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  1. magma.attrib
  3. magma.types

Magma Emugen Interface Definition

The files in this directory were generated using third-party/fuchsia/magma/ and reflect the standard magma protocol. However, as emugen does not have the ability to generate binding code for nested pointers, some method signatures must be modified to use a packed format. For clarity, these are defined alongside the original (disabled) signatures and labeled “fudge” methods.

Fudge Methods

The following describes how fudge methods differ from their original methods.


If magma_device_query for the given query id returns a value in result_out, then the method populates the value and other fudge parameters are ignored. Otherwise, if host_allocate is 1, result_buffer_mapping_id_inout is populated with a host-allocated buffer mapping ID, and result_buffer_size_inout is populated with this buffer's size. If host_allocate is 0, the host looks at the value passed to result_buffer_size_inout. If the size is too small for the query data (including value 0), result_buffer_mapping_id_inout is ignored and result_buffer_size_inout is set to the minimum buffer size required. Otherwise, result_buffer_size_inout is unchanged and the host uses result_buffer_mapping_id_inout to map and populate the result buffer contents. Note that as certain queries may return a variable amount of data, clients should query in a loop to ensure all data is successfully retrieved.


Basic Query
uint64_t buffer_mapping_id = 0;
uint64_t buffer_size = 0;
uint64_t result = 0;
    /* host_allocate = */ 0,
    &buffer_mapping_id, // Ignored and unchanged
    &buffer_size, // Ignored and unchanged
    &result); // Populated with VENDOR_ID
Host-Allocated Query
uint64_t buffer_mapping_id = 0;
uint64_t buffer_size = 0;
uint64_t result = 0;
    /* host_allocate = */ 1,
    &buffer_mapping_id, // Populated with mapping ID
    &buffer_size, // Populated with buffer size
    &result); // Ignored and unchanged
Guest-Allocated Query

Note that in the following example, the query always returns a fixed-size magma_total_time_query_result_t. Although the client could have allocated a buffer sufficiently large to hold this data up front, a loop is used to illustrate handling of variable-size queries, as may be encountered in vendor-specific queries.

uint64_t buffer_mapping_id = 0;
uint64_t buffer_size = 0;
uint64_t result = 0;

uint64_t allocated_size = 0;
GuestBuffer buffer;
do {
    if (buffer_size > 0) {
        CreateBufferWithMappingId(buffer_size, &buffer, &buffer_mapping_id);
        allocated_size = buffer_size;
    // On the first pass, buffer_mapping_id is ignored,
    // and buffer_size populated with the required size.
    // On subsequent passes, an allocated buffer and its
    // size are passed. If the buffer is sufficiently large,
    // the buffer contents are populated and the loop exits.
    // Otherwise, a larger buffer is allocated and the query
    // is attempted again.
        /* host_allocate = */ 0,
        &result); // Ignored and unchanged
} while (allocated_size < buffer_size);


This method has the same semantics as magma_connection_execute_command, however descriptor points to descriptor_size bytes that contain a packed magma_command_descriptor_t using the following tightly-packed format:

uint32_t resource_count;
uint32_t command_buffer_count;
uint32_t wait_semaphore_count;
uint32_t signal_semaphore_count;
uint64_t flags;
magma_exec_resource_t resources[resource_count];
magma_exec_command_buffer_t command_buffers[command_buffer_count];
uint64_t semaphore_ids[signal_semaphore_count];


This method has the same semantics as magma_connection_execute_immediate_commands, however command_buffers points to command_buffers_size bytes containing a list of packed magma_inline_command_buffer_t structs. The offset to each packed magma_inline_command_buffer_t is defined by the elements of command_buffer_offsets. Each magma_inline_command_buffer_t is encoded using the following tightly-packed format:

uint64_t size;
uint32_t semaphore_count;
uint32_t padding;
uint64_t semaphore_ids[semaphore_count];
uint8_t data[size];


This method has the same semantics as magma_buffer_set_name, however name_size should be set to the number of bytes that should be used to define name. This should not include the terminating null character.


magma_buffer_set_name_fudge(buffer, "MyBuf", 5);