Support GL_EXT_robustness
We reuse glReadPixels, glGetUniformfv and glGetUniformiv for the
BUG: 121414786
Test: manual
Change-Id: Ic956318f366cd59bbfc1a94267c0456204b7c701
diff --git a/system/GLESv1_enc/GLEncoder.cpp b/system/GLESv1_enc/GLEncoder.cpp
index 8db973f..968dfd6 100644
--- a/system/GLESv1_enc/GLEncoder.cpp
+++ b/system/GLESv1_enc/GLEncoder.cpp
@@ -98,6 +98,11 @@
*ptr = state->getBoundTexture(GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES);
+ // BUG: 121414786
+ break;
if (!state->getClientStateParameter<GLint>(param,ptr)) {
ctx->m_glGetIntegerv_enc(self, param, ptr);
@@ -1078,6 +1083,8 @@
+ this->glReadnPixelsEXT = s_glReadnPixelsEXT;
@@ -1096,3 +1103,12 @@
GLEncoder *ctx = (GLEncoder *)self;
+void GLEncoder::s_glReadnPixelsEXT(void* self, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width,
+ GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize,
+ GLvoid* pixels) {
+ GLEncoder *ctx = (GLEncoder*)self;
+ SET_ERROR_IF(bufSize < ctx->pixelDataSize(width, height, format,
+ ctx->glReadPixels(self, x, y, width, height, format, type, pixels);
diff --git a/system/GLESv1_enc/GLEncoder.h b/system/GLESv1_enc/GLEncoder.h
index 1518030..95537a2 100644
--- a/system/GLESv1_enc/GLEncoder.h
+++ b/system/GLESv1_enc/GLEncoder.h
@@ -164,6 +164,9 @@
static void s_glFramebufferTexture2DOES(void* self, GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level);
static void s_glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMG(void* self, GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLsizei samples);
static void s_glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivOES(void* self, GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum pname, GLint* params);
+ static void s_glReadnPixelsEXT(void* self, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width,
+ GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize,
+ GLvoid* pixels);
glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES_client_proc_t m_glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES_enc;
diff --git a/system/GLESv1_enc/gl_client_context.cpp b/system/GLESv1_enc/gl_client_context.cpp
index cb504c8..64fc5f5 100644
--- a/system/GLESv1_enc/gl_client_context.cpp
+++ b/system/GLESv1_enc/gl_client_context.cpp
@@ -301,6 +301,8 @@
glExtGetProgramBinarySourceQCOM = (glExtGetProgramBinarySourceQCOM_client_proc_t) getProc("glExtGetProgramBinarySourceQCOM", userData);
glStartTilingQCOM = (glStartTilingQCOM_client_proc_t) getProc("glStartTilingQCOM", userData);
glEndTilingQCOM = (glEndTilingQCOM_client_proc_t) getProc("glEndTilingQCOM", userData);
+ glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT = (glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT_client_proc_t) getProc("glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT", userData);
+ glReadnPixelsEXT = (glReadnPixelsEXT_client_proc_t) getProc("glReadnPixelsEXT", userData);
return 0;
diff --git a/system/GLESv1_enc/gl_client_context.h b/system/GLESv1_enc/gl_client_context.h
index 6d46a9b..8e341d3 100644
--- a/system/GLESv1_enc/gl_client_context.h
+++ b/system/GLESv1_enc/gl_client_context.h
@@ -301,6 +301,8 @@
glExtGetProgramBinarySourceQCOM_client_proc_t glExtGetProgramBinarySourceQCOM;
glStartTilingQCOM_client_proc_t glStartTilingQCOM;
glEndTilingQCOM_client_proc_t glEndTilingQCOM;
+ glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT_client_proc_t glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT;
+ glReadnPixelsEXT_client_proc_t glReadnPixelsEXT;
virtual ~gl_client_context_t() {}
typedef gl_client_context_t *CONTEXT_ACCESSOR_TYPE(void);
diff --git a/system/GLESv1_enc/gl_client_proc.h b/system/GLESv1_enc/gl_client_proc.h
index 7d0f857..92eba98 100644
--- a/system/GLESv1_enc/gl_client_proc.h
+++ b/system/GLESv1_enc/gl_client_proc.h
@@ -303,6 +303,8 @@
typedef void (gl_APIENTRY *glExtGetProgramBinarySourceQCOM_client_proc_t) (void * ctx, GLuint, GLenum, GLchar*, GLint*);
typedef void (gl_APIENTRY *glStartTilingQCOM_client_proc_t) (void * ctx, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLuint, GLbitfield);
typedef void (gl_APIENTRY *glEndTilingQCOM_client_proc_t) (void * ctx, GLbitfield);
+typedef GLenum (gl_APIENTRY *glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT_client_proc_t) (void * ctx);
+typedef void (gl_APIENTRY *glReadnPixelsEXT_client_proc_t) (void * ctx, GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLenum, GLenum, GLsizei, GLvoid*);
diff --git a/system/GLESv1_enc/gl_enc.cpp b/system/GLESv1_enc/gl_enc.cpp
index 31c1269..4e672c6 100644
--- a/system/GLESv1_enc/gl_enc.cpp
+++ b/system/GLESv1_enc/gl_enc.cpp
@@ -8278,6 +8278,90 @@
+GLenum glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT_enc(void *self )
+ gl_encoder_context_t *ctx = (gl_encoder_context_t *)self;
+ IOStream *stream = ctx->m_stream;
+ ChecksumCalculator *checksumCalculator = ctx->m_checksumCalculator;
+ bool useChecksum = checksumCalculator->getVersion() > 0;
+ unsigned char *ptr;
+ unsigned char *buf;
+ const size_t sizeWithoutChecksum = 8;
+ const size_t checksumSize = checksumCalculator->checksumByteSize();
+ const size_t totalSize = sizeWithoutChecksum + checksumSize;
+ buf = stream->alloc(totalSize);
+ ptr = buf;
+ int tmp = OP_glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT;memcpy(ptr, &tmp, 4); ptr += 4;
+ memcpy(ptr, &totalSize, 4); ptr += 4;
+ if (useChecksum) checksumCalculator->addBuffer(buf, ptr-buf);
+ if (useChecksum) checksumCalculator->writeChecksum(ptr, checksumSize); ptr += checksumSize;
+ GLenum retval;
+ stream->readback(&retval, 4);
+ if (useChecksum) checksumCalculator->addBuffer(&retval, 4);
+ if (useChecksum) {
+ unsigned char *checksumBufPtr = NULL;
+ unsigned char checksumBuf[ChecksumCalculator::kMaxChecksumSize];
+ if (checksumSize > 0) checksumBufPtr = &checksumBuf[0];
+ stream->readback(checksumBufPtr, checksumSize);
+ if (!checksumCalculator->validate(checksumBufPtr, checksumSize)) {
+ ALOGE("glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT: GL communication error, please report this issue to\n");
+ abort();
+ }
+ }
+ return retval;
+void glReadnPixelsEXT_enc(void *self , GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid* data)
+ gl_encoder_context_t *ctx = (gl_encoder_context_t *)self;
+ IOStream *stream = ctx->m_stream;
+ ChecksumCalculator *checksumCalculator = ctx->m_checksumCalculator;
+ bool useChecksum = checksumCalculator->getVersion() > 0;
+ const unsigned int __size_data = bufSize;
+ unsigned char *ptr;
+ unsigned char *buf;
+ const size_t sizeWithoutChecksum = 8 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 0 + 1*4;
+ const size_t checksumSize = checksumCalculator->checksumByteSize();
+ const size_t totalSize = sizeWithoutChecksum + checksumSize;
+ buf = stream->alloc(totalSize);
+ ptr = buf;
+ int tmp = OP_glReadnPixelsEXT;memcpy(ptr, &tmp, 4); ptr += 4;
+ memcpy(ptr, &totalSize, 4); ptr += 4;
+ memcpy(ptr, &x, 4); ptr += 4;
+ memcpy(ptr, &y, 4); ptr += 4;
+ memcpy(ptr, &width, 4); ptr += 4;
+ memcpy(ptr, &height, 4); ptr += 4;
+ memcpy(ptr, &format, 4); ptr += 4;
+ memcpy(ptr, &type, 4); ptr += 4;
+ memcpy(ptr, &bufSize, 4); ptr += 4;
+ *(unsigned int *)(ptr) = __size_data; ptr += 4;
+ if (useChecksum) checksumCalculator->addBuffer(buf, ptr-buf);
+ if (useChecksum) checksumCalculator->writeChecksum(ptr, checksumSize); ptr += checksumSize;
+ stream->readback(data, __size_data);
+ if (useChecksum) checksumCalculator->addBuffer(data, __size_data);
+ if (useChecksum) {
+ unsigned char *checksumBufPtr = NULL;
+ unsigned char checksumBuf[ChecksumCalculator::kMaxChecksumSize];
+ if (checksumSize > 0) checksumBufPtr = &checksumBuf[0];
+ stream->readback(checksumBufPtr, checksumSize);
+ if (!checksumCalculator->validate(checksumBufPtr, checksumSize)) {
+ ALOGE("glReadnPixelsEXT: GL communication error, please report this issue to\n");
+ abort();
+ }
+ }
} // namespace
gl_encoder_context_t::gl_encoder_context_t(IOStream *stream, ChecksumCalculator *checksumCalculator)
@@ -8576,5 +8660,7 @@
this->glExtGetProgramBinarySourceQCOM = (glExtGetProgramBinarySourceQCOM_client_proc_t) &enc_unsupported;
this->glStartTilingQCOM = &glStartTilingQCOM_enc;
this->glEndTilingQCOM = &glEndTilingQCOM_enc;
+ this->glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT = &glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT_enc;
+ this->glReadnPixelsEXT = &glReadnPixelsEXT_enc;
diff --git a/system/GLESv1_enc/gl_entry.cpp b/system/GLESv1_enc/gl_entry.cpp
index 0101e9d..27a8faf 100644
--- a/system/GLESv1_enc/gl_entry.cpp
+++ b/system/GLESv1_enc/gl_entry.cpp
@@ -296,6 +296,8 @@
void glExtGetProgramBinarySourceQCOM(GLuint program, GLenum shadertype, GLchar* source, GLint* length);
void glStartTilingQCOM(GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint width, GLuint height, GLbitfield preserveMask);
void glEndTilingQCOM(GLbitfield preserveMask);
+ GLenum glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT();
+ void glReadnPixelsEXT(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid* data);
@@ -2062,3 +2064,15 @@
ctx->glEndTilingQCOM(ctx, preserveMask);
+GLenum glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT()
+ return ctx->glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT(ctx);
+void glReadnPixelsEXT(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid* data)
+ ctx->glReadnPixelsEXT(ctx, x, y, width, height, format, type, bufSize, data);
diff --git a/system/GLESv1_enc/gl_ftable.h b/system/GLESv1_enc/gl_ftable.h
index 67ba6f4..2570a82 100644
--- a/system/GLESv1_enc/gl_ftable.h
+++ b/system/GLESv1_enc/gl_ftable.h
@@ -281,6 +281,8 @@
{"glExtGetProgramBinarySourceQCOM", (void*)glExtGetProgramBinarySourceQCOM},
{"glStartTilingQCOM", (void*)glStartTilingQCOM},
{"glEndTilingQCOM", (void*)glEndTilingQCOM},
+ {"glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT", (void*)glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT},
+ {"glReadnPixelsEXT", (void*)glReadnPixelsEXT},
static const int gl_num_funcs = sizeof(gl_funcs_by_name) / sizeof(struct _gl_funcs_by_name);
diff --git a/system/GLESv1_enc/gl_opcodes.h b/system/GLESv1_enc/gl_opcodes.h
index 319d0a1..fc65260 100644
--- a/system/GLESv1_enc/gl_opcodes.h
+++ b/system/GLESv1_enc/gl_opcodes.h
@@ -294,7 +294,9 @@
#define OP_glExtGetProgramBinarySourceQCOM 1312
#define OP_glStartTilingQCOM 1313
#define OP_glEndTilingQCOM 1314
-#define OP_last 1315
+#define OP_glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT 1315
+#define OP_glReadnPixelsEXT 1316
+#define OP_last 1317
diff --git a/system/GLESv2_enc/GL2Encoder.cpp b/system/GLESv2_enc/GL2Encoder.cpp
index 2be0699..50cca08 100755
--- a/system/GLESv2_enc/GL2Encoder.cpp
+++ b/system/GLESv2_enc/GL2Encoder.cpp
@@ -363,6 +363,11 @@
+ OVERRIDE_CUSTOM(glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT);
+ OVERRIDE_CUSTOM(glGetnUniformfvEXT);
+ OVERRIDE_CUSTOM(glGetnUniformivEXT);
@@ -853,6 +858,10 @@
ctx->m_max_vertexAttribBindings = *ptr;
+ // BUG: 121414786
+ break;
if (!state->getClientStateParameter<GLint>(param, ptr)) {
@@ -5320,3 +5329,32 @@
ctx->m_glTexStorage2DMultisample_enc(ctx, target, samples, internalformat, width, height, fixedsamplelocations);
+GLenum GL2Encoder::s_glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT(void* self) {
+ (void)self;
+ return GL_NO_ERROR;
+void GL2Encoder::s_glReadnPixelsEXT(void* self, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width,
+ GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize,
+ GLvoid* pixels) {
+ GL2Encoder *ctx = (GL2Encoder*)self;
+ SET_ERROR_IF(bufSize < glesv2_enc::pixelDataSize(self, width, height, format,
+ s_glReadPixels(self, x, y, width, height, format, type, pixels);
+void GL2Encoder::s_glGetnUniformfvEXT(void *self, GLuint program, GLint location,
+ GLsizei bufSize, GLfloat* params) {
+ GL2Encoder *ctx = (GL2Encoder*)self;
+ SET_ERROR_IF(bufSize < glSizeof(glesv2_enc::uniformType(self, program,
+ location)), GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
+ s_glGetUniformfv(self, program, location, params);
+void GL2Encoder::s_glGetnUniformivEXT(void *self, GLuint program, GLint location,
+ GLsizei bufSize, GLint* params) {
+ GL2Encoder *ctx = (GL2Encoder*)self;
+ SET_ERROR_IF(bufSize < glSizeof(glesv2_enc::uniformType(self, program,
+ location)), GL_INVALID_OPERATION);
+ s_glGetUniformiv(self, program, location, params);
diff --git a/system/GLESv2_enc/GL2Encoder.h b/system/GLESv2_enc/GL2Encoder.h
index 39f7feb..35d4737 100644
--- a/system/GLESv2_enc/GL2Encoder.h
+++ b/system/GLESv2_enc/GL2Encoder.h
@@ -719,6 +719,14 @@
glTexStorage2DMultisample_client_proc_t m_glTexStorage2DMultisample_enc;
static void s_glTexStorage2DMultisample(void* self, GLenum target, GLsizei samples, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLboolean fixedsamplelocations);
+ static GLenum s_glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT(void* self);
+ static void s_glReadnPixelsEXT(void* self, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width,
+ GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize,
+ GLvoid* pixels);
+ static void s_glGetnUniformfvEXT(void *self, GLuint program, GLint location,
+ GLsizei bufSize, GLfloat* params);
+ static void s_glGetnUniformivEXT(void *self, GLuint program, GLint location,
+ GLsizei bufSize, GLint* params);
glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES_client_proc_t m_glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES_enc;
diff --git a/system/GLESv2_enc/gl2_client_context.cpp b/system/GLESv2_enc/gl2_client_context.cpp
index 482b604..783ecd0 100644
--- a/system/GLESv2_enc/gl2_client_context.cpp
+++ b/system/GLESv2_enc/gl2_client_context.cpp
@@ -426,6 +426,10 @@
glMapBufferRangeDirect = (glMapBufferRangeDirect_client_proc_t) getProc("glMapBufferRangeDirect", userData);
glUnmapBufferDirect = (glUnmapBufferDirect_client_proc_t) getProc("glUnmapBufferDirect", userData);
glFlushMappedBufferRangeDirect = (glFlushMappedBufferRangeDirect_client_proc_t) getProc("glFlushMappedBufferRangeDirect", userData);
+ glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT = (glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT_client_proc_t) getProc("glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT", userData);
+ glReadnPixelsEXT = (glReadnPixelsEXT_client_proc_t) getProc("glReadnPixelsEXT", userData);
+ glGetnUniformfvEXT = (glGetnUniformfvEXT_client_proc_t) getProc("glGetnUniformfvEXT", userData);
+ glGetnUniformivEXT = (glGetnUniformivEXT_client_proc_t) getProc("glGetnUniformivEXT", userData);
return 0;
diff --git a/system/GLESv2_enc/gl2_client_context.h b/system/GLESv2_enc/gl2_client_context.h
index 4a11c2a..fe5c893 100644
--- a/system/GLESv2_enc/gl2_client_context.h
+++ b/system/GLESv2_enc/gl2_client_context.h
@@ -426,6 +426,10 @@
glMapBufferRangeDirect_client_proc_t glMapBufferRangeDirect;
glUnmapBufferDirect_client_proc_t glUnmapBufferDirect;
glFlushMappedBufferRangeDirect_client_proc_t glFlushMappedBufferRangeDirect;
+ glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT_client_proc_t glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT;
+ glReadnPixelsEXT_client_proc_t glReadnPixelsEXT;
+ glGetnUniformfvEXT_client_proc_t glGetnUniformfvEXT;
+ glGetnUniformivEXT_client_proc_t glGetnUniformivEXT;
virtual ~gl2_client_context_t() {}
typedef gl2_client_context_t *CONTEXT_ACCESSOR_TYPE(void);
diff --git a/system/GLESv2_enc/gl2_client_proc.h b/system/GLESv2_enc/gl2_client_proc.h
index 05d006a..1237dad 100644
--- a/system/GLESv2_enc/gl2_client_proc.h
+++ b/system/GLESv2_enc/gl2_client_proc.h
@@ -428,6 +428,10 @@
typedef uint64_t (gl2_APIENTRY *glMapBufferRangeDirect_client_proc_t) (void * ctx, GLenum, GLintptr, GLsizeiptr, GLbitfield, uint64_t);
typedef void (gl2_APIENTRY *glUnmapBufferDirect_client_proc_t) (void * ctx, GLenum, GLintptr, GLsizeiptr, GLbitfield, uint64_t, uint64_t, GLboolean*);
typedef void (gl2_APIENTRY *glFlushMappedBufferRangeDirect_client_proc_t) (void * ctx, GLenum, GLintptr, GLsizeiptr, GLbitfield);
+typedef GLenum (gl2_APIENTRY *glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT_client_proc_t) (void * ctx);
+typedef void (gl2_APIENTRY *glReadnPixelsEXT_client_proc_t) (void * ctx, GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLenum, GLenum, GLsizei, GLvoid*);
+typedef void (gl2_APIENTRY *glGetnUniformfvEXT_client_proc_t) (void * ctx, GLuint, GLint, GLsizei, GLfloat*);
+typedef void (gl2_APIENTRY *glGetnUniformivEXT_client_proc_t) (void * ctx, GLuint, GLint, GLsizei, GLint*);
diff --git a/system/GLESv2_enc/gl2_enc.cpp b/system/GLESv2_enc/gl2_enc.cpp
index 300994e..cae2416 100644
--- a/system/GLESv2_enc/gl2_enc.cpp
+++ b/system/GLESv2_enc/gl2_enc.cpp
@@ -3030,9 +3030,7 @@
if (useChecksum) checksumCalculator->addBuffer(buf, ptr-buf);
if (useChecksum) checksumCalculator->writeChecksum(ptr, checksumSize); ptr += checksumSize;
- // TODO: emugen produces bad code here, see b/79208762
- stream->readbackPixels(self, width, height, format, type, pixels);
+ stream->readback(pixels, __size_pixels);
if (useChecksum) checksumCalculator->addBuffer(pixels, __size_pixels);
if (useChecksum) {
unsigned char *checksumBufPtr = NULL;
@@ -11232,6 +11230,172 @@
+GLenum glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT_enc(void *self )
+ gl2_encoder_context_t *ctx = (gl2_encoder_context_t *)self;
+ IOStream *stream = ctx->m_stream;
+ ChecksumCalculator *checksumCalculator = ctx->m_checksumCalculator;
+ bool useChecksum = checksumCalculator->getVersion() > 0;
+ unsigned char *ptr;
+ unsigned char *buf;
+ const size_t sizeWithoutChecksum = 8;
+ const size_t checksumSize = checksumCalculator->checksumByteSize();
+ const size_t totalSize = sizeWithoutChecksum + checksumSize;
+ buf = stream->alloc(totalSize);
+ ptr = buf;
+ int tmp = OP_glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT;memcpy(ptr, &tmp, 4); ptr += 4;
+ memcpy(ptr, &totalSize, 4); ptr += 4;
+ if (useChecksum) checksumCalculator->addBuffer(buf, ptr-buf);
+ if (useChecksum) checksumCalculator->writeChecksum(ptr, checksumSize); ptr += checksumSize;
+ GLenum retval;
+ stream->readback(&retval, 4);
+ if (useChecksum) checksumCalculator->addBuffer(&retval, 4);
+ if (useChecksum) {
+ unsigned char *checksumBufPtr = NULL;
+ unsigned char checksumBuf[ChecksumCalculator::kMaxChecksumSize];
+ if (checksumSize > 0) checksumBufPtr = &checksumBuf[0];
+ stream->readback(checksumBufPtr, checksumSize);
+ if (!checksumCalculator->validate(checksumBufPtr, checksumSize)) {
+ ALOGE("glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT: GL communication error, please report this issue to\n");
+ abort();
+ }
+ }
+ return retval;
+void glReadnPixelsEXT_enc(void *self , GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid* data)
+ gl2_encoder_context_t *ctx = (gl2_encoder_context_t *)self;
+ IOStream *stream = ctx->m_stream;
+ ChecksumCalculator *checksumCalculator = ctx->m_checksumCalculator;
+ bool useChecksum = checksumCalculator->getVersion() > 0;
+ const unsigned int __size_data = bufSize;
+ unsigned char *ptr;
+ unsigned char *buf;
+ const size_t sizeWithoutChecksum = 8 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 0 + 1*4;
+ const size_t checksumSize = checksumCalculator->checksumByteSize();
+ const size_t totalSize = sizeWithoutChecksum + checksumSize;
+ buf = stream->alloc(totalSize);
+ ptr = buf;
+ int tmp = OP_glReadnPixelsEXT;memcpy(ptr, &tmp, 4); ptr += 4;
+ memcpy(ptr, &totalSize, 4); ptr += 4;
+ memcpy(ptr, &x, 4); ptr += 4;
+ memcpy(ptr, &y, 4); ptr += 4;
+ memcpy(ptr, &width, 4); ptr += 4;
+ memcpy(ptr, &height, 4); ptr += 4;
+ memcpy(ptr, &format, 4); ptr += 4;
+ memcpy(ptr, &type, 4); ptr += 4;
+ memcpy(ptr, &bufSize, 4); ptr += 4;
+ *(unsigned int *)(ptr) = __size_data; ptr += 4;
+ if (useChecksum) checksumCalculator->addBuffer(buf, ptr-buf);
+ if (useChecksum) checksumCalculator->writeChecksum(ptr, checksumSize); ptr += checksumSize;
+ stream->readback(data, __size_data);
+ if (useChecksum) checksumCalculator->addBuffer(data, __size_data);
+ if (useChecksum) {
+ unsigned char *checksumBufPtr = NULL;
+ unsigned char checksumBuf[ChecksumCalculator::kMaxChecksumSize];
+ if (checksumSize > 0) checksumBufPtr = &checksumBuf[0];
+ stream->readback(checksumBufPtr, checksumSize);
+ if (!checksumCalculator->validate(checksumBufPtr, checksumSize)) {
+ ALOGE("glReadnPixelsEXT: GL communication error, please report this issue to\n");
+ abort();
+ }
+ }
+void glGetnUniformfvEXT_enc(void *self , GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei bufSize, GLfloat* params)
+ gl2_encoder_context_t *ctx = (gl2_encoder_context_t *)self;
+ IOStream *stream = ctx->m_stream;
+ ChecksumCalculator *checksumCalculator = ctx->m_checksumCalculator;
+ bool useChecksum = checksumCalculator->getVersion() > 0;
+ const unsigned int __size_params = bufSize;
+ unsigned char *ptr;
+ unsigned char *buf;
+ const size_t sizeWithoutChecksum = 8 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 0 + 1*4;
+ const size_t checksumSize = checksumCalculator->checksumByteSize();
+ const size_t totalSize = sizeWithoutChecksum + checksumSize;
+ buf = stream->alloc(totalSize);
+ ptr = buf;
+ int tmp = OP_glGetnUniformfvEXT;memcpy(ptr, &tmp, 4); ptr += 4;
+ memcpy(ptr, &totalSize, 4); ptr += 4;
+ memcpy(ptr, &program, 4); ptr += 4;
+ memcpy(ptr, &location, 4); ptr += 4;
+ memcpy(ptr, &bufSize, 4); ptr += 4;
+ *(unsigned int *)(ptr) = __size_params; ptr += 4;
+ if (useChecksum) checksumCalculator->addBuffer(buf, ptr-buf);
+ if (useChecksum) checksumCalculator->writeChecksum(ptr, checksumSize); ptr += checksumSize;
+ stream->readback(params, __size_params);
+ if (useChecksum) checksumCalculator->addBuffer(params, __size_params);
+ if (useChecksum) {
+ unsigned char *checksumBufPtr = NULL;
+ unsigned char checksumBuf[ChecksumCalculator::kMaxChecksumSize];
+ if (checksumSize > 0) checksumBufPtr = &checksumBuf[0];
+ stream->readback(checksumBufPtr, checksumSize);
+ if (!checksumCalculator->validate(checksumBufPtr, checksumSize)) {
+ ALOGE("glGetnUniformfvEXT: GL communication error, please report this issue to\n");
+ abort();
+ }
+ }
+void glGetnUniformivEXT_enc(void *self , GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei bufSize, GLint* params)
+ gl2_encoder_context_t *ctx = (gl2_encoder_context_t *)self;
+ IOStream *stream = ctx->m_stream;
+ ChecksumCalculator *checksumCalculator = ctx->m_checksumCalculator;
+ bool useChecksum = checksumCalculator->getVersion() > 0;
+ const unsigned int __size_params = bufSize;
+ unsigned char *ptr;
+ unsigned char *buf;
+ const size_t sizeWithoutChecksum = 8 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 0 + 1*4;
+ const size_t checksumSize = checksumCalculator->checksumByteSize();
+ const size_t totalSize = sizeWithoutChecksum + checksumSize;
+ buf = stream->alloc(totalSize);
+ ptr = buf;
+ int tmp = OP_glGetnUniformivEXT;memcpy(ptr, &tmp, 4); ptr += 4;
+ memcpy(ptr, &totalSize, 4); ptr += 4;
+ memcpy(ptr, &program, 4); ptr += 4;
+ memcpy(ptr, &location, 4); ptr += 4;
+ memcpy(ptr, &bufSize, 4); ptr += 4;
+ *(unsigned int *)(ptr) = __size_params; ptr += 4;
+ if (useChecksum) checksumCalculator->addBuffer(buf, ptr-buf);
+ if (useChecksum) checksumCalculator->writeChecksum(ptr, checksumSize); ptr += checksumSize;
+ stream->readback(params, __size_params);
+ if (useChecksum) checksumCalculator->addBuffer(params, __size_params);
+ if (useChecksum) {
+ unsigned char *checksumBufPtr = NULL;
+ unsigned char checksumBuf[ChecksumCalculator::kMaxChecksumSize];
+ if (checksumSize > 0) checksumBufPtr = &checksumBuf[0];
+ stream->readback(checksumBufPtr, checksumSize);
+ if (!checksumCalculator->validate(checksumBufPtr, checksumSize)) {
+ ALOGE("glGetnUniformivEXT: GL communication error, please report this issue to\n");
+ abort();
+ }
+ }
} // namespace
gl2_encoder_context_t::gl2_encoder_context_t(IOStream *stream, ChecksumCalculator *checksumCalculator)
@@ -11655,5 +11819,9 @@
this->glMapBufferRangeDirect = &glMapBufferRangeDirect_enc;
this->glUnmapBufferDirect = &glUnmapBufferDirect_enc;
this->glFlushMappedBufferRangeDirect = &glFlushMappedBufferRangeDirect_enc;
+ this->glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT = &glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT_enc;
+ this->glReadnPixelsEXT = &glReadnPixelsEXT_enc;
+ this->glGetnUniformfvEXT = &glGetnUniformfvEXT_enc;
+ this->glGetnUniformivEXT = &glGetnUniformivEXT_enc;
diff --git a/system/GLESv2_enc/gl2_entry.cpp b/system/GLESv2_enc/gl2_entry.cpp
index 118b2ee..70b22bc 100644
--- a/system/GLESv2_enc/gl2_entry.cpp
+++ b/system/GLESv2_enc/gl2_entry.cpp
@@ -421,6 +421,10 @@
uint64_t glMapBufferRangeDirect(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr length, GLbitfield access, uint64_t paddr);
void glUnmapBufferDirect(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr length, GLbitfield access, uint64_t paddr, uint64_t guest_ptr, GLboolean* out_res);
void glFlushMappedBufferRangeDirect(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr length, GLbitfield access);
+ GLenum glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT();
+ void glReadnPixelsEXT(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid* data);
+ void glGetnUniformfvEXT(GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei bufSize, GLfloat* params);
+ void glGetnUniformivEXT(GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei bufSize, GLint* params);
@@ -2962,3 +2966,27 @@
ctx->glFlushMappedBufferRangeDirect(ctx, target, offset, length, access);
+GLenum glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT()
+ return ctx->glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT(ctx);
+void glReadnPixelsEXT(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei bufSize, GLvoid* data)
+ ctx->glReadnPixelsEXT(ctx, x, y, width, height, format, type, bufSize, data);
+void glGetnUniformfvEXT(GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei bufSize, GLfloat* params)
+ ctx->glGetnUniformfvEXT(ctx, program, location, bufSize, params);
+void glGetnUniformivEXT(GLuint program, GLint location, GLsizei bufSize, GLint* params)
+ ctx->glGetnUniformivEXT(ctx, program, location, bufSize, params);
diff --git a/system/GLESv2_enc/gl2_ftable.h b/system/GLESv2_enc/gl2_ftable.h
index 99fe978..0e93cf1 100644
--- a/system/GLESv2_enc/gl2_ftable.h
+++ b/system/GLESv2_enc/gl2_ftable.h
@@ -381,6 +381,10 @@
{"glGetFramebufferParameteriv", (void*)glGetFramebufferParameteriv},
{"glGetTexLevelParameterfv", (void*)glGetTexLevelParameterfv},
{"glGetTexLevelParameteriv", (void*)glGetTexLevelParameteriv},
+ {"glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT", (void*)glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT},
+ {"glReadnPixelsEXT", (void*)glReadnPixelsEXT},
+ {"glGetnUniformfvEXT", (void*)glGetnUniformfvEXT},
+ {"glGetnUniformivEXT", (void*)glGetnUniformivEXT},
static const int gl2_num_funcs = sizeof(gl2_funcs_by_name) / sizeof(struct _gl2_funcs_by_name);
diff --git a/system/GLESv2_enc/gl2_opcodes.h b/system/GLESv2_enc/gl2_opcodes.h
index b359570..96688db 100644
--- a/system/GLESv2_enc/gl2_opcodes.h
+++ b/system/GLESv2_enc/gl2_opcodes.h
@@ -419,7 +419,11 @@
#define OP_glMapBufferRangeDirect 2461
#define OP_glUnmapBufferDirect 2462
#define OP_glFlushMappedBufferRangeDirect 2463
-#define OP_last 2464
+#define OP_glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT 2464
+#define OP_glReadnPixelsEXT 2465
+#define OP_glGetnUniformfvEXT 2466
+#define OP_glGetnUniformivEXT 2467
+#define OP_last 2468
diff --git a/system/egl/egl.cpp b/system/egl/egl.cpp
index 23fb8cc..c5e27ed 100644
--- a/system/egl/egl.cpp
+++ b/system/egl/egl.cpp
@@ -735,6 +735,8 @@
hostStr = NULL;
+ // push guest strings
+ res.push_back("GL_EXT_robustness");
if (!hostStr || !strlen(hostStr)) { return res; }