blob: cfc9889b1c8acde3626a13938fb3b54c3b33e188 [file] [log] [blame] [view]
# Overview
The project provides an easy way to save before/after CPU traces from Microbenchmark runs, and compare them visually using Differential Flame Graphs.
![Differential graph illustration](assets/illustration-diff.webp)
Areas where the code got slower are highlighted in red, while areas that are now faster are marked in blue; the intensity of the colour is proportional to the size of the difference.
See also the [end-to-end demo (video)](
# Usage
## Interacting with the script
- Overview of all commands: `./ -h`
- Help for a specific command: `./ <command> -h`
## First usage
On first usage, initialise all dependencies by running: `./ init`
## General workflow
1. Run a specific Microbenchmark with CPU Stack sampling enabled (see below for instructions)
1. Save the trace as _base_ for comparison using `./ save`. It's worth picking a good names for the saved traces since you're likely going to e.g. re-use the _base_ while iterating on code changes.
1. Apply changes in your code and run the same benchmark as in step 1
1. Save the trace as _current_ `./ save`
1. Compare both traces using `./ diff` which will create and open a diff in a web browser
1. Toggle between graphs using the buttons on the top:
- `base`: flamegraph for the _base_ trace
- `base-vs-curr`: differential flame graph showing _base_ vs _current_ on the _base_ trace
- `curr`: flamegraph for the _current_ trace
- `curr-vs-base`: differential flame graph showing _base_ vs _current_ on the _current_ trace
1. You can later go back to generated diffs using `./ open`
# Misc
## Enabling stack sampling in Benchmark traces
This can be done in CLI or by editing `build.gradle`. Full documentation is [here](
Quick CLI example:
# pick a target benchmark
# create a regex that targets a specific benchmark (test)
# run the benchmark and gather a 5 second (default) stack sample at 1000 Hz (default)
./gradlew $tgt -Pandroid.testInstrumentationRunnerArguments.tests_regex="$test_rx" \
-P android.testInstrumentationRunnerArguments.androidx.benchmark.profiling.mode=StackSampling \
-P android.testInstrumentationRunnerArguments.androidx.benchmark.profiling.sampleDurationSeconds=5 \
-P android.testInstrumentationRunnerArguments.androidx.benchmark.profiling.sampleFrequency=1000
## CLI completion
Generate shell-specific completion files with `./`.
Then, source in your shell config, e.g.:
- For `bash`: `dst="$(pwd)/"; echo "source '$dst'" >> ~/.bashrc`
- For `zsh`: `dst="$(pwd)/"; echo "source '$dst'" >> ~/.zshrc`
After restarting the shell session, you will be able to 'tab-autocomplete' commands and argument names.
# Dependencies
On top of dependencies discoverable with `./gradlew app:dependencies` the project depends on:
Both are fetched from the network in the `init` command and pinned to known-good-revisions.
# Reporting issues
File an issue on Buganizer using [this link]([email protected]&title=bench-flame-diff:%20) or reach out directly to [jgielzak@](http://go/moma/chat?with=jgielzak).
Known issues and future work items are tracked [here](