gfxstream: Add linearPeerImage for Linux guests, to use for imageLayout queries
TEST=gfxstream guest Linux
Change-Id: I9190b73aa16adecf7fe4cee0715b2278631b3703
diff --git a/guest/vulkan_enc/ResourceTracker.cpp b/guest/vulkan_enc/ResourceTracker.cpp
index 948c316..f8b818e 100644
--- a/guest/vulkan_enc/ResourceTracker.cpp
+++ b/guest/vulkan_enc/ResourceTracker.cpp
@@ -3780,9 +3780,8 @@
.arrayLayer = 0,
VkSubresourceLayout subResourceLayout;
- enc->vkGetImageSubresourceLayout(device, dedicatedAllocInfoPtr->image,
- &imageSubresource, &subResourceLayout,
- true /* do lock */);
+ on_vkGetImageSubresourceLayout(context, device, dedicatedAllocInfoPtr->image,
+ &imageSubresource, &subResourceLayout);
if (!subResourceLayout.rowPitch) {
mesa_loge("%s: Failed to query stride for VirtGpu resource creation.");
@@ -4311,6 +4310,34 @@
info.isDmaBufImage = isDmaBufImage;
if (info.isDmaBufImage) {
updateMemoryTypeBits(&memReqs.memoryTypeBits, mCaps.vulkanCapset.colorBufferMemoryIndex);
+ if (localCreateInfo.tiling == VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL) {
+ // Linux WSI calls vkGetImageSubresourceLayout() to query the stride for swapchain
+ // support. Similarly, stride is also queried from vkGetImageSubresourceLayout() to
+ // determine the stride for colorBuffer resource creation (guest-side dmabuf resource).
+ // To satisfy valid usage of this API, must call on the linearPeerImage for the VkImage
+ // in question. As long as these two use cases match, the rowPitch won't actually be
+ // used by WSI.
+ VkImageCreateInfo linearPeerImageCreateInfo = {
+ .pNext = nullptr,
+ .flags = {},
+ .imageType = VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D,
+ .format = localCreateInfo.format,
+ .extent = localCreateInfo.extent,
+ .mipLevels = 1,
+ .arrayLayers = 1,
+ .samples = VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT,
+ .queueFamilyIndexCount = 0,
+ .pQueueFamilyIndices = nullptr,
+ };
+ res = enc->vkCreateImage(device, &linearPeerImageCreateInfo, pAllocator,
+ &info.linearPeerImage, true /* do lock */);
+ if (res != VK_SUCCESS) return res;
+ }
@@ -5093,6 +5120,15 @@
VkEncoder* enc = (VkEncoder*)context;
+#if defined(LINUX_GUEST_BUILD)
+ auto imageInfoIt = info_VkImage.find(image);
+ if (imageInfoIt != info_VkImage.end()) {
+ auto& imageInfo = imageInfoIt->second;
+ if (imageInfo.linearPeerImage) {
+ enc->vkDestroyImage(device, imageInfo.linearPeerImage, pAllocator, true /* do lock */);
+ }
+ }
enc->vkDestroyImage(device, image, pAllocator, true /* do lock */);
@@ -5140,6 +5176,23 @@
transformImageMemoryRequirements2ForGuest(pInfo->image, pMemoryRequirements);
+void ResourceTracker::on_vkGetImageSubresourceLayout(void* context, VkDevice device, VkImage image,
+ const VkImageSubresource* pSubresource,
+ VkSubresourceLayout* pLayout) {
+ VkEncoder* enc = (VkEncoder*)context;
+ VkImage targetImage = image;
+#if defined(LINUX_GUEST_BUILD)
+ auto it = info_VkImage.find(image);
+ if (it == info_VkImage.end()) return;
+ const auto& info = it->second;
+ if (info.linearPeerImage) {
+ targetImage = info.linearPeerImage;
+ }
+ enc->vkGetImageSubresourceLayout(device, targetImage, pSubresource, pLayout,
+ true /* do lock */);
VkResult ResourceTracker::on_vkBindImageMemory(void* context, VkResult, VkDevice device,
VkImage image, VkDeviceMemory memory,
VkDeviceSize memoryOffset) {