name] = filePaths
+    return self.resultsCache[name]
+fileFinder = FileFinder(supportRoot)
+class ClassFinder(object):
+  """Locates the file path and line number for classes and methods"""
+  def __init__(self):
+    self.classToFile_cache = {}
+    self.methodLocations_cache = {}
+  def findMethod(self, qualifiedClassName, methodName):
+    bracketIndex = methodName.find("[")
+    if bracketIndex >= 0:
+      methodName = methodName[:bracketIndex]
+    fullName = qualifiedClassName + "." + methodName
+    containingFile = self.findFileContainingClass(qualifiedClassName)
+    if containingFile is None:
+      return None
+    if fullName not in self.methodLocations_cache:
+      index = -1
+      foundLineNumber = None
+      with open(containingFile) as f:
+        for line in f:
+          index += 1
+          if (" " + methodName + "(") in line:
+            if foundLineNumber is not None:
+              # found two matches, can't choose one
+              foundLineNumber = None
+              break
+            foundLineNumber = index
+      result = None
+      if foundLineNumber is not None:
+        result = FileLocation(containingFile, foundLineNumber)
+      self.methodLocations_cache[fullName] = result
+    return self.methodLocations_cache[fullName]
+  def findFileContainingClass(self, qualifiedName):
+    if qualifiedName not in self.classToFile_cache:
+      lastDotIndex = qualifiedName.rindex(".")
+      if lastDotIndex >= 0:
+        packageName = qualifiedName[:lastDotIndex]
+        className = qualifiedName[lastDotIndex + 1:]
+      else:
+        packageName = ""
+        className = qualifiedName
+      options = fileFinder.findIname(className + ".*")
+      possibleContainingFiles = sorted(options)
+      result = None
+      for f in possibleContainingFiles:
+        if self.getPackage(f) == packageName:
+          result = f
+          break
+      self.classToFile_cache[qualifiedName] = result
+    return self.classToFile_cache[qualifiedName]
+  def getPackage(self, filePath):
+    prefix = "package "
+    with open(filePath) as f:
+      for line in f:
+        line = line.strip()
+        if line.startswith(prefix):
+          suffix = line[len(prefix):]
+          if suffix.endswith(";"):
+            return suffix[:-1]
+          return suffix
+    return None
+classFinder = ClassFinder()
+def readFile(path):
+  f = open(path)
+  text =
+  f.close()
+  return text
+def writeFile(path, text):
+  f = open(path, "w")
+  f.write(text)
+  f.close()
+def extractIndent(text):
+  indentSize = 0
+  for c in text:
+    if c == " ":
+      indentSize += 1
+    else:
+      break
+  return " " * indentSize
+class SourceFile(object):
+  """An in-memory model of a source file (java, kotlin) that can be manipulated and saved"""
+  def __init__(self, path):
+    text = readFile(path)
+    self.lines = text.split("\n")
+    self.path = path
+  def isKotlin(self):
+    return self.path.endswith(".kt")
+  def maybeSemicolon(self):
+    if self.isKotlin():
+      return ""
+    return ";"
+  def addAnnotation(self, methodLineNumber, annotation):
+    parenIndex = annotation.find("(")
+    if parenIndex > 0:
+      baseName = annotation[:parenIndex]
+    else:
+      baseName = annotation
+    if self.findAnnotationLine(methodLineNumber, baseName) is not None:
+      # already have an annotation, don't need to add another
+      return
+    indent = extractIndent(self.lines[methodLineNumber])
+    self.insertLine(methodLineNumber, indent + annotation)
+  # Adds an import to this file
+  # Attempts to preserve alphabetical import ordering:
+  #  If two consecutive imports can be found such that one should precede this import and
+  #   one should follow this import, inserts between those two imports
+  #  Otherwise attempts to add this import after the last import or before the first import
+  # (Note that imports might be grouped into multiple blocks, each separated by a blank line)
+  def addImport(self, symbolText):
+    insertText = "import " + symbolText + self.maybeSemicolon()
+    if insertText in self.lines:
+      return # already added
+    # set of lines that the insertion could immediately precede
+    beforeLineNumbers = set()
+    # set of lines that the insertion could immediately follow
+    afterLineNumbers = set()
+    for i in range(len(self.lines)):
+      line = self.lines[i]
+      if line.startswith("import"):
+        # found an import. Should our import be before or after?
+        if insertText < line:
+          beforeLineNumbers.add(i)
+        else:
+          afterLineNumbers.add(i)
+    # search for two adjacent lines that the line can be inserted between
+    insertionLineNumber = None
+    for i in range(len(self.lines) - 1):
+      if i in afterLineNumbers and (i + 1) in beforeLineNumbers:
+        insertionLineNumber = i + 1
+        break
+    # search for a line we can insert after
+    if insertionLineNumber is None:
+      for i in range(len(self.lines) - 1):
+        if i in afterLineNumbers and (i + 1) not in afterLineNumbers:
+          insertionLineNumber = i + 1
+          break
+    # search for a line we can insert before
+    if insertionLineNumber is None:
+      for i in range(len(self.lines) - 1, 0, -1):
+        if i in beforeLineNumbers and (i - 1) not in beforeLineNumbers:
+          insertionLineNumber = i
+          break
+    if insertionLineNumber is not None:
+      self.insertLine(insertionLineNumber, insertText)
+  def insertLine(self, beforeLineNumber, text):
+    self.lines = self.lines[:beforeLineNumber] + [text] + self.lines[beforeLineNumber:]
+  def findAnnotationLine(self, methodLineNumber, annotationText):
+    lineNumber = methodLineNumber
+    while True:
+      if lineNumber < 0:
+        return None
+      if annotationText in self.lines[lineNumber]:
+        return lineNumber
+      if self.lines[lineNumber].strip() == "":
+        return None
+      lineNumber -= 1
+  def removeLine(self, index):
+    self.lines = self.lines[:index] + self.lines[index + 1:]
+  def hasAnnotation(self, methodLineNumber, annotation):
+    return self.findAnnotationLine(methodLineNumber, annotation) is not None
+  def save(self):
+    writeFile(self.path, "\n".join(self.lines))
+# searches for bugs matching certain criteria, using the `bugged` CLI tool
+class BugFinder(object):
+  def __init__(self):
+    self.bugsByQuery = {}
+  def findForFailure(self, testFailure):
+    qualifiedName = testFailure.qualifiedClassName
+    text = ["title:" + qualifiedName, "status:open", "--columns=issue"]
+    return self.query(text)
+  def query(self, args):
+    text = " ".join(args)
+    if text not in self.bugsByQuery:
+      response = None
+      try:
+        response = shellRunner.runAndGetOutput(["bugged", "search"] + args)
+      except FileNotFoundError as e:
+        raise FileNotFoundError("The `bugged` command-line tool is required but was not found. See go/bugged to install.")
+      lines = response.split("\n")
+      result = None
+      for line in response.split("\n"):
+        if line != "issue":
+          result = line
+          break
+      if result == "":
+        result = None
+      self.bugsByQuery[text] = result
+    return self.bugsByQuery[text]
+bugFinder = BugFinder()
+# converts from a List<TestFailure> to a FailuresDatabase containing LocatedFailure
+def locate(failures):
+  db = FailuresDatabase()
+  for failure in failures:
+    location = classFinder.findMethod(failure.qualifiedClassName, failure.methodName)
+    if location is not None:
+      db.add(LocatedFailure(failure, location))
+    else:
+      message = "Could not locate " + str(failure.qualifiedClassName) + "#" + str(failure.methodName)
+      if failure.branchName != "aosp-androidx-main":
+        message += ", should be in " + failure.branchName
+      print(message)
+  return db
+# removes test result urls from the commit
+def uncommitTestResultUrls():
+  # first, remove test results urls from the files
+["bash", "-c", "git log -1 --name-only | grep -v ' ' | xargs sed -i 's| // .*testResultId.*||g'"])
+  # commit the removal of these test result urls
+["git", "add", "."])
+["git", "commit", "-q", "--amend", "--no-edit"])
+  # restore the previous versions of the files
+["git", "checkout", "-q", "HEAD@{1}", "--", "."])
+["git", "reset", "-q"])
+# Given a FailureDatabase, disables all of the tests mentioned in it, by adding the appropriate
+# annotations:
+#  consistent failures get annotated with @Ignore ,
+#  flaky failures get annotated with @FlakyTest.
+# Annotations link to the associated bug if possible
+def disable(failuresDatabase):
+  mentionedBugs = set()
+  numUpdates = 0
+  failuresByPath = failuresDatabase.getAll()
+  for path, failuresAtPath in failuresByPath.items():
+    source = SourceFile(path)
+    addedIgnore = False
+    addedFlaky = False
+    for failure in failuresAtPath:
+      lineNumber = failure.location.lineNumber
+      if source.hasAnnotation(lineNumber, "@FlakyTest") or source.hasAnnotation(lineNumber, "@Ignore"):
+        continue
+      bug = bugFinder.findForFailure(failure.failure)
+      if bug is not None:
+        mentionedBugs.add(bug)
+      if failure.failure.consistent:
+        if bug is not None:
+          bugText = '"b/' + bug + '"'
+        else:
+          bugText = '"why"'
+        source.addAnnotation(lineNumber, "@Ignore(" + bugText + ") // " + failure.failure.getUrl())
+        addedIgnore = True
+      else:
+        if bug is not None:
+          bugText = "bugId = " + bug
+        else:
+          bugText = "bugId = num"
+        source.addAnnotation(lineNumber, "@FlakyTest(" + bugText + ") // " + failure.failure.getUrl())
+        addedFlaky = True
+    if addedIgnore:
+      source.addImport("org.junit.Ignore")
+    if addedFlaky:
+      source.addImport("androidx.test.filters.FlakyTest")
+    if addedIgnore or addedFlaky:
+      # save file
+      numUpdates += 1
+  # make git commit
+  commitHeader = """Mostly autogenerated suppression of test failures
+This commit was created with the help of development/
+  bugStanzas = "\n".join(["Bug: " + bug for bug in sorted(mentionedBugs)])
+  commitMessage = commitHeader + bugStanzas
+  # make git commit containing the suppressions
+  os.chdir(supportRoot)
+["git", "add", "."])
+["git", "commit", "-q", "--no-edit", "-m", commitMessage])
+  # Remove test result urls from the git commit but keep them in the tree
+  uncommitTestResultUrls()
+  print("")
+  print("Committed updates to " + str(numUpdates) + " files. Inspect/fix as needed.")
+  print("")
+  print("Additional context (test failure urls) has been added but not committed.")
+  print("You can manually remove this information or you can run `git checkout -- <path>` to discard uncommitted changes under <path>")
+def main():
+  failures = parse()
+  locations = locate(failures)
+  disable(locations)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+  main()