Fix handle create mismatch for Vulkan snapshot

In our implementation, VkQueue is created in vkCreateDevice instead of
vkGetDeviceQueue. We will need to track their creation API properly,
otherwise there will be a name mismatch on snapshot load. This will
result in a crash during snapshot load with -guest-angle.

This commit marks their creation API properly.

Same thing applies for VkDescriptorSet.

Bug: 346415931
Test: GfxstreamEnd2EndVkSnapshotImageTest.MultipleDevicesPreserveHandles
Change-Id: Ia8ac055e7cc1f3038eef3cc4ce401c756fd3c460
diff --git a/common/end2end/GfxstreamEnd2EndVkSnapshotImageTests.cpp b/common/end2end/GfxstreamEnd2EndVkSnapshotImageTests.cpp
index cb9938f..eb6483d 100644
--- a/common/end2end/GfxstreamEnd2EndVkSnapshotImageTests.cpp
+++ b/common/end2end/GfxstreamEnd2EndVkSnapshotImageTests.cpp
@@ -76,6 +76,89 @@
     ASSERT_THAT(device->bindImageMemory(*image, *imageMemory, 0), IsVkSuccess());
+// b/346415931
+// We used to have an issue that the handles mismatch when running more device
+// create calls. The first device always work but the second might break.
+TEST_P(GfxstreamEnd2EndVkSnapshotImageTest, MultipleDevicesPreserveHandles) {
+    auto [instance, physicalDevice, device, queue, queueFamilyIndex] =
+        VK_ASSERT(SetUpTypicalVkTestEnvironment());
+    uint32_t graphicsQueueFamilyIndex = -1;
+    {
+        const auto props = physicalDevice.getQueueFamilyProperties();
+        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < props.size(); i++) {
+            const auto& prop = props[i];
+            if (prop.queueFlags & vkhpp::QueueFlagBits::eGraphics) {
+                graphicsQueueFamilyIndex = i;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    ASSERT_THAT(graphicsQueueFamilyIndex, Not(Eq(-1)));
+    const float queuePriority = 1.0f;
+    const vkhpp::DeviceQueueCreateInfo deviceQueueCreateInfo = {
+        .queueFamilyIndex = graphicsQueueFamilyIndex,
+        .queueCount = 1,
+        .pQueuePriorities = &queuePriority,
+    };
+    std::vector<const char*> deviceExtensions = {
+    };
+    const vkhpp::DeviceCreateInfo deviceCreateInfo = {
+        .pNext = nullptr,
+        .pQueueCreateInfos = &deviceQueueCreateInfo,
+        .queueCreateInfoCount = 1,
+        .enabledLayerCount = 0,
+        .ppEnabledLayerNames = nullptr,
+        .enabledExtensionCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(deviceExtensions.size()),
+        .ppEnabledExtensionNames =,
+    };
+    auto device2 = physicalDevice.createDeviceUnique(deviceCreateInfo).value;
+    ASSERT_THAT(device2, IsValidHandle());
+    const uint32_t width = 32;
+    const uint32_t height = 32;
+    const vkhpp::ImageCreateInfo imageCreateInfo = {
+        .pNext = nullptr,
+        .imageType = vkhpp::ImageType::e2D,
+        .extent.width = width,
+        .extent.height = height,
+        .extent.depth = 1,
+        .mipLevels = 1,
+        .arrayLayers = 1,
+        .format = vkhpp::Format::eR8G8B8A8Unorm,
+        .tiling = vkhpp::ImageTiling::eOptimal,
+        .initialLayout = vkhpp::ImageLayout::eUndefined,
+        .usage = vkhpp::ImageUsageFlagBits::eSampled | vkhpp::ImageUsageFlagBits::eTransferDst |
+                 vkhpp::ImageUsageFlagBits::eTransferSrc,
+        .sharingMode = vkhpp::SharingMode::eExclusive,
+        .samples = vkhpp::SampleCountFlagBits::e1,
+    };
+    auto image = device->createImageUnique(imageCreateInfo).value;
+    vkhpp::MemoryRequirements imageMemoryRequirements{};
+    device->getImageMemoryRequirements(*image, &imageMemoryRequirements);
+    const uint32_t imageMemoryIndex = utils::getMemoryType(
+        physicalDevice, imageMemoryRequirements, vkhpp::MemoryPropertyFlagBits::eDeviceLocal);
+    ASSERT_THAT(imageMemoryIndex, Not(Eq(-1)));
+    const vkhpp::MemoryAllocateInfo imageMemoryAllocateInfo = {
+        .allocationSize = imageMemoryRequirements.size,
+        .memoryTypeIndex = imageMemoryIndex,
+    };
+    auto imageMemory = device->allocateMemoryUnique(imageMemoryAllocateInfo).value;
+    ASSERT_THAT(imageMemory, IsValidHandle());
+    ASSERT_THAT(device->bindImageMemory(*image, *imageMemory, 0), IsVkSuccess());
+    // No device lost on snapshot load.
+    SnapshotSaveAndLoad();
 TEST_P(GfxstreamEnd2EndVkSnapshotImageTest, ImageViewDependency) {
     auto [instance, physicalDevice, device, queue, queueFamilyIndex] =