Implement broadcast radio HAL 2.0 default implementation.
Also, split internal common utils library to 1.x and 2.x.
Test: VTS
Bug: 69958777
Change-Id: I21244c74270a07cc350e8a2b974dafcdae02a0e8
diff --git a/broadcastradio/2.0/default/TunerSession.cpp b/broadcastradio/2.0/default/TunerSession.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e02e53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/broadcastradio/2.0/default/TunerSession.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#define LOG_TAG "BcRadioDef.tuner"
+#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
+#include "TunerSession.h"
+#include "BroadcastRadio.h"
+#include <broadcastradio-utils-2x/Utils.h>
+#include <log/log.h>
+namespace android {
+namespace hardware {
+namespace broadcastradio {
+namespace V2_0 {
+namespace implementation {
+using namespace std::chrono_literals;
+using utils::tunesTo;
+using std::lock_guard;
+using std::move;
+using std::mutex;
+using std::sort;
+using std::vector;
+namespace delay {
+static constexpr auto scan = 200ms;
+static constexpr auto step = 100ms;
+static constexpr auto tune = 150ms;
+} // namespace delay
+TunerSession::TunerSession(BroadcastRadio& module, const sp<ITunerCallback>& callback)
+ : mCallback(callback), mModule(module) {}
+// makes ProgramInfo that points to no program
+static ProgramInfo makeDummyProgramInfo(const ProgramSelector& selector) {
+ ProgramInfo info = {};
+ info.selector = selector;
+ return info;
+void TunerSession::tuneInternalLocked(const ProgramSelector& sel) {
+ VirtualProgram virtualProgram;
+ ProgramInfo programInfo;
+ if (virtualRadio().getProgram(sel, virtualProgram)) {
+ mCurrentProgram = virtualProgram.selector;
+ programInfo = virtualProgram;
+ } else {
+ mCurrentProgram = sel;
+ programInfo = makeDummyProgramInfo(sel);
+ }
+ mIsTuneCompleted = true;
+ mCallback->onCurrentProgramInfoChanged(programInfo);
+const VirtualRadio& TunerSession::virtualRadio() const {
+ return mModule.get().mVirtualRadio;
+Return<Result> TunerSession::tune(const ProgramSelector& sel) {
+ ALOGV("%s(%s)", __func__, toString(sel).c_str());
+ lock_guard<mutex> lk(mMut);
+ if (mIsClosed) return Result::INVALID_STATE;
+ if (!utils::isSupported(mModule.get().mProperties, sel)) {
+ ALOGW("Selector not supported");
+ return Result::NOT_SUPPORTED;
+ }
+ if (!utils::isValid(sel)) {
+ ALOGE("ProgramSelector is not valid");
+ return Result::INVALID_ARGUMENTS;
+ }
+ mIsTuneCompleted = false;
+ auto task = [this, sel]() {
+ lock_guard<mutex> lk(mMut);
+ tuneInternalLocked(sel);
+ };
+ mThread.schedule(task, delay::tune);
+ return Result::OK;
+Return<Result> TunerSession::scan(bool directionUp, bool /* skipSubChannel */) {
+ ALOGV("%s", __func__);
+ lock_guard<mutex> lk(mMut);
+ if (mIsClosed) return Result::INVALID_STATE;
+ auto list = virtualRadio().getProgramList();
+ if (list.empty()) {
+ mIsTuneCompleted = false;
+ auto task = [this, directionUp]() {
+ ALOGI("Performing failed scan up=%d", directionUp);
+ mCallback->onTuneFailed(Result::TIMEOUT, {});
+ };
+ mThread.schedule(task, delay::scan);
+ return Result::OK;
+ }
+ // Not optimal (O(sort) instead of O(n)), but not a big deal here;
+ // also, it's likely that list is already sorted (so O(n) anyway).
+ sort(list.begin(), list.end());
+ auto current = mCurrentProgram;
+ auto found = lower_bound(list.begin(), list.end(), VirtualProgram({current}));
+ if (directionUp) {
+ if (found < list.end() - 1) {
+ if (tunesTo(current, found->selector)) found++;
+ } else {
+ found = list.begin();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (found > list.begin() && found != list.end()) {
+ found--;
+ } else {
+ found = list.end() - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ auto tuneTo = found->selector;
+ mIsTuneCompleted = false;
+ auto task = [this, tuneTo, directionUp]() {
+ ALOGI("Performing scan up=%d", directionUp);
+ lock_guard<mutex> lk(mMut);
+ tuneInternalLocked(tuneTo);
+ };
+ mThread.schedule(task, delay::scan);
+ return Result::OK;
+Return<Result> TunerSession::step(bool directionUp) {
+ ALOGV("%s", __func__);
+ lock_guard<mutex> lk(mMut);
+ if (mIsClosed) return Result::INVALID_STATE;
+ if (!utils::hasId(mCurrentProgram, IdentifierType::AMFM_FREQUENCY)) {
+ ALOGE("Can't step in anything else than AM/FM");
+ return Result::NOT_SUPPORTED;
+ }
+ mIsTuneCompleted = false;
+ auto stepTo = utils::getId(mCurrentProgram, IdentifierType::AMFM_FREQUENCY);
+#if 0
+ // TODO(b/69958423): handle regions
+ if (directionUp) {
+ stepTo += mAmfmConfig.spacings[0];
+ } else {
+ stepTo -= mAmfmConfig.spacings[0];
+ }
+ if (stepTo > mAmfmConfig.upperLimit) stepTo = mAmfmConfig.lowerLimit;
+ if (stepTo < mAmfmConfig.lowerLimit) stepTo = mAmfmConfig.upperLimit;
+ if (directionUp) {
+ stepTo += 100;
+ } else {
+ stepTo -= 100;
+ }
+ auto task = [this, stepTo]() {
+ ALOGI("Performing step to %lu", stepTo);
+ lock_guard<mutex> lk(mMut);
+ tuneInternalLocked(utils::make_selector_amfm(stepTo));
+ };
+ mThread.schedule(task, delay::step);
+ return Result::OK;
+Return<void> TunerSession::cancel() {
+ ALOGV("%s", __func__);
+ lock_guard<mutex> lk(mMut);
+ if (mIsClosed) return {};
+ mThread.cancelAll();
+ return {};
+Return<void> TunerSession::setParameters(const hidl_vec<VendorKeyValue>& /* parameters */,
+ setParameters_cb _hidl_cb) {
+ ALOGV("%s", __func__);
+ _hidl_cb({});
+ return {};
+Return<void> TunerSession::getParameters(const hidl_vec<hidl_string>& /* keys */,
+ getParameters_cb _hidl_cb) {
+ ALOGV("%s", __func__);
+ _hidl_cb({});
+ return {};
+Return<void> TunerSession::close() {
+ ALOGV("%s", __func__);
+ lock_guard<mutex> lk(mMut);
+ if (mIsClosed) return {};
+ mIsClosed = true;
+ mThread.cancelAll();
+ return {};
+} // namespace implementation
+} // namespace V2_0
+} // namespace broadcastradio
+} // namespace hardware
+} // namespace android