Add some more tests & tweak spec around SMPTE2094-40
Test: this
Change-Id: If7c549b8efcf490859f10c225a700188b76a54fa
diff --git a/graphics/common/aidl/android/hardware/graphics/common/StandardMetadataType.aidl b/graphics/common/aidl/android/hardware/graphics/common/StandardMetadataType.aidl
index 8126143..4bca795 100644
--- a/graphics/common/aidl/android/hardware/graphics/common/StandardMetadataType.aidl
+++ b/graphics/common/aidl/android/hardware/graphics/common/StandardMetadataType.aidl
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@
* This is an enum that defines the common types of gralloc 4 buffer metadata. The comments for
* each enum include a description of the metadata that is associated with the type.
- * [email protected] must support getting the following standard buffer metadata types, with the exception
- * of SMPTE 2094-10 metadata. [email protected] may support setting these standard buffer metadata types
- * as well.
+ * [email protected] & later must support getting the following standard buffer metadata types, with the
+ * exception of SMPTE 2094-10 and SMPTE 2094-40 metadata. [email protected] & later may support setting
+ * these standard buffer metadata types as well.
* When encoding these StandardMetadataTypes into a byte stream, the associated MetadataType is
* is first encoded followed by the StandardMetadataType value. The MetadataType is encoded by
diff --git a/graphics/mapper/stable-c/include/android/hardware/graphics/mapper/IMapper.h b/graphics/mapper/stable-c/include/android/hardware/graphics/mapper/IMapper.h
index f27b0f4..0f6d146 100644
--- a/graphics/mapper/stable-c/include/android/hardware/graphics/mapper/IMapper.h
+++ b/graphics/mapper/stable-c/include/android/hardware/graphics/mapper/IMapper.h
@@ -509,11 +509,12 @@
* particular Metadata field.
* The framework will attempt to set the following StandardMetadataType
- * values: DATASPACE, SMPTE2086, CTA861_3, SMPTE2094_40 and BLEND_MODE.
- * We require everyone to support setting those fields. If a device's Composer
- * implementation supports a field, it should be supported here. Over time these
- * metadata fields will be moved out of Composer/BufferQueue/etc. and into the
- * buffer's Metadata fields.
+ * values: DATASPACE, SMPTE2086, CTA861_3, and BLEND_MODE.
+ * We require everyone to support setting those fields. Framework will also attempt to set
+ * SMPTE2094_40 and SMPTE2094_10 if available, and it is required to support setting those
+ * if it is possible to get them. If a device's Composer implementation supports a field,
+ * it should be supported here. Over time these metadata fields will be moved out of
+ * Composer/BufferQueue/etc. and into the buffer's Metadata fields.
* @param buffer Buffer receiving desired metadata
* @param metadataType MetadataType for the metadata value being set
@@ -546,11 +547,12 @@
* particular Metadata field.
* The framework will attempt to set the following StandardMetadataType
- * values: DATASPACE, SMPTE2086, CTA861_3, SMPTE2094_40 and BLEND_MODE.
- * We require everyone to support setting those fields. If a device's Composer
- * implementation supports a field, it should be supported here. Over time these
- * metadata fields will be moved out of Composer/BufferQueue/etc. and into the
- * buffer's Metadata fields.
+ * values: DATASPACE, SMPTE2086, CTA861_3, and BLEND_MODE.
+ * We require everyone to support setting those fields. Framework will also attempt to set
+ * SMPTE2094_40 and SMPTE2094_10 if available, and it is required to support setting those
+ * if it is possible to get them. If a device's Composer implementation supports a field,
+ * it should be supported here. Over time these metadata fields will be moved out of
+ * Composer/BufferQueue/etc. and into the buffer's Metadata fields.
* @param buffer Buffer receiving desired metadata
* @param standardMetadataType StandardMetadataType for the metadata value being set
diff --git a/graphics/mapper/stable-c/vts/VtsHalGraphicsMapperStableC_TargetTest.cpp b/graphics/mapper/stable-c/vts/VtsHalGraphicsMapperStableC_TargetTest.cpp
index 6ab11a3..326346c 100644
--- a/graphics/mapper/stable-c/vts/VtsHalGraphicsMapperStableC_TargetTest.cpp
+++ b/graphics/mapper/stable-c/vts/VtsHalGraphicsMapperStableC_TargetTest.cpp
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
#include <aidl/android/hardware/graphics/common/BufferUsage.h>
#include <aidl/android/hardware/graphics/common/PixelFormat.h>
#include <aidlcommonsupport/NativeHandle.h>
+#include <android/binder_enums.h>
#include <android/binder_manager.h>
#include <android/dlext.h>
#include <android/hardware/graphics/mapper/IMapper.h>
@@ -66,6 +67,24 @@
int64_t verticalSubSampling;
+constexpr const char* STANDARD_METADATA_NAME =
+ "";
+static bool isStandardMetadata(AIMapper_MetadataType metadataType) {
+ return strcmp(STANDARD_METADATA_NAME, == 0;
+static std::string toString(const std::vector<StandardMetadataType> types) {
+ std::stringstream buf;
+ buf << "[";
+ for (auto type : types) {
+ buf << toString(type) << ", ";
+ }
+ buf.seekp(-2, buf.cur);
+ buf << "]";
+ return buf.str();
class BufferHandle {
AIMapper* mIMapper;
buffer_handle_t mHandle = nullptr;
@@ -1533,8 +1552,187 @@
auto bufferHandle = buffer->import();
auto value = getStandardMetadata<StandardMetadataType::SMPTE2094_40>(*bufferHandle);
- ASSERT_TRUE(value.has_value());
- EXPECT_FALSE(value->has_value());
+ if (value.has_value()) {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(value->has_value());
+ }
+TEST_P(GraphicsMapperStableCTests, SupportsRequiredGettersSetters) {
+ auto buffer = allocateGeneric();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(buffer);
+ auto bufferHandle = buffer->import();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(bufferHandle);
+ const AIMapper_MetadataTypeDescription* descriptions = nullptr;
+ size_t descriptionCount = 0;
+ mapper()->v5.listSupportedMetadataTypes(&descriptions, &descriptionCount));
+ std::vector<StandardMetadataType> requiredGetters = {
+ StandardMetadataType::BUFFER_ID,
+ StandardMetadataType::NAME,
+ StandardMetadataType::WIDTH,
+ StandardMetadataType::HEIGHT,
+ StandardMetadataType::LAYER_COUNT,
+ StandardMetadataType::PIXEL_FORMAT_REQUESTED,
+ StandardMetadataType::PIXEL_FORMAT_FOURCC,
+ StandardMetadataType::PIXEL_FORMAT_MODIFIER,
+ StandardMetadataType::USAGE,
+ StandardMetadataType::ALLOCATION_SIZE,
+ StandardMetadataType::PROTECTED_CONTENT,
+ StandardMetadataType::COMPRESSION,
+ StandardMetadataType::INTERLACED,
+ StandardMetadataType::CHROMA_SITING,
+ StandardMetadataType::PLANE_LAYOUTS,
+ StandardMetadataType::CROP,
+ StandardMetadataType::DATASPACE,
+ StandardMetadataType::BLEND_MODE,
+ StandardMetadataType::SMPTE2086,
+ StandardMetadataType::CTA861_3,
+ };
+ std::vector<StandardMetadataType> requiredSetters = {
+ StandardMetadataType::DATASPACE,
+ StandardMetadataType::BLEND_MODE,
+ StandardMetadataType::SMPTE2086,
+ StandardMetadataType::CTA861_3,
+ };
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptionCount; i++) {
+ const auto& it = descriptions[i];
+ if (isStandardMetadata(it.metadataType)) {
+ EXPECT_GT(it.metadataType.value, static_cast<int64_t>(StandardMetadataType::INVALID));
+ EXPECT_LT(it.metadataType.value,
+ ndk::internal::enum_values<StandardMetadataType>.size());
+ if (it.isGettable) {
+ std::erase(requiredGetters,
+ static_cast<StandardMetadataType>(it.metadataType.value));
+ }
+ if (it.isSettable) {
+ std::erase(requiredSetters,
+ static_cast<StandardMetadataType>(it.metadataType.value));
+ }
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_NE(nullptr, it.description) << "Non-standard metadata must have a description";
+ int len = strlen(it.description);
+ EXPECT_GE(len, 0) << "Non-standard metadata must have a description";
+ }
+ }
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, requiredGetters.size()) << "Missing required getters" << toString(requiredGetters);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, requiredSetters.size()) << "Missing required setters" << toString(requiredSetters);
+ * Test that verifies that if the optional StandardMetadataTypes have getters, they have
+ * the required setters as well
+ */
+TEST_P(GraphicsMapperStableCTests, CheckRequiredSettersIfHasGetters) {
+ auto buffer = allocateGeneric();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(buffer);
+ auto bufferHandle = buffer->import();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(bufferHandle);
+ const AIMapper_MetadataTypeDescription* descriptions = nullptr;
+ size_t descriptionCount = 0;
+ mapper()->v5.listSupportedMetadataTypes(&descriptions, &descriptionCount));
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptionCount; i++) {
+ const auto& it = descriptions[i];
+ if (isStandardMetadata(it.metadataType)) {
+ const auto type = static_cast<StandardMetadataType>(it.metadataType.value);
+ switch (type) {
+ case StandardMetadataType::SMPTE2094_10:
+ case StandardMetadataType::SMPTE2094_40:
+ if (it.isGettable) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(it.isSettable)
+ << "Type " << toString(type) << " must be settable if gettable";
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+TEST_P(GraphicsMapperStableCTests, ListSupportedWorks) {
+ auto buffer = allocateGeneric();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(buffer);
+ auto bufferHandle = buffer->import();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(bufferHandle);
+ const AIMapper_MetadataTypeDescription* descriptions = nullptr;
+ size_t descriptionCount = 0;
+ mapper()->v5.listSupportedMetadataTypes(&descriptions, &descriptionCount));
+ std::vector<uint8_t> metadataBuffer;
+ auto get = [&](AIMapper_MetadataType metadataType) -> int32_t {
+ int32_t size = mapper()->v5.getMetadata(*bufferHandle, metadataType, nullptr, 0);
+ if (size >= 0) {
+ metadataBuffer.resize(size);
+ size = mapper()->v5.getMetadata(*bufferHandle, metadataType,,
+ metadataBuffer.size());
+ EXPECT_EQ(size, metadataBuffer.size());
+ }
+ return size;
+ };
+ for (int i = 0; i < descriptionCount; i++) {
+ const auto& it = descriptions[i];
+ if (!isStandardMetadata(it.metadataType)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!it.isGettable) {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(it.isSettable)
+ << "StandardMetadata that isn't gettable must not be settable";
+ continue;
+ }
+ EXPECT_GE(get(it.metadataType), 0)
+ << "Get failed for claimed supported getter of "
+ << toString(static_cast<StandardMetadataType>(it.metadataType.value));
+ if (it.isSettable) {
+ mapper()->v5.setMetadata(*bufferHandle, it.metadataType,
+, metadataBuffer.size()))
+ << "Failed to set metadata for "
+ << toString(static_cast<StandardMetadataType>(it.metadataType.value));
+ }
+ }
+TEST_P(GraphicsMapperStableCTests, GetMetadataBadValue) {
+ auto get = [this](StandardMetadataType type) -> AIMapper_Error {
+ // This is a _Nonnull parameter, but this is enough obfuscation to fool the linter
+ buffer_handle_t buffer = nullptr;
+ int32_t ret =
+ mapper()->v5.getStandardMetadata(buffer, static_cast<int64_t>(type), nullptr, 0);
+ return (ret < 0) ? (AIMapper_Error)-ret : AIMAPPER_ERROR_NONE;
+ };
+ for (auto type : ndk::enum_range<StandardMetadataType>()) {
+ if (type == StandardMetadataType::INVALID) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ EXPECT_EQ(AIMAPPER_ERROR_BAD_BUFFER, get(type)) << "Wrong error for " << toString(type);
+ }
+TEST_P(GraphicsMapperStableCTests, GetUnsupportedMetadata) {
+ auto buffer = allocateGeneric();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(buffer);
+ auto bufferHandle = buffer->import();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(bufferHandle);
+ int result = mapper()->v5.getMetadata(*bufferHandle, {"Fake", 1}, nullptr, 0);
+ result = mapper()->v5.getStandardMetadata(
+ *bufferHandle, static_cast<int64_t>(StandardMetadataType::INVALID), nullptr, 0);
+ constexpr int64_t unknownStandardType = ndk::internal::enum_values<StandardMetadataType>.size();
+ result = mapper()->v5.getStandardMetadata(*bufferHandle, unknownStandardType, nullptr, 0);
std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, std::shared_ptr<IAllocator>>> getIAllocatorsAtLeastVersion(