Enable GFXStream bazel build

This builds the "standalone" GFXStream library that can be consumed by
Qemu 8.2

The bazel build allows us to transition rutabaga to a bazel based
build, which will unify the Qemu 8.2 build as used by the emulator.

It also opens up the path to migrate this to g3 if we decide to do this.

This change forces a few header changes, as bazel is more strict about
the relationship between headers and packages, and doesn't easily give
you fine grained control over the include paths.

Change-Id: I3566d69f10c534f1176fa92eaa7f5f12ec0bcd4f
diff --git a/host/BUILD.bazel b/host/BUILD.bazel
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a26de91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/host/BUILD.bazel
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+    name = "gfxstream_backend_headers",
+    hdrs = glob(["include/**/*.h"]),
+    includes = ["include"],
+    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
+    name = "gfxstream_host_headers",
+    hdrs = [
+        "compressedTextureFormats/AstcCpuDecompressor.h",
+    ] + glob([
+        "*.h",
+        "gl/*.h",
+    ]),
+    includes = ["."],
+    visibility = [":__subpackages__"],
+    name = "gfxstream-compressedTextures",
+    srcs = ["compressedTextureFormats/AstcCpuDecompressorNoOp.cpp"] + glob(["compressedTextureFormats/*.h"]),
+    hdrs = [
+        "compressedTextureFormats/AstcCpuDecompressor.h",
+    ],
+    includes = ["."],
+    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
+    deps = [
+        "//hardware/google/gfxstream/common/etc:gfxstream_etc",
+    ],
+    name = "gfxstream-compressedTextures_unittests",
+    srcs = ["compressedTextureFormats/AstcCpuDecompressor_unittest.cpp"],
+    deps = [
+        ":gfxstream-compressedTextures",
+        "//hardware/google/aemu/base:aemu-base",
+        "//hardware/google/aemu/host-common:logging",
+        "@com_google_googletest//:gtest_main",
+    ],
+    name = "gfxstream_backend_static-darwin",
+    srcs = [
+        "GlesCompat.h",
+        "NativeSubWindow.h",
+        "NativeSubWindow_cocoa.mm",
+    ],
+    defines = [
+        "EMUGL_BUILD",
+    ],
+    deps = [
+        ":gfxstream_backend_headers",
+        "//external/angle:angle-headers",
+        "//hardware/google/gfxstream:gfxstream-gl-host-common-headers",
+    ],
+    name = "gfxstream_backend_static",
+    srcs = [
+        "BlobManager.cpp",
+        "Buffer.cpp",
+        "ChannelStream.cpp",
+        "ColorBuffer.cpp",
+        "DisplaySurface.cpp",
+        "DisplaySurfaceUser.cpp",
+        "FrameBuffer.cpp",
+        "GfxStreamAgents.cpp",
+        "Hwc2.cpp",
+        "PostWorker.cpp",
+        "PostWorkerGl.cpp",
+        "ReadBuffer.cpp",
+        "RenderChannelImpl.cpp",
+        "RenderControl.cpp",
+        "RenderLibImpl.cpp",
+        "RenderThread.cpp",
+        "RenderThreadInfo.cpp",
+        "RenderThreadInfoGl.cpp",
+        "RenderThreadInfoMagma.cpp",
+        "RenderWindow.cpp",
+        "RendererImpl.cpp",
+        "RingStream.cpp",
+        "SyncThread.cpp",
+        "VirtioGpuTimelines.cpp",
+        "VsyncThread.cpp",
+    ] + select({
+        "@platforms//os:macos": [],
+        "@platforms//os:windows": ["NativeSubWindow_win32.cpp"],
+        "@platforms//os:linux": ["NativeSubWindow_x11.cpp"],
+        "//conditions:default": [],
+    }) + glob([
+        "*.h",
+    ]),
+    copts = [
+        "-Wno-return-type-c-linkage",
+        "-Wno-extern-c-compat",
+    ],
+    defines = [
+        "EMUGL_BUILD",
+    ] + select({
+        "@platforms//os:windows": [
+            "WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN",
+        ],
+        "//conditions:default": [],
+    }),
+    includes = [
+        ".",
+        "gl",
+    ],
+    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
+    deps = [
+        ":gfxstream_backend_headers",
+        "//hardware/google/aemu/base:aemu-base",
+        "//hardware/google/aemu/base:aemu-base-metrics",
+        "//hardware/google/aemu/host-common:aemu-host-common",
+        "//hardware/google/aemu/snapshot:aemu-snapshot",
+        "//hardware/google/gfxstream:gfxstream-gl-host-common-headers",
+        "//hardware/google/gfxstream/host/apigen-codec-common",
+        "//hardware/google/gfxstream/host/features:gfxstream_features",
+        "//hardware/google/gfxstream/host/gl:EGL_translator_static",
+        "//hardware/google/gfxstream/host/gl:OpenGLESDispatch",
+        "//hardware/google/gfxstream/host/gl:gfxstream-gl-host-common",
+        "//hardware/google/gfxstream/host/gl:gfxstream-gl-server",
+        "//hardware/google/gfxstream/host/gl:gl-common-headers",
+        "//hardware/google/gfxstream/host/gl:gl_headers",
+        "//hardware/google/gfxstream/host/gl:gles1_dec",
+        "//hardware/google/gfxstream/host/gl:gles2_dec",
+        "//hardware/google/gfxstream/host/gl/glestranslator/GLES_CM:GLES_CM_translator_static",
+        "//hardware/google/gfxstream/host/magma:gfxstream-magma-server",
+        "//hardware/google/gfxstream/host/magma:magma-headers",
+        "//hardware/google/gfxstream/host/renderControl_dec",
+        "//hardware/google/gfxstream/host/vulkan:gfxstream-vulkan-server",
+    ],
+    name = "gfxstream_backend_shared",
+    srcs = [
+        "render_api.cpp",
+        "virtio-gpu-gfxstream-renderer.cpp",
+    ],
+    copts = [
+        "-Wno-extern-c-compat",
+        "-Wno-return-type-c-linkage",
+    ],
+    defines = [
+        "EMUGL_BUILD",
+        "WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN",
+    ],
+    deps = [
+        ":gfxstream_backend_static",
+        "//hardware/google/aemu/host-common:aemu-host-common-product-feature-override",
+        "//hardware/google/gfxstream:gfxstream-gl-host-common-headers",
+        "//hardware/google/gfxstream/common/utils:gfxstream_common_utils",
+    ],
+    name = "gfxstream_backend",
+    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
+    deps = [":gfxstream_backend_shared"],