[vulkan] Alloc host visible memory in blocks

bug: 111137294

might be better than chomping down on 512 mb every time

+ Make host-side build of goldfish_address_space allocate actual
physical addresses
+ Remove spammy print

Change-Id: I9c3c400a88fcd058d0c7547d5c583e4e473e8ca9
diff --git a/system/vulkan_enc/ResourceTracker.cpp b/system/vulkan_enc/ResourceTracker.cpp
index 3fecd09..4f928c2 100644
--- a/system/vulkan_enc/ResourceTracker.cpp
+++ b/system/vulkan_enc/ResourceTracker.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/// Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
+// Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
 // Copyright (C) 2018 Google Inc.
 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
@@ -230,11 +230,16 @@
         std::vector<VkPhysicalDevice> physicalDevices;
+    using HostMemBlocks = std::vector<HostMemAlloc>;
+    using HostMemBlockIndex = size_t;
     struct VkDevice_Info {
         VkPhysicalDevice physdev;
         VkPhysicalDeviceProperties props;
         VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties memProps;
-        HostMemAlloc hostMemAllocs[VK_MAX_MEMORY_TYPES] = {};
+        std::vector<HostMemBlocks> hostMemBlocks { VK_MAX_MEMORY_TYPES };
         uint32_t apiVersion;
         std::set<std::string> enabledExtensions;
         VkFence fence = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
@@ -1037,7 +1042,9 @@
         VkEncoder* enc = (VkEncoder*)context;
         for (uint32_t i = 0; i < VK_MAX_MEMORY_TYPES; ++i) {
-            destroyHostMemAlloc(enc, device, &info.hostMemAllocs[i]);
+            for (auto& block : info.hostMemBlocks[i]) {
+                destroyHostMemAlloc(enc, device, &block);
+            }
         if (info.fence != VK_NULL_HANDLE) {
@@ -1286,6 +1293,121 @@
+    HostMemBlockIndex getOrAllocateHostMemBlockLocked(
+        HostMemBlocks& blocks,
+        const VkMemoryAllocateInfo* pAllocateInfo,
+        VkEncoder* enc,
+        VkDevice device,
+        const VkDevice_Info& deviceInfo) {
+        HostMemBlockIndex res = 0;
+        bool found = false;
+        while (!found) {
+            for (HostMemBlockIndex i = 0; i < blocks.size(); ++i) {
+                if (blocks[i].initialized &&
+                    blocks[i].initResult == VK_SUCCESS &&
+                    canSubAlloc(
+                        blocks[i].subAlloc,
+                        pAllocateInfo->allocationSize)) {
+                    res = i;
+                    found = true;
+                    return res;
+                }
+            }
+            blocks.push_back({});
+            auto& hostMemAlloc = blocks.back();
+            // Uninitialized block; allocate on host.
+            static constexpr VkDeviceSize oneMb = 1048576;
+            static constexpr VkDeviceSize kDefaultHostMemBlockSize =
+                16 * oneMb; // 16 mb
+            VkDeviceSize roundedUpAllocSize =
+                oneMb * ((pAllocateInfo->allocationSize + oneMb - 1) / oneMb);
+            VkDeviceSize virtualHeapSize = VIRTUAL_HOST_VISIBLE_HEAP_SIZE;
+            VkDeviceSize blockSizeNeeded =
+                std::max(roundedUpAllocSize,
+                    std::min(virtualHeapSize,
+                             kDefaultHostMemBlockSize));
+            VkMemoryAllocateInfo allocInfoForHost = *pAllocateInfo;
+            allocInfoForHost.allocationSize = blockSizeNeeded;
+            // TODO: Support dedicated/external host visible allocation
+            allocInfoForHost.pNext = nullptr;
+            mLock.unlock();
+            VkResult host_res =
+                enc->vkAllocateMemory(
+                    device,
+                    &allocInfoForHost,
+                    nullptr,
+                    &hostMemAlloc.memory);
+            mLock.lock();
+            if (host_res != VK_SUCCESS) {
+                ALOGE("Could not allocate backing for virtual host visible memory: %d",
+                      host_res);
+                hostMemAlloc.initialized = true;
+                hostMemAlloc.initResult = host_res;
+                return INVALID_HOST_MEM_BLOCK;
+            }
+            auto& hostMemInfo = info_VkDeviceMemory[hostMemAlloc.memory];
+            hostMemInfo.allocationSize = allocInfoForHost.allocationSize;
+            VkDeviceSize nonCoherentAtomSize =
+                deviceInfo.props.limits.nonCoherentAtomSize;
+            hostMemInfo.mappedSize = hostMemInfo.allocationSize;
+            hostMemInfo.memoryTypeIndex =
+                pAllocateInfo->memoryTypeIndex;
+            hostMemAlloc.nonCoherentAtomSize = nonCoherentAtomSize;
+            uint64_t directMappedAddr = 0;
+            mLock.unlock();
+            VkResult directMapResult =
+                enc->vkMapMemoryIntoAddressSpaceGOOGLE(
+                    device, hostMemAlloc.memory, &directMappedAddr);
+            mLock.lock();
+            if (directMapResult != VK_SUCCESS) {
+                hostMemAlloc.initialized = true;
+                hostMemAlloc.initResult = directMapResult;
+                mLock.unlock();
+                enc->vkFreeMemory(device, hostMemAlloc.memory, nullptr);
+                mLock.lock();
+                return INVALID_HOST_MEM_BLOCK;
+            }
+            hostMemInfo.mappedPtr =
+                (uint8_t*)(uintptr_t)directMappedAddr;
+            hostMemInfo.virtualHostVisibleBacking = true;
+            VkResult hostMemAllocRes =
+                finishHostMemAllocInit(
+                    enc,
+                    device,
+                    pAllocateInfo->memoryTypeIndex,
+                    nonCoherentAtomSize,
+                    hostMemInfo.allocationSize,
+                    hostMemInfo.mappedSize,
+                    hostMemInfo.mappedPtr,
+                    &hostMemAlloc);
+            if (hostMemAllocRes != VK_SUCCESS) {
+                return INVALID_HOST_MEM_BLOCK;
+            }
+        }
+        // unreacheable, but we need to make Werror happy
+        return INVALID_HOST_MEM_BLOCK;
+    }
     VkResult on_vkAllocateMemory(
         void* context,
         VkResult input_result,
@@ -1458,7 +1580,7 @@
         if (ahw) {
-            ALOGD("%s: AHBIMPORT", __func__);
+            ALOGD("%s: Import AHardwareBulffer", __func__);
             const native_handle_t *handle =
             const cb_handle_t* cb_handle =
@@ -1565,78 +1687,25 @@
         if (it == info_VkDevice.end()) return VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST;
         auto& deviceInfo = it->second;
-        HostMemAlloc* hostMemAlloc =
-            &deviceInfo.hostMemAllocs[finalAllocInfo.memoryTypeIndex];
+        auto& hostMemBlocksForTypeIndex =
+            deviceInfo.hostMemBlocks[finalAllocInfo.memoryTypeIndex];
-        if (!hostMemAlloc->initialized) {
-            VkMemoryAllocateInfo allocInfoForHost = finalAllocInfo;
-            allocInfoForHost.allocationSize = VIRTUAL_HOST_VISIBLE_HEAP_SIZE;
-            // TODO: Support dedicated allocation
-            allocInfoForHost.pNext = nullptr;
+        HostMemBlockIndex blockIndex =
+            getOrAllocateHostMemBlockLocked(
+                hostMemBlocksForTypeIndex,
+                &finalAllocInfo,
+                enc,
+                device,
+                deviceInfo);
-            lock.unlock();
-            VkResult host_res =
-                enc->vkAllocateMemory(
-                    device,
-                    &allocInfoForHost,
-                    nullptr,
-                    &hostMemAlloc->memory);
-            lock.lock();
-            if (host_res != VK_SUCCESS) {
-                ALOGE("Could not allocate backing for virtual host visible memory: %d",
-                      host_res);
-                hostMemAlloc->initialized = true;
-                hostMemAlloc->initResult = host_res;
-                return host_res;
-            }
-            auto& hostMemInfo = info_VkDeviceMemory[hostMemAlloc->memory];
-            hostMemInfo.allocationSize = allocInfoForHost.allocationSize;
-            VkDeviceSize nonCoherentAtomSize =
-                deviceInfo.props.limits.nonCoherentAtomSize;
-            hostMemInfo.mappedSize = hostMemInfo.allocationSize;
-            hostMemInfo.memoryTypeIndex =
-                finalAllocInfo.memoryTypeIndex;
-            hostMemAlloc->nonCoherentAtomSize = nonCoherentAtomSize;
-            uint64_t directMappedAddr = 0;
-            lock.unlock();
-            VkResult directMapResult =
-                enc->vkMapMemoryIntoAddressSpaceGOOGLE(
-                    device, hostMemAlloc->memory, &directMappedAddr);
-            lock.lock();
-            if (directMapResult != VK_SUCCESS) {
-                hostMemAlloc->initialized = true;
-                hostMemAlloc->initResult = directMapResult;
-                return directMapResult;
-            }
-            hostMemInfo.mappedPtr =
-                (uint8_t*)(uintptr_t)directMappedAddr;
-            hostMemInfo.virtualHostVisibleBacking = true;
-            VkResult hostMemAllocRes =
-                finishHostMemAllocInit(
-                    enc,
-                    device,
-                    finalAllocInfo.memoryTypeIndex,
-                    nonCoherentAtomSize,
-                    hostMemInfo.allocationSize,
-                    hostMemInfo.mappedSize,
-                    hostMemInfo.mappedPtr,
-                    hostMemAlloc);
-            if (hostMemAllocRes != VK_SUCCESS) {
-                return hostMemAllocRes;
-            }
+        if (blockIndex == INVALID_HOST_MEM_BLOCK) {
+            return VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY;
         VkDeviceMemory_Info virtualMemInfo;
-            hostMemAlloc,
+            &hostMemBlocksForTypeIndex[blockIndex],