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# Plot Benchmark Results
This tool helps plot benchmark results, and compare them with past results. <br/>
Just drag and drop benchmark results `json` files, to visualize & compare data.
![Example 1](./docs/example_plot.png)
![Example Comparison](./docs/example_comparison.png)
## Setup
### Install FNM
[FNM]( manages versions of `Node.js` installed.
After you install `fnm` and add it to your `$PATH`, you should be able to do the following.
➜ plot-benchmarks git:(viz-benchmarks) ✗ fnm use
Using Node v18.16.0
Note: `fnm use` might prompt you to install the version of Node.js being [used](.nvmrc).
### Install Dependencies
Now, you are ready to install all the dependencies.
# Installs the necessary dependencies.
npm install
### Running Local Dev Server
# Compiles the code, and hot-deploys code to the local dev server.
npm run-script dev
VITE v4.3.9 ready in 168 ms
➜ Local: http://localhost:5173/
➜ Network: use --host to expose
➜ press h to show help
Now navigate to the URL listed in the output.
### Usage
* Drag and drop benchmark results (`*.json`) files into the page.
* Double clicking the items on the legend, toggles the visibility of the dataset in the chart.
* You can also filter metrics to plot.
* To compare benchmark runs, just load both results into the page, and select the ones you want to compare.
Have fun !