[16/n] ResourceTracker: add mechanisms to record pending commands

Bug: 177241396

This is most of the heavy logic around VulkanQueueSubmitWithCommands.

First, we provide new methods to ResourceTracker to acquire encoders
specific to VkCommandBuffers and VkQueues. We don't use the
VkQueue-specific encoder any differently from before though.

Next if the feature is enabled, we use an encoder specific to the
command buffer when recording command buffer dispatched Vulkan API
calls. Each command buffer uses a CommandBufferStagingStream to store
intermediate streaming data for the host.

However, this scheme means that it's possible to include stale command
buffer data that the host shouldn't decode, such as when we record a
bunch of commands and then before submitting, reset the command buffer.
Indeed, the Vulkan spec has rules around when a command buffer's
currently-recorded results must be ignored:

- On command buffer reset (e.g., any vkBeginCommandBuffer,
vkResetCommandBuffer, vkResetCommandPool, and any operation that deletes
a command buffer or its command pool).
- When a command buffer's secondary command buffer is reset.

So we maintain (using the new linked-list mechanisms) a list of
VkCommandBuffers, primary and secondary, and recursively (well, there is
only one level of recursion allowed (so far)) reset command
buffers/pools depending on the action. We also need to instrument
vkCmdExecuteCommands to link primary and secondary command buffers,
and add routines that run when command buffers/pools are

This also requires accompanying codegen; it's not hooked up to anything yet.

Change-Id: If1927b2e9bf1d63ccc4529909aa5c8d3180ef476
diff --git a/system/vulkan_enc/ResourceTracker.cpp b/system/vulkan_enc/ResourceTracker.cpp
index 2d9b8e6..c755046 100644
--- a/system/vulkan_enc/ResourceTracker.cpp
+++ b/system/vulkan_enc/ResourceTracker.cpp
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 #include "ResourceTracker.h"
 #include "Resources.h"
+#include "CommandBufferStagingStream.h"
 #include "android/base/Optional.h"
 #include "android/base/threads/AndroidWorkPool.h"
@@ -233,6 +234,38 @@
 uint32_t ResourceTracker::streamFeatureBits = 0;
 ResourceTracker::ThreadingCallbacks ResourceTracker::threadingCallbacks;
+struct StagingInfo {
+    Lock mLock;
+    std::vector<CommandBufferStagingStream*> streams;
+    std::vector<VkEncoder*> encoders;
+    void pushStaging(CommandBufferStagingStream* stream, VkEncoder* encoder) {
+        AutoLock lock(mLock);
+        stream->reset();
+        streams.push_back(stream);
+        encoders.push_back(encoder);
+    }
+    void popStaging(CommandBufferStagingStream** streamOut, VkEncoder** encoderOut) {
+        AutoLock lock(mLock);
+        CommandBufferStagingStream* stream;
+        VkEncoder* encoder;
+        if (streams.empty()) {
+            stream = new CommandBufferStagingStream;
+            encoder = new VkEncoder(stream);
+        } else {
+            stream = streams.back();
+            encoder = encoders.back();
+            streams.pop_back();
+            encoders.pop_back();
+        }
+        *streamOut = stream;
+        *encoderOut = encoder;
+    }
+static StagingInfo sStaging;
 class ResourceTracker::Impl {
     Impl() = default;
@@ -373,6 +406,10 @@
         std::vector<VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding> bindings;
+    struct VkCommandPool_Info {
+        uint32_t unused;
+    };
     std::unordered_map<type, type##_Info> info_##type; \
     void register_##type(type obj) { \
@@ -409,10 +446,27 @@
+    void unregister_VkCommandPool(VkCommandPool pool) {
+        if (!pool) return;
+        clearCommandPool(pool);
+        AutoLock lock(mLock);
+        info_VkCommandPool.erase(pool);
+    }
     void unregister_VkCommandBuffer(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer) {
+        resetCommandBufferStagingInfo(commandBuffer, true /* also reset primaries */);
         struct goldfish_VkCommandBuffer* cb = as_goldfish_VkCommandBuffer(commandBuffer);
         if (!cb) return;
         if (cb->lastUsedEncoder) { cb->lastUsedEncoder->decRef(); }
+        eraseObjects(&cb->subObjects);
+        forAllObjects(cb->poolObjects, [cb](void* commandPool) {
+            struct goldfish_VkCommandPool* p = as_goldfish_VkCommandPool((VkCommandPool)commandPool);
+            eraseObject(&p->subObjects, (void*)cb);
+        });
+        eraseObjects(&cb->poolObjects);
         AutoLock lock(mLock);
@@ -5313,9 +5367,16 @@
         VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
         const VkCommandBufferBeginInfo* pBeginInfo) {
-        VkEncoder* enc = (VkEncoder*)context;
+        (void)context;
+        resetCommandBufferStagingInfo(commandBuffer, true /* also reset primaries */);
+        VkEncoder* enc = ResourceTracker::getCommandBufferEncoder(commandBuffer);
+        struct goldfish_VkCommandBuffer* cb = as_goldfish_VkCommandBuffer(commandBuffer);
+        cb->flags = pBeginInfo->flags;
         if (!supportsDeferredCommands()) {
             return enc->vkBeginCommandBuffer(commandBuffer, pBeginInfo, true /* do lock */);
@@ -5346,6 +5407,8 @@
         VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
         VkCommandBufferResetFlags flags) {
+        resetCommandBufferStagingInfo(commandBuffer, true /* also reset primaries */);
         VkEncoder* enc = (VkEncoder*)context;
@@ -5383,6 +5446,29 @@
         return enc->vkCreateImageView(device, &localCreateInfo, pAllocator, pView, true /* do lock */);
+    void on_vkCmdExecuteCommands(
+        void* context,
+        VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
+        uint32_t commandBufferCount,
+        const VkCommandBuffer* pCommandBuffers) {
+        VkEncoder* enc = (VkEncoder*)context;
+        if (!mFeatureInfo->hasVulkanQueueSubmitWithCommands) {
+            enc->vkCmdExecuteCommands(commandBuffer, commandBufferCount, pCommandBuffers, true /* do lock */);
+            return;
+        }
+        struct goldfish_VkCommandBuffer* primary = as_goldfish_VkCommandBuffer(commandBuffer);
+        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < commandBufferCount; ++i) {
+            struct goldfish_VkCommandBuffer* secondary = as_goldfish_VkCommandBuffer(pCommandBuffers[i]);
+            appendObject(&secondary->superObjects, primary);
+            appendObject(&primary->subObjects, secondary);
+        }
+        enc->vkCmdExecuteCommands(commandBuffer, commandBufferCount, pCommandBuffers, true /* do lock */);
+    }
     uint32_t getApiVersionFromInstance(VkInstance instance) const {
         AutoLock lock(mLock);
         uint32_t api = kDefaultApiVersion;
@@ -5428,6 +5514,69 @@
+    // Resets staging stream for this command buffer and primary command buffers
+    // where this command buffer has been recorded.
+    void resetCommandBufferStagingInfo(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, bool alsoResetPrimaries) {
+        struct goldfish_VkCommandBuffer* cb = as_goldfish_VkCommandBuffer(commandBuffer);
+        if (!cb) {
+            return;
+        }
+        if (cb->privateEncoder) {
+            sStaging.pushStaging((CommandBufferStagingStream*)cb->privateStream, cb->privateEncoder);
+            cb->privateEncoder = nullptr;
+            cb->privateStream = nullptr;
+        }
+        if (alsoResetPrimaries) {
+            forAllObjects(cb->superObjects, [this, cb, alsoResetPrimaries](void* obj) {
+                VkCommandBuffer superCommandBuffer = (VkCommandBuffer)obj;
+                struct goldfish_VkCommandBuffer* superCb = as_goldfish_VkCommandBuffer(superCommandBuffer);
+                this->resetCommandBufferStagingInfo(superCommandBuffer, alsoResetPrimaries);
+            });
+            eraseObjects(&cb->superObjects);
+        }
+        forAllObjects(cb->subObjects, [cb](void* obj) {
+            VkCommandBuffer subCommandBuffer = (VkCommandBuffer)obj;
+            struct goldfish_VkCommandBuffer* subCb = as_goldfish_VkCommandBuffer(subCommandBuffer);
+            // We don't do resetCommandBufferStagingInfo(subCommandBuffer)
+            // since the user still might have submittable stuff pending there.
+            eraseObject(&subCb->superObjects, (void*)cb);
+        });
+        eraseObjects(&cb->subObjects);
+    }
+    void resetCommandPoolStagingInfo(VkCommandPool commandPool) {
+        struct goldfish_VkCommandPool* p = as_goldfish_VkCommandPool(commandPool);
+        if (!p) return;
+        forAllObjects(p->subObjects, [this](void* commandBuffer) {
+            this->resetCommandBufferStagingInfo((VkCommandBuffer)commandBuffer, true /* also reset primaries */);
+        });
+    }
+    void addToCommandPool(VkCommandPool commandPool,
+                          uint32_t commandBufferCount,
+                          VkCommandBuffer* pCommandBuffers) {
+        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < commandBufferCount; ++i) {
+            struct goldfish_VkCommandPool* p = as_goldfish_VkCommandPool(commandPool);
+            struct goldfish_VkCommandBuffer* cb = as_goldfish_VkCommandBuffer(pCommandBuffers[i]);
+            appendObject(&p->subObjects, (void*)(pCommandBuffers[i]));
+            appendObject(&cb->poolObjects, (void*)commandPool);
+        }
+    }
+    void clearCommandPool(VkCommandPool commandPool) {
+        resetCommandPoolStagingInfo(commandPool);
+        struct goldfish_VkCommandPool* p = as_goldfish_VkCommandPool(commandPool);
+        forAllObjects(p->subObjects, [this](void* commandBuffer) {
+            this->unregister_VkCommandBuffer((VkCommandBuffer)commandBuffer);
+        });
+        eraseObjects(&p->subObjects);
+    }
     mutable Lock mLock;
     HostVisibleMemoryVirtualizationInfo mHostVisibleMemoryVirtInfo;
@@ -5546,6 +5695,48 @@
 bool ResourceTracker::hasDeviceExtension(VkDevice device, const std::string &name) const {
     return mImpl->hasDeviceExtension(device, name);
+void ResourceTracker::addToCommandPool(VkCommandPool commandPool,
+                      uint32_t commandBufferCount,
+                      VkCommandBuffer* pCommandBuffers) {
+    mImpl->addToCommandPool(commandPool, commandBufferCount, pCommandBuffers);
+void ResourceTracker::resetCommandPoolStagingInfo(VkCommandPool commandPool) {
+    mImpl->resetCommandPoolStagingInfo(commandPool);
+// static
+__attribute__((always_inline)) VkEncoder* ResourceTracker::getCommandBufferEncoder(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer) {
+    if (!(ResourceTracker::streamFeatureBits & VULKAN_STREAM_FEATURE_QUEUE_SUBMIT_WITH_COMMANDS_BIT)) {
+        auto enc = ResourceTracker::getThreadLocalEncoder();
+        ResourceTracker::get()->syncEncodersForCommandBuffer(commandBuffer, enc);
+        return enc;
+    }
+    struct goldfish_VkCommandBuffer* cb = as_goldfish_VkCommandBuffer(commandBuffer);
+    if (!cb->privateEncoder) {
+        sStaging.popStaging((CommandBufferStagingStream**)&cb->privateStream, &cb->privateEncoder);
+    }
+    uint8_t* writtenPtr; size_t written;
+    ((CommandBufferStagingStream*)cb->privateStream)->getWritten(&writtenPtr, &written);
+    return cb->privateEncoder;
+// static
+__attribute__((always_inline)) VkEncoder* ResourceTracker::getQueueEncoder(VkQueue queue) {
+    auto enc = ResourceTracker::getThreadLocalEncoder();
+    if (!(ResourceTracker::streamFeatureBits & VULKAN_STREAM_FEATURE_QUEUE_SUBMIT_WITH_COMMANDS_BIT)) {
+        ResourceTracker::get()->syncEncodersForQueue(queue, enc);
+    }
+    return enc;
+// static
+__attribute__((always_inline)) VkEncoder* ResourceTracker::getThreadLocalEncoder() {
+    auto hostConn = ResourceTracker::threadingCallbacks.hostConnectionGetFunc();
+    auto vkEncoder = ResourceTracker::threadingCallbacks.vkEncoderGetFunc(hostConn);
+    return vkEncoder;
 // static
 void ResourceTracker::setSeqnoPtr(uint32_t* seqnoptr) {
@@ -6310,6 +6501,15 @@
         context, input_result, device, pCreateInfo, pAllocator, pView);
+void ResourceTracker::on_vkCmdExecuteCommands(
+    void* context,
+    VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
+    uint32_t commandBufferCount,
+    const VkCommandBuffer* pCommandBuffers) {
+    mImpl->on_vkCmdExecuteCommands(
+        context, commandBuffer, commandBufferCount, pCommandBuffers);
 void ResourceTracker::deviceMemoryTransform_tohost(
     VkDeviceMemory* memory, uint32_t memoryCount,
     VkDeviceSize* offset, uint32_t offsetCount,