[8/n] Track and commit descriptor set updates

Bug: 177241396

When we are using batched descriptor set updates, this CL makes
vkCmdBindDescriptorSets track the descriptor sets in question, then
commit their updates to the host on vkQueueSubmit, but before

Change-Id: Ibdafad060fd4d685d6f45846a42518b9594f79e2
diff --git a/system/vulkan_enc/ResourceTracker.cpp b/system/vulkan_enc/ResourceTracker.cpp
index d267d1e..eb2bbd4 100644
--- a/system/vulkan_enc/ResourceTracker.cpp
+++ b/system/vulkan_enc/ResourceTracker.cpp
@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@
     void unregister_VkCommandBuffer(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer) {
-        resetCommandBufferStagingInfo(commandBuffer, true /* also reset primaries */);
+        resetCommandBufferStagingInfo(commandBuffer, true /* also reset primaries */, true /* also clear pending descriptor sets */);
         struct goldfish_VkCommandBuffer* cb = as_goldfish_VkCommandBuffer(commandBuffer);
         if (!cb) return;
@@ -491,6 +491,11 @@
+        if (cb->userPtr) {
+            CommandBufferPendingDescriptorSets* pendingSets = (CommandBufferPendingDescriptorSets*)cb->userPtr;
+            delete pendingSets;
+        }
         AutoLock lock(mLock);
@@ -5316,6 +5321,164 @@
+    struct CommandBufferPendingDescriptorSets {
+        std::unordered_set<VkDescriptorSet> sets;
+    };
+    void collectAllPendingDescriptorSetsBottomUp(const std::vector<VkCommandBuffer>& workingSet, std::unordered_set<VkDescriptorSet>& allDs) {
+        if (workingSet.empty()) return;
+        std::vector<VkCommandBuffer> nextLevel;
+        for (auto commandBuffer : workingSet) {
+            struct goldfish_VkCommandBuffer* cb = as_goldfish_VkCommandBuffer(commandBuffer);
+            forAllObjects(cb->subObjects, [&nextLevel](void* secondary) {
+                    nextLevel.push_back((VkCommandBuffer)secondary);
+                    });
+        }
+        collectAllPendingDescriptorSetsBottomUp(nextLevel, allDs);
+        for (auto cmdbuf : workingSet) {
+            struct goldfish_VkCommandBuffer* cb = as_goldfish_VkCommandBuffer(cmdbuf);
+            if (!cb->userPtr) {
+                continue; // No descriptors to update.
+            }
+            CommandBufferPendingDescriptorSets* pendingDescriptorSets =
+                (CommandBufferPendingDescriptorSets*)(cb->userPtr);
+            if (pendingDescriptorSets->sets.empty()) {
+                continue; // No descriptors to update.
+            }
+            allDs.insert(pendingDescriptorSets->sets.begin(), pendingDescriptorSets->sets.end());
+        }
+    }
+    void commitDescriptorSetUpdates(void* context, VkQueue queue, const std::unordered_set<VkDescriptorSet>& sets) {
+        VkEncoder* enc = (VkEncoder*)context;
+        std::unordered_map<VkDescriptorPool, uint32_t> poolSet;
+        std::vector<VkDescriptorPool> pools;
+        std::vector<VkDescriptorSetLayout> setLayouts;
+        std::vector<uint64_t> poolIds;
+        std::vector<uint32_t> descriptorSetWhichPool;
+        std::vector<uint32_t> pendingAllocations;
+        std::vector<uint32_t> writeStartingIndices;
+        std::vector<VkWriteDescriptorSet> writesForHost;
+        uint32_t poolIndex = 0;
+        uint32_t currentWriteIndex = 0;
+        for (auto set : sets) {
+            ReifiedDescriptorSet* reified = as_goldfish_VkDescriptorSet(set)->reified;
+            VkDescriptorPool pool = reified->pool;
+            VkDescriptorSetLayout setLayout = reified->setLayout;
+            auto it = poolSet.find(pool);
+            if (it == poolSet.end()) {
+                poolSet[pool] = poolIndex;
+                descriptorSetWhichPool.push_back(poolIndex);
+                pools.push_back(pool);
+                ++poolIndex;
+            } else {
+                uint32_t savedPoolIndex = it->second;
+                descriptorSetWhichPool.push_back(savedPoolIndex);
+            }
+            poolIds.push_back(reified->poolId);
+            setLayouts.push_back(setLayout);
+            pendingAllocations.push_back(reified->allocationPending ? 1 : 0);
+            writeStartingIndices.push_back(currentWriteIndex);
+            auto& writes = reified->allWrites;
+            for (int i = 0; i < writes.size(); ++i) {
+                uint32_t binding = i;
+                for (int j = 0; j < writes[i].size(); ++j) {
+                    auto& write = writes[i][j];
+                    if (write.type == DescriptorWriteType::Empty) continue;
+                    uint32_t dstArrayElement = 0;
+                    VkDescriptorImageInfo* imageInfo = nullptr;
+                    VkDescriptorBufferInfo* bufferInfo = nullptr;
+                    VkBufferView* bufferView = nullptr;
+                    switch (write.type) {
+                        case DescriptorWriteType::Empty:
+                            break;
+                        case DescriptorWriteType::ImageInfo:
+                            dstArrayElement = j;
+                            imageInfo = &write.imageInfo;
+                            break;
+                        case DescriptorWriteType::BufferInfo:
+                            dstArrayElement = j;
+                            bufferInfo = &write.bufferInfo;
+                            break;
+                        case DescriptorWriteType::BufferView:
+                            dstArrayElement = j;
+                            bufferView = &write.bufferView;
+                            break;
+                        case DescriptorWriteType::InlineUniformBlock:
+                        case DescriptorWriteType::AccelerationStructure:
+                            // TODO
+                            ALOGE("Encountered pending inline uniform block or acceleration structure desc write, abort (NYI)\n");
+                            abort();
+                        default:
+                            break;
+                    }
+                    // TODO: Combine multiple writes into one VkWriteDescriptorSet.
+                    VkWriteDescriptorSet forHost = {
+                        VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_WRITE_DESCRIPTOR_SET, 0 /* TODO: inline uniform block */,
+                        set,
+                        binding,
+                        dstArrayElement,
+                        1,
+                        write.descriptorType,
+                        imageInfo,
+                        bufferInfo,
+                        bufferView,
+                    };
+                    writesForHost.push_back(forHost);
+                    ++currentWriteIndex;
+                    // Set it back to empty.
+                    write.type = DescriptorWriteType::Empty;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // Skip out if there's nothing to VkWriteDescriptorSet home about.
+        if (writesForHost.empty()) {
+            return;
+        }
+        enc->vkQueueCommitDescriptorSetUpdatesGOOGLE(
+            queue, 
+            (uint32_t)pools.size(), pools.data(),
+            (uint32_t)sets.size(),
+            setLayouts.data(),
+            poolIds.data(),
+            descriptorSetWhichPool.data(),
+            pendingAllocations.data(),
+            writeStartingIndices.data(),
+            (uint32_t)writesForHost.size(),
+            writesForHost.data(),
+            false /* no lock */);
+        // If we got here, then we definitely serviced the allocations.
+        for (auto set : sets) {
+            ReifiedDescriptorSet* reified = as_goldfish_VkDescriptorSet(set)->reified;
+            reified->allocationPending = false;
+        }
+    }
     void flushCommandBufferPendingCommandsBottomUp(void* context, VkQueue queue, const std::vector<VkCommandBuffer>& workingSet) {
         if (workingSet.empty()) return;
@@ -5354,12 +5517,24 @@
     // Unlike resetCommandBufferStagingInfo, this does not always erase its
     // superObjects pointers because the command buffer has merely been
-    // submitted, not reset.
-    // However, if the command buffer was recorded with ONE_TIME_SUBMIT_BIT,
-    // then it will also reset its primaries.
+    // submitted, not reset.  However, if the command buffer was recorded with
+    // ONE_TIME_SUBMIT_BIT, then it will also reset its primaries.
+    //
+    // Also, we save the set of descriptor sets referenced by this command
+    // buffer because we only submitted the command buffer and it's possible to
+    // update the descriptor set again and re-submit the same command without
+    // recording it (Update-after-bind descriptor sets)
     void resetCommandBufferPendingTopology(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer) {
         struct goldfish_VkCommandBuffer* cb = as_goldfish_VkCommandBuffer(commandBuffer);
-        resetCommandBufferStagingInfo(commandBuffer, cb->flags & VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_ONE_TIME_SUBMIT_BIT);
+            resetCommandBufferStagingInfo(commandBuffer,
+                true /* reset primaries */,
+                true /* clear pending descriptor sets */);
+        } else {
+            resetCommandBufferStagingInfo(commandBuffer,
+                false /* Don't reset primaries */,
+                false /* Don't clear pending descriptor sets */);
+        }
     void flushStagingStreams(void* context, VkQueue queue, uint32_t submitCount, const VkSubmitInfo* pSubmits) {
@@ -5369,7 +5544,13 @@
+        std::unordered_set<VkDescriptorSet> pendingSets;
+        collectAllPendingDescriptorSetsBottomUp(toFlush, pendingSets);
+        commitDescriptorSetUpdates(context, queue, pendingSets);
         flushCommandBufferPendingCommandsBottomUp(context, queue, toFlush);
         for (auto cb : toFlush) {
@@ -5380,7 +5561,6 @@
         VkQueue queue, uint32_t submitCount, const VkSubmitInfo* pSubmits, VkFence fence) {
-        // Send command buffers to the host here
         flushStagingStreams(context, queue, submitCount, pSubmits);
         std::vector<VkSemaphore> pre_signal_semaphores;
@@ -6215,7 +6395,7 @@
-        resetCommandBufferStagingInfo(commandBuffer, true /* also reset primaries */);
+        resetCommandBufferStagingInfo(commandBuffer, true /* also reset primaries */, true /* also clear pending descriptor sets */);
         VkEncoder* enc = ResourceTracker::getCommandBufferEncoder(commandBuffer);
@@ -6253,7 +6433,7 @@
         VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
         VkCommandBufferResetFlags flags) {
-        resetCommandBufferStagingInfo(commandBuffer, true /* also reset primaries */);
+        resetCommandBufferStagingInfo(commandBuffer, true /* also reset primaries */, true /* also clear pending descriptor sets */);
         VkEncoder* enc = (VkEncoder*)context;
@@ -6315,6 +6495,23 @@
         enc->vkCmdExecuteCommands(commandBuffer, commandBufferCount, pCommandBuffers, true /* do lock */);
+    void addPendingDescriptorSets(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, uint32_t descriptorSetCount, const VkDescriptorSet* pDescriptorSets) {
+        struct goldfish_VkCommandBuffer* cb = as_goldfish_VkCommandBuffer(commandBuffer);
+        if (!cb->userPtr) {
+            CommandBufferPendingDescriptorSets* newPendingSets =
+                new CommandBufferPendingDescriptorSets;
+            cb->userPtr = newPendingSets;
+        }
+        CommandBufferPendingDescriptorSets* pendingSets =
+            (CommandBufferPendingDescriptorSets*)cb->userPtr;
+        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < descriptorSetCount; ++i) {
+            pendingSets->sets.insert(pDescriptorSets[i]);
+        }
+    }
     void on_vkCmdBindDescriptorSets(
         void* context,
         VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
@@ -6327,6 +6524,10 @@
         const uint32_t* pDynamicOffsets) {
         VkEncoder* enc = (VkEncoder*)context;
+        if (mFeatureInfo->hasVulkanBatchedDescriptorSetUpdate)
+            addPendingDescriptorSets(commandBuffer, descriptorSetCount, pDescriptorSets);
@@ -6410,7 +6611,7 @@
     // Resets staging stream for this command buffer and primary command buffers
     // where this command buffer has been recorded.
-    void resetCommandBufferStagingInfo(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, bool alsoResetPrimaries) {
+    void resetCommandBufferStagingInfo(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer, bool alsoResetPrimaries, bool alsoClearPendingDescriptorSets) {
         struct goldfish_VkCommandBuffer* cb = as_goldfish_VkCommandBuffer(commandBuffer);
         if (!cb) {
@@ -6421,11 +6622,16 @@
             cb->privateStream = nullptr;
+        if (alsoClearPendingDescriptorSets && cb->userPtr) {
+            CommandBufferPendingDescriptorSets* pendingSets = (CommandBufferPendingDescriptorSets*)cb->userPtr;
+            pendingSets->sets.clear();
+        }
         if (alsoResetPrimaries) {
-            forAllObjects(cb->superObjects, [this, alsoResetPrimaries](void* obj) {
+            forAllObjects(cb->superObjects, [this, alsoResetPrimaries, alsoClearPendingDescriptorSets](void* obj) {
                 VkCommandBuffer superCommandBuffer = (VkCommandBuffer)obj;
                 struct goldfish_VkCommandBuffer* superCb = as_goldfish_VkCommandBuffer(superCommandBuffer);
-                this->resetCommandBufferStagingInfo(superCommandBuffer, alsoResetPrimaries);
+                this->resetCommandBufferStagingInfo(superCommandBuffer, alsoResetPrimaries, alsoClearPendingDescriptorSets);
@@ -6447,7 +6653,7 @@
         if (!p) return;
         forAllObjects(p->subObjects, [this](void* commandBuffer) {
-            this->resetCommandBufferStagingInfo((VkCommandBuffer)commandBuffer, true /* also reset primaries */);
+            this->resetCommandBufferStagingInfo((VkCommandBuffer)commandBuffer, true /* also reset primaries */, true /* also clear pending descriptor sets */);