gfxstream: mega-change to support guest Linux WSI with gfxstream
This is a mega-change to support Linux guest WSI with gfxstream.
We tried to do a branch where every commit was buildable and
runnable, but that quickly proved unworkable. So we squashed
the branch into a mega-change.
Zink provides the GL implementation for Linux guests, so we just
needed to implement the proper Vulkan Wayland/X11 WSI
The overall strategy to support this is to use Mesa's WSI
functions. The Vulkan WSI layer was also considered:
But it was less maintained compared to Mesa. The way Mesa common
layers communicate with drivers is the through base objects
embedded in driver and a common dispatch layer:
Our objects are defined in gfxstream_vk_private.h. Currently,
Mesa-derived Vulkan objects just serve as shim to gfxstream
Vulkan’s internal handle mapping. Long-term, we can use
Mesa-derived objects inside gfxstream guest Vulkan exclusively.
The flow is typically inside a Vulkan entrypoint is:
- VK_FROM_HANDLE(vk-object) to convert to a gfxstream_vk_obj
- Call ResourceTracker::func(gfxstream_vk_obj->internal) or
- Return result
A good follow-up cleanup would be to delete older gfxstream
objects. For example, we now have struct gfxstream_vk_device
and info_VkDevice in ResourceTracker.
Most of this logic was auto-generated and included in
func_table.cpp. Some vulkan functions were too difficult to
auto-generate or required special logic, and these are included
in gfxstream_vk_device.cpp. For example, anything that needs to
setup the HostConnection requires special handling.
Android Blueprint support is added to the parts of Mesa needed
to build the Vulkan runtime. One thing to call out it's
required to build the guest/vulkan_enc and guest/vulkan files
in the same shared library now, when previously have and was sufficient
[otherwise, some weak pointer logic wouldn't work].
A side effect of this is libOpenglSystem must also be a static
lib, and so should libandroid_aemu too. That conceptually makes
sense and the Meson build had been doing this all a long. We
can probably transition everything besides, and to be static.
This requires changes in the end2end tests, because since each
HostConnection is separate and internal to it's constituent
library. Lifetimes need to be managed separately: for example
the HostConnection instance created by the end2end tests would
not be visible inside anymore. Probably the
best solution would be improve the testing facade so a
HostConnection represents one virtio-gpu context, while some
other entity represents a virtio-gpu device (client-server
would work).
vk.xml was modified, but change sent to Khronos:
Fuchsia builds still need to be migrated, but they already have
Fuchsia Mesa with all the build rules so that shouldn't be too
bad. Just need to copy them over the gfxstream/Mesa hybrid.
The new command for building Linux guests is:
meson amd64-build/ -Dvulkan-drivers="gfxstream" -Dgallium-drivers="" -Dvk-no-nir=true -Dopengl=false
Big shout-out to Aaron Ruby, who did most of the gnarly codegen
needed to get the function table logic to work.
* Run Weston/vkcube on Linux and automotive platform
* launch_cvd --gpu_mode=gfxstream vkcube
* launch_cvd --gpu_mod=gfxstream_guest_angle
* vkcube + 3D Mark Slingshot extreme work with guest ANGLE and
GL-VK interop
* GfxstreamEnd2EndTests
* Some select dEQP tests
Aaron Ruby (46):
gfxstream: function table: remove entry points that are hand-written.
gfxstream: function table: more changes
gfxstream: function table: scope internal_arrays to encoder
gfxstream: function table: autogenerate compoundType params
gfxstream: add handwritten EnumeratePhysicalDeviceGroup entrypoint.
gfxstream: function table: handle nested handle arrays
gfxstream: function table: adding some handwritten implementations
gfxstream: revert some unnecessary changes
gfxstream: use vk_object_zalloc/free instead of vk_zalloc/free.
gfxstream: revert most gfxstream objects to use vk_object_base
gfxstream: function table: handwritten commmand-buffers/pools
gfxstream: codegen functionality to handle special param
gfxstream: function table: random fixes
gfxstream: add vk_command_buffer_ops handlers
gfxstream: Codegen support for nested compound type
gfxstream: remove handwritten/add autogen entry points
gfxstream: add gfxstream_vk_device.cpp
gfxstream: query device and instance extensions early
gfxstream: func_table: explicit allocation for nested arrays/compound
gfxstream: goldfish_vulkan: fix commandBuffer allocation.
gfxstream: meson: Raise api_version in ICD config to 1.1.
gfxstream: function table: add more handwritten entries
gfxstream: goldfish_vulkan: update VkDescriptorSetAllocateInfo logic
gfxstream: function table: NULL check on internal_object dereference
gfxstream: function table: Remove POSTPROCESSES handling from
gfxstream: mesa: Add 'gfxstream' as a -Dvulkan-drivers
gfxstream: ResourceTracker: add some allowedExtensions
gfxstream: gfxstream_vk_device: add wsi_common_entrypoints
gfxstream: Move instance handling into gfxstream_vk_device.cpp
gfxstream: ResourceTracker: Enable Linux WSI-related extensions
gfxstream: wsi: add wsi_device initialization
gfxstream: gfxstream_vk_device: use Mesa common physical device
gfxstream: ResourceTracker: translate mesa objects in user buffer
gfxstream: exclude VkSampler and VkDescriptorSet objects from
gfxstream: Add guest-side external memory support with colorBuffers.
gfxstream: function table: Modify semaphoreList inputs to no-op
gfxstream: function table: Allow VK_NULL_HANDLE for free/destroy APIs.
gfxstream: cereal: Add VK_EXT_depth_clip_enable as supported feature.
gfxstream: vulkan_enc: un-namespace vk_util.h and vk_struct_id.h
gfxstream: gfxstream_vk_device.cpp: Support VK_KHR_surface and
gfxstream: vulkan_enc: Add support for Mesa-only extensions.
gfxstream: ResourceTracker: Use DEVICE_TYPE_VIRTUAL_GPU always
gfxstream: platform: add dma-buf export support with dedicatedBuffer.
gfxstream: ResourceTracker: add VK_EXT_depth_clip_enable allowed
gfxstream: ResourceTracker: external memory via QNX_screen_buffer
gfxstream: Add VK_QNX_external_memory_screen_buffer to VulkanDispatch
Gurchetan Singh (18):
gfxstream: mesa: write Android.bp files
gfxstream: generate gfxstream_vk_entrypoints.{c, h}
gfxstream: vulkan_enc: add gfxstream_vk_private.h (objects)
gfxstream: function table: modify function table to use gfxstream_vk_*
gfxstream: compiles
gfxstream: build system improvements
gfxstream: ResourceTracker: don't crash without
gfxstream: vk.xml: make some vkAcquireImageANDROID params optional
gfxstream_vk_device: filter out swapchain maintenance guest side
gfxstream: end2end: fixes for End2End tests
gfxstream: func_table: custom vkEnumerateInstanceLayerProperties
gfxstream: add VK_EXT_DEBUG_UTILS_EXTENSION_NAME into Mesa list
gfxstream: clang-format guest code
gfxstream: libandroid AEMU static
gfxstream: vkEnumerateInstanceVersion
gfxstream: vkCreateComputePipeLines
gfxstream: make end2end tests happy
gfxstream: delete prior vk.xml,
Change-Id: Ic4cc50d5098dddd77c9265afa8f432a2fdea8845
diff --git a/guest/vulkan_enc/Android.bp b/guest/vulkan_enc/Android.bp
index 09cd26e..031ebad 100644
--- a/guest/vulkan_enc/Android.bp
+++ b/guest/vulkan_enc/Android.bp
@@ -19,46 +19,69 @@
default_applicable_licenses: ["hardware_google_gfxstream_license"],
+genrule {
+ name: "gfxstream_vk_entrypoints_header",
+ srcs: [":libmesa_vulkan_xml"],
+ out: ["gfxstream_vk_entrypoints.h"],
+ tools: ["vk_entrypoints_gen"],
+ cmd: "python3 $(location vk_entrypoints_gen) --xml " +
+ "$(location :libmesa_vulkan_xml) --proto --weak --out-h " +
+ "$(location gfxstream_vk_entrypoints.h) --out-c " +
+ "$(genDir)/placeholder.c --prefix gfxstream_vk --beta false",
-cc_defaults {
- name: "libgfxstream_guest_vulkan_encoder_defaults",
+genrule {
+ name: "gfxstream_vk_entrypoints_impl",
+ srcs: [":libmesa_vulkan_xml"],
+ out: ["gfxstream_vk_entrypoints.c"],
+ tools: ["vk_entrypoints_gen"],
+ cmd: "python3 $(location vk_entrypoints_gen) --xml " +
+ "$(location :libmesa_vulkan_xml) --proto --weak --out-h " +
+ "$(genDir)/gfxstream_vk_entrypoints.h --out-c " +
+ "$(location gfxstream_vk_entrypoints.c) --prefix gfxstream_vk " +
+ "--beta false",
+cc_library_static {
+ name: "libgfxstream_guest_vulkan_entrypoints",
host_supported: true,
vendor: true,
defaults: [
- "libgfxstream_guest_cc_defaults",
+ "mesa_common_defaults_gfxstream",
header_libs: [
- "gfxstream_vulkan_headers",
- "libgfxstream_guest_graphics_headers",
- "libgfxstream_guest_iostream",
- "libnativewindow_headers",
- ],
- shared_libs: [
- "libandroidemu",
- "libcutils",
- "liblog",
- "libOpenglCodecCommon",
- "lib_renderControl_enc",
+ "mesa_common_headers_gfxstream",
static_libs: [
- "libarect",
- "libdrm",
- "libGoldfishAddressSpace",
- "libgfxstream_guest_gralloc",
+ "libmesa_vulkan_util_gfxstream",
- cflags: [
- "-DLOG_TAG=\"goldfish_vulkan\"",
- "-DVK_ANDROID_native_buffer",
- "-DVK_EXT_device_memory_report",
- "-DVK_GOOGLE_gfxstream",
- "-fstrict-aliasing",
- "-Werror",
- "-Wno-missing-field-initializers",
- "-Wno-unused-parameter",
+ shared_libs: [
+ "libcutils",
+ generated_headers: [
+ "gfxstream_vk_entrypoints_header",
+ ],
+ generated_sources: [
+ "gfxstream_vk_entrypoints_impl",
+ ],
+ ldflags: [
+ "-Wl,-Bsymbolic",
+ "-Wl,--gc-sections",
+ ],
+ export_generated_headers: [
+ "gfxstream_vk_entrypoints_header",
+ ],
+cc_library_headers {
+ name: "vulkan_enc_headers",
+ export_include_dirs: ["."],
+ host_supported: true,
+ vendor_available: true,
+filegroup {
+ name: "vulkan_enc_impl",
srcs: [
@@ -77,10 +100,76 @@
+ "gfxstream_vk_private.cpp",
+ ],
+cc_defaults {
+ name: "libgfxstream_guest_vulkan_encoder_defaults",
+ host_supported: true,
+ vendor: true,
+ defaults: [
+ "libgfxstream_guest_cc_defaults",
+ ],
+ header_libs: [
+ "gfxstream_vulkan_headers",
+ "libgfxstream_guest_iostream",
+ "libnativewindow_headers",
+ "mesa_common_headers_gfxstream",
+ ],
+ generated_headers: [
+ "vk_cmd_queue_header",
+ "vk_physical_device_features_header",
+ "vk_physical_device_properties_header",
+ "u_format_pack_header",
+ ],
+ shared_libs: [
+ "libcutils",
+ "liblog",
+ "libOpenglCodecCommon",
+ ],
+ static_libs: [
+ "libarect",
+ "libdrm",
+ "libandroidemu_static",
+ "libGoldfishAddressSpace",
+ "libgfxstream_guest_gralloc",
+ "libmesa_vulkan_util_gfxstream",
+ "libmesa_vulkan_runtime_gfxstream",
+ "libgfxstream_guest_vulkan_entrypoints",
+ "libmesa_util_gfxstream",
+ "libmesa_util_format_gfxstream",
+ "libmesa_util_c11_gfxstream",
+ ],
+ cflags: [
+ "-DLOG_TAG=\"goldfish_vulkan\"",
+ "-DVK_ANDROID_native_buffer",
+ "-DVK_EXT_device_memory_report",
+ "-DVK_GOOGLE_gfxstream",
+ "-fstrict-aliasing",
+ "-Werror",
+ "-Wno-missing-field-initializers",
+ "-Wno-unused-parameter",
+ ],
+ srcs: [
+ ":vulkan_enc_impl",
export_include_dirs: [
+ ldflags: [
+ // Mesa always adds Bsymbolic when available (see 'ld_args_bsymbolic' in Meson build). Duplicate that
+ // behavior here. '--gc-sections' has stronger justification: this lets drivers drop
+ // shared code unused by that specific driver (particularly relevant for Vulkan drivers).
+ "-Wl,-Bsymbolic",
+ "-Wl,--gc-sections",
+ ],
target: {
android: {
shared_libs: [
@@ -89,11 +178,11 @@
header_libs: [
- }
- }
+ },
+ },
-cc_library_shared {
+cc_library_static {
name: "libvulkan_enc",
defaults: [
@@ -103,16 +192,14 @@
-cc_library_shared {
+cc_library_static {
name: "libgfxstream_guest_vulkan_encoder_with_host",
defaults: [
shared_libs: [
- "libgfxstream_backend",
- ],
- static_libs: [
+ "libgfxstream_backend",
target: {
host: {