blob: e6ecf1cf809a565f2353edb2936f8ad43c36e0b9 [file] [log] [blame] [view]
# Fetch Licenses
A service that makes license files readable using headless Chrome.
### Setup
* This project uses TypeScript and Node.
* Download `fnm` and run `fnm install` to install a suitable version of Node.
* Run `npm install` to setup dependencies.
* Use Visual Studio code to debug and test.
### Testing
#### Local debugging
Run the web service locally using the provided package scripts.
Run `npm run-script debug` and this spins up a local web server. You can use Visual Studio code to attach to this process.
`nodemon` and `tsc --watch` compiles and restarts your service as you are making changes to the source code automatically in `debug` mode.
#### Example HTTP Request
curl -d '{"url": ""}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST 'http://localhost:8080/convert/licenses'
### Deploy
* Install the `gcloud` CLI.
* Run `npm run-script setupGcpProject` to setup credentials.
* Run `npm run-script deploy` to deploy the project to App Engine.
### Notes
Using Puppeteer v18.2.1 only because `npm post install` scripts for Puppeteer 19.x.x have been broken for App Engine standard.
More context is [here](