[vulkan] Skeleton code for handling external guest memory
bug: 122080810
This adds the ability for ResourceTracker in the guest to
track both AHardwareBuffer's and Fuchsia vmo_handles.
Prototype code is added for AHardwareBuffer import, but not tested yet.
Change-Id: I41a74d300e341419092e95179812ce1862c8deff
diff --git a/system/vulkan_enc/ResourceTracker.cpp b/system/vulkan_enc/ResourceTracker.cpp
index ef62678..1ccad27 100644
--- a/system/vulkan_enc/ResourceTracker.cpp
+++ b/system/vulkan_enc/ResourceTracker.cpp
@@ -16,7 +16,30 @@
#include "ResourceTracker.h"
#include "../OpenglSystemCommon/EmulatorFeatureInfo.h"
+typedef uint32_t zx_handle_t;
+#define ZX_HANDLE_INVALID ((zx_handle_t)0)
+void zx_handle_close(zx_handle_t) { }
#include "AndroidHardwareBuffer.h"
+typedef uint32_t AHardwareBuffer;
+void AHardwareBuffer_release(AHardwareBuffer*) { }
+#include <fuchsia/hardware/goldfish/c/fidl.h>
+#include <lib/fzl/fdio.h>
+#include <zircon/process.h>
+#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
+#include <zircon/syscalls/object.h>
#include "HostVisibleMemoryVirtualization.h"
#include "Resources.h"
#include "VkEncoder.h"
@@ -56,6 +79,36 @@
namespace goldfish_vk {
+namespace {
+template<typename T>
+bool GetImportHandle(const void* pNext, VkStructureType import_type,
+ uint32_t bit, uint32_t* pHandle) {
+ while (pNext) {
+ auto info = static_cast<const T*>(pNext);
+ if (info->sType == import_type && info->handleType & bit) {
+ *pHandle = info->handle;
+ return true;
+ }
+ pNext = info->pNext;
+ }
+ return false;
+template<typename T>
+bool HasExportBit(const void* pNext, VkStructureType export_type, uint32_t bit) {
+ while (pNext) {
+ auto info = static_cast<const T*>(pNext);
+ if (info->sType == export_type && info->handleTypes & bit) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ pNext = info->pNext;
+ }
+ return false;
+} // namespace
#define MAKE_HANDLE_MAPPING_FOREACH(type_name, map_impl, map_to_u64_impl, map_from_u64_impl) \
void mapHandles_##type_name(type_name* handles, size_t count) override { \
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { \
@@ -143,7 +196,8 @@
goldfishAddressSpaceBlock = nullptr;
SubAlloc subAlloc;
- AHardwareBuffer** ahbHandle = nullptr;
+ AHardwareBuffer* ahw = nullptr;
+ zx_handle_t vmoHandle = ZX_HANDLE_INVALID;
// custom guest-side structs for images/buffers because of AHardwareBuffer :((
@@ -207,6 +261,14 @@
auto& memInfo = it->second;
+ if (memInfo.ahw) {
+ AHardwareBuffer_release(memInfo.ahw);
+ }
+ if (memInfo.vmoHandle) {
+ zx_handle_close(memInfo.vmoHandle);
+ }
if (memInfo.mappedPtr &&
!memInfo.virtualHostVisibleBacking &&
!memInfo.directMapped) {
@@ -287,7 +349,9 @@
VkDeviceSize allocationSize,
VkDeviceSize mappedSize,
uint8_t* ptr,
- uint32_t memoryTypeIndex) {
+ uint32_t memoryTypeIndex,
+ AHardwareBuffer* ahw = nullptr,
+ zx_handle_t vmoHandle = ZX_HANDLE_INVALID) {
AutoLock lock(mLock);
auto& deviceInfo = info_VkDevice[device];
auto& info = info_VkDeviceMemory[memory];
@@ -296,6 +360,8 @@
info.mappedSize = mappedSize;
info.mappedPtr = ptr;
info.memoryTypeIndex = memoryTypeIndex;
+ info.ahw = ahw;
+ info.vmoHandle = vmoHandle;
bool isMemoryTypeHostVisible(VkDevice device, uint32_t typeIndex) const {
@@ -829,11 +895,11 @@
auto& info = memoryIt->second;
VkResult queryRes =
- getMemoryAndroidHardwareBufferANDROID(info.ahbHandle);
+ getMemoryAndroidHardwareBufferANDROID(&info.ahw);
if (queryRes != VK_SUCCESS) return queryRes;
- *pBuffer = *(info.ahbHandle);
+ *pBuffer = info.ahw;
return queryRes;
@@ -850,52 +916,239 @@
VkEncoder* enc = (VkEncoder*)context;
- // Device local memory: pass through
- if (!isHostVisibleMemoryTypeIndexForGuest(
+ VkMemoryAllocateInfo finalAllocInfo = *pAllocateInfo;
+ VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo dedicatedAllocInfo;
+ VkImportColorBufferGOOGLE importCbInfo = {
+ };
+ VkImportPhysicalAddressGOOGLE importPhysAddrInfo = {
+ };
+ vk_struct_common* structChain =
+ structChain = vk_init_struct_chain(
+ (vk_struct_common*)(&finalAllocInfo));
+ structChain->pNext = nullptr;
+ VkExportMemoryAllocateInfo* exportAllocateInfoPtr =
+ (VkExportMemoryAllocateInfo*)vk_find_struct((vk_struct_common*)pAllocateInfo,
+ VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID* importAhbInfoPtr =
+ (VkImportAndroidHardwareBufferInfoANDROID*)vk_find_struct((vk_struct_common*)pAllocateInfo,
+ // TODO: Fuchsia image works in a similar way but over vmo id (phys addr)?
+ VkImportPhysicalAddressGOOGLE* importPhysAddrInfoPtr = nullptr;
+ VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo* dedicatedAllocInfoPtr =
+ (VkMemoryDedicatedAllocateInfo*)vk_find_struct((vk_struct_common*)pAllocateInfo,
+ bool shouldPassThroughDedicatedAllocInfo =
+ !isHostVisibleMemoryTypeIndexForGuest(
+ &mHostVisibleMemoryVirtInfo,
+ pAllocateInfo->memoryTypeIndex);
+ if (!exportAllocateInfoPtr &&
+ importAhbInfoPtr && // TODO: Fuchsia image
+ dedicatedAllocInfoPtr &&
+ isHostVisibleMemoryTypeIndexForGuest(
pAllocateInfo->memoryTypeIndex)) {
+ ALOGE("FATAL: It is not yet supported to import-allocate "
+ "external memory that is both host visible and dedicated.");
+ abort();
+ }
+ if (shouldPassThroughDedicatedAllocInfo &&
+ dedicatedAllocInfoPtr) {
+ dedicatedAllocInfo = *dedicatedAllocInfoPtr;
+ structChain->pNext =
+ (vk_struct_common*)(&dedicatedAllocInfo);
+ structChain =
+ (vk_struct_common*)(&dedicatedAllocInfo);
+ structChain->pNext = nullptr;
+ }
+ // State needed for import/export.
+ bool exportAhb = false;
+ bool exportPhysAddr = false;
+ bool importAhb = false;
+ bool importPhysAddr = false;
+ (void)exportPhysAddr;
+ (void)importPhysAddr;
+ // Even if we export allocate, the underlying operation
+ // for the host is always going to be an import operation.
+ // This is also how Intel's implementation works,
+ // and is generally simpler;
+ // even in an export allocation,
+ // we perform AHardwareBuffer allocation
+ // on the guest side, at this layer,
+ // and then we attach a new VkDeviceMemory
+ // to the AHardwareBuffer on the host via an "import" operation.
+ AHardwareBuffer* ahw = nullptr;
+ zx_handle_t vmo_handle = ZX_HANDLE_INVALID;
+ if (exportAllocateInfoPtr) {
+ exportAhb =
+ exportAllocateInfoPtr->handleTypes &
+ } else if (importAhbInfoPtr) {
+ importAhb = true;
+ }
+ if (importPhysAddrInfoPtr) {
+ importPhysAddrInfo = *importPhysAddrInfoPtr;
+ importPhysAddr = true;
+ }
+ if (exportAhb) {
+ bool hasDedicatedImage = dedicatedAllocInfoPtr &&
+ (dedicatedAllocInfoPtr->image != VK_NULL_HANDLE);
+ bool hasDedicatedBuffer = dedicatedAllocInfoPtr &&
+ (dedicatedAllocInfoPtr->buffer != VK_NULL_HANDLE);
+ VkExtent3D imageExtent = { 0, 0, 0 };
+ uint32_t imageLayers = 0;
+ VkFormat imageFormat = VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED;
+ VkImageUsageFlags imageUsage = 0;
+ VkImageCreateFlags imageCreateFlags = 0;
+ VkDeviceSize bufferSize = 0;
+ VkDeviceSize allocationInfoAllocSize =
+ finalAllocInfo.allocationSize;
+ if (hasDedicatedImage) {
+ AutoLock lock(mLock);
+ auto it = info_VkImage.find(
+ dedicatedAllocInfoPtr->image);
+ if (it == info_VkImage.end()) return VK_ERROR_INITIALIZATION_FAILED;
+ const auto& info = it->second;
+ const auto& imgCi = info.createInfo;
+ imageExtent = imgCi.extent;
+ imageLayers = imgCi.arrayLayers;
+ imageFormat = imgCi.format;
+ imageUsage = imgCi.usage;
+ imageCreateFlags = imgCi.flags;
+ }
+ if (hasDedicatedBuffer) {
+ AutoLock lock(mLock);
+ auto it = info_VkBuffer.find(
+ dedicatedAllocInfoPtr->buffer);
+ if (it == info_VkBuffer.end()) return VK_ERROR_INITIALIZATION_FAILED;
+ const auto& info = it->second;
+ const auto& bufCi = info.createInfo;
+ bufferSize = bufCi.size;
+ }
+ VkResult ahbCreateRes =
+ createAndroidHardwareBuffer(
+ hasDedicatedImage,
+ hasDedicatedBuffer,
+ imageExtent,
+ imageLayers,
+ imageFormat,
+ imageUsage,
+ imageCreateFlags,
+ bufferSize,
+ allocationInfoAllocSize,
+ &ahw);
+ if (ahbCreateRes != VK_SUCCESS) {
+ return ahbCreateRes;
+ }
+ }
+ if (importAhb) {
+ ahw = importAhbInfoPtr->buffer;
+ // We still need to acquire the AHardwareBuffer.
+ importAndroidHardwareBuffer(
+ importAhbInfoPtr, nullptr);
+ }
+ if (ahw) {
+ const native_handle_t *handle =
+ AHardwareBuffer_getNativeHandle(ahw);
+ const cb_handle_t* cb_handle =
+ reinterpret_cast<const cb_handle_t*>(handle);
+ importCbInfo.colorBuffer = cb_handle->hostHandle;
+ structChain =
+ vk_append_struct(structChain, (vk_struct_common*)(&importCbInfo));
+ }
+ // TODO if (exportPhysAddr) { }
+ if (!isHostVisibleMemoryTypeIndexForGuest(
+ &mHostVisibleMemoryVirtInfo,
+ finalAllocInfo.memoryTypeIndex)) {
input_result =
- device, pAllocateInfo, pAllocator, pMemory);
+ device, &finalAllocInfo, pAllocator, pMemory);
if (input_result != VK_SUCCESS) return input_result;
- VkDeviceSize allocationSize = pAllocateInfo->allocationSize;
+ VkDeviceSize allocationSize = finalAllocInfo.allocationSize;
device, *pMemory,
- pAllocateInfo->allocationSize,
+ finalAllocInfo.allocationSize,
0, nullptr,
- pAllocateInfo->memoryTypeIndex);
+ finalAllocInfo.memoryTypeIndex,
+ ahw,
+ vmo_handle);
return VK_SUCCESS;
- // Host visible memory with no direct mapping support
+ // Device-local memory dealing is over. What follows:
+ // host-visible memory.
+ if (ahw) {
+ ALOGE("%s: Host visible export/import allocation "
+ "of Android hardware buffers is not supported.",
+ __func__);
+ abort();
+ }
+ // Host visible memory, non external
bool directMappingSupported = usingDirectMapping();
if (!directMappingSupported) {
input_result =
- device, pAllocateInfo, pAllocator, pMemory);
+ device, &finalAllocInfo, pAllocator, pMemory);
if (input_result != VK_SUCCESS) return input_result;
VkDeviceSize mappedSize =
- pAllocateInfo->allocationSize);
+ finalAllocInfo.allocationSize);
uint8_t* mappedPtr = (uint8_t*)aligned_buf_alloc(4096, mappedSize);
D("host visible alloc (non-direct): "
"size 0x%llx host ptr %p mapped size 0x%llx",
- (unsigned long long)pAllocateInfo->allocationSize, mappedPtr,
+ (unsigned long long)finalAllocInfo.allocationSize, mappedPtr,
(unsigned long long)mappedSize);
device, *pMemory,
- pAllocateInfo->allocationSize,
+ finalAllocInfo.allocationSize,
mappedSize, mappedPtr,
- pAllocateInfo->memoryTypeIndex);
+ finalAllocInfo.memoryTypeIndex);
return VK_SUCCESS;
+ // Host visible memory with direct mapping via
+ // VkImportPhysicalAddressGOOGLE
+ if (importPhysAddr) {
+ // vkAllocateMemory(device, &finalAllocInfo, pAllocator, pMemory);
+ // host maps the host pointer to the guest physical address
+ // TODO: the host side page offset of the
+ // host pointer needs to be returned somehow.
+ }
// Host visible memory with direct mapping
AutoLock lock(mLock);
@@ -904,10 +1157,10 @@
auto& deviceInfo = it->second;
HostMemAlloc* hostMemAlloc =
- &deviceInfo.hostMemAllocs[pAllocateInfo->memoryTypeIndex];
+ &deviceInfo.hostMemAllocs[finalAllocInfo.memoryTypeIndex];
if (!hostMemAlloc->initialized) {
- VkMemoryAllocateInfo allocInfoForHost = *pAllocateInfo;
+ VkMemoryAllocateInfo allocInfoForHost = finalAllocInfo;
allocInfoForHost.allocationSize = VIRTUAL_HOST_VISIBLE_HEAP_SIZE;
// TODO: Support dedicated allocation
allocInfoForHost.pNext = nullptr;
@@ -935,7 +1188,7 @@
hostMemInfo.mappedSize = hostMemInfo.allocationSize;
hostMemInfo.memoryTypeIndex =
- pAllocateInfo->memoryTypeIndex;
+ finalAllocInfo.memoryTypeIndex;
hostMemAlloc->nonCoherentAtomSize = nonCoherentAtomSize;
uint64_t directMappedAddr = 0;
@@ -959,7 +1212,7 @@
- pAllocateInfo->memoryTypeIndex,
+ finalAllocInfo.memoryTypeIndex,
@@ -975,13 +1228,13 @@
- pAllocateInfo,
+ &finalAllocInfo,
virtualMemInfo.allocationSize = virtualMemInfo.subAlloc.subAllocSize;
virtualMemInfo.mappedSize = virtualMemInfo.subAlloc.subMappedSize;
virtualMemInfo.mappedPtr = virtualMemInfo.subAlloc.mappedPtr;
- virtualMemInfo.memoryTypeIndex = pAllocateInfo->memoryTypeIndex;
+ virtualMemInfo.memoryTypeIndex = finalAllocInfo.memoryTypeIndex;
virtualMemInfo.directMapped = true;
D("host visible alloc (direct, suballoc): "