blob: e6e088826b3e22a542ccee14e11883dbf6194ce4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "GrallocWrapper.h"
#include <aidl/android/hardware/graphics/allocator/IAllocator.h>
#include <aidlcommonsupport/NativeHandle.h>
#include <android/binder_manager.h>
#include <android/hardware/graphics/allocator/2.0/IAllocator.h>
#include <android/hardware/graphics/allocator/3.0/IAllocator.h>
#include <android/hardware/graphics/allocator/4.0/IAllocator.h>
#include <android/hardware/graphics/mapper/2.0/IMapper.h>
#include <android/hardware/graphics/mapper/2.1/IMapper.h>
#include <android/hardware/graphics/mapper/3.0/IMapper.h>
#include <android/hardware/graphics/mapper/4.0/IMapper.h>
#include <utils/Log.h>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
using IAllocatorAidl = ::aidl::android::hardware::graphics::allocator::IAllocator;
using IAllocator2 = ::android::hardware::graphics::allocator::V2_0::IAllocator;
using IAllocator3 = ::android::hardware::graphics::allocator::V3_0::IAllocator;
using IAllocator4 = ::android::hardware::graphics::allocator::V4_0::IAllocator;
using IMapper2 = ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V2_0::IMapper;
using IMapper2_1 = ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V2_1::IMapper;
using IMapper3 = ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::IMapper;
using IMapper4 = ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V4_0::IMapper;
using Error2 = ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V2_0::Error;
using Error3 = ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V3_0::Error;
using Error4 = ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V4_0::Error;
using ::aidl::android::hardware::common::NativeHandle;
using ::aidl::android::hardware::graphics::allocator::AllocationResult;
using ::android::hardware::graphics::common::V1_0::BufferUsage;
using ::android::hardware::graphics::common::V1_0::PixelFormat;
using ::android::hardware::hidl_handle;
using ::android::hardware::hidl_string;
using ::android::hardware::hidl_vec;
namespace android {
// Since we use the same APIs across allocator/mapper HALs but they have major
// version differences (meaning they are not related through inheritance), we
// create a common interface abstraction for the IAllocator + IMapper combination
// (major versions need to match in the current HALs, e.g. IAllocator 3.0 needs to
// be paired with IMapper 3.0, so these are tied together)
class IGrallocHalWrapper {
virtual ~IGrallocHalWrapper() = default;
// IAllocator
virtual native_handle_t* allocate(uint32_t size) = 0;
virtual void freeBuffer(native_handle_t* bufferHandle) = 0;
// IMapper
virtual void* lock(native_handle_t* bufferHandle) = 0;
virtual void unlock(native_handle_t* bufferHandle) = 0;
namespace {
bool failed(Error2 error) {
return (error != Error2::NONE);
bool failed(Error3 error) {
return (error != Error3::NONE);
bool failed(Error4 error) {
return (error != Error4::NONE);
template <typename>
struct FirstArg;
// Template specialization for pointer to a non-static member function, which exposes
// the type of the first argument given to said function
template <typename ReturnType, typename ClassT, typename Arg1, typename... OtherArgs>
struct FirstArg<ReturnType (ClassT::*)(Arg1, OtherArgs...)> {
using type = Arg1;
// Alias to FirstArg which also removes any reference type and const associated
template <typename T>
using BaseTypeOfFirstArg = typename std::remove_const<
typename std::remove_reference<typename FirstArg<T>::type>::type>::type;
// Since all the type and function names are the same for the things we use across the major HAL
// versions, we use template magic to avoid repeating ourselves.
template <typename AllocatorT, typename MapperT,
template <typename> typename AllocatorWrapperT = sp>
class GrallocHalWrapper : public IGrallocHalWrapper {
GrallocHalWrapper(const AllocatorWrapperT<AllocatorT>& allocator, const sp<MapperT>& mapper)
: mAllocator(allocator), mMapper(mapper) {
if (mapper->isRemote()) {
ALOGE("Mapper is in passthrough mode");
virtual native_handle_t* allocate(uint32_t size) override;
virtual void freeBuffer(native_handle_t* bufferHandle) override;
virtual void* lock(native_handle_t* bufferHandle) override;
virtual void unlock(native_handle_t* bufferHandle) override;
static constexpr uint64_t kBufferUsage =
static_cast<uint64_t>(BufferUsage::SENSOR_DIRECT_DATA | BufferUsage::CPU_READ_OFTEN);
AllocatorWrapperT<AllocatorT> mAllocator;
sp<MapperT> mMapper;
// v2.0 and v3.0 use vec<uint32_t> for BufferDescriptor, but v4.0 uses vec<uint8_t>, so use
// some template magic to deduce the right type based off of the first argument to allocate(),
// which is always the version-specific BufferDescriptor type
typedef BaseTypeOfFirstArg<decltype(&AllocatorT::allocate)> BufferDescriptorT;
BufferDescriptorT getDescriptor(uint32_t size);
native_handle_t* importBuffer(const hidl_handle& rawHandle);
template <>
native_handle_t* GrallocHalWrapper<IAllocatorAidl, IMapper4, std::shared_ptr>::allocate(
uint32_t size) {
constexpr uint32_t kBufferCount = 1;
BufferDescriptorT descriptor = getDescriptor(size);
native_handle_t* bufferHandle = nullptr;
AllocationResult result;
auto status = mAllocator->allocate(descriptor, kBufferCount, &result);
if (!status.isOk()) {
status_t error = status.getExceptionCode();
ALOGE("Failed to allocate buffer: %" PRId32, static_cast<int32_t>(error));
} else if (result.buffers.size() != kBufferCount) {
ALOGE("Invalid buffer array size (got %zu, expected %" PRIu32 ")", result.buffers.size(),
} else {
// Convert from AIDL NativeHandle to native_handle_t to hidl_handle
hidl_handle hidlHandle;
hidlHandle.setTo(dupFromAidl(result.buffers[0]), /*shouldOwn*/ true);
bufferHandle = importBuffer(hidlHandle);
return bufferHandle;
template <typename AllocatorT, typename MapperT, template <typename> typename AllocatorWrapperT>
native_handle_t* GrallocHalWrapper<AllocatorT, MapperT, AllocatorWrapperT>::allocate(
uint32_t size) {
constexpr uint32_t kBufferCount = 1;
BufferDescriptorT descriptor = getDescriptor(size);
native_handle_t* bufferHandle = nullptr;
auto callback = [&](auto error, uint32_t /*stride*/, const hidl_vec<hidl_handle>& buffers) {
if (failed(error)) {
ALOGE("Failed to allocate buffer: %" PRId32, static_cast<int32_t>(error));
} else if (buffers.size() != kBufferCount) {
ALOGE("Invalid buffer array size (got %zu, expected %" PRIu32 ")", buffers.size(),
} else {
bufferHandle = importBuffer(buffers[0]);
mAllocator->allocate(descriptor, kBufferCount, callback);
return bufferHandle;
template <typename AllocatorT, typename MapperT, template <typename> typename AllocatorWrapperT>
void GrallocHalWrapper<AllocatorT, MapperT, AllocatorWrapperT>::freeBuffer(
native_handle_t* bufferHandle) {
auto error = mMapper->freeBuffer(bufferHandle);
if (!error.isOk() || failed(error)) {
ALOGE("Failed to free buffer %p", bufferHandle);
template <typename AllocatorT, typename MapperT, template <typename> typename AllocatorWrapperT>
typename GrallocHalWrapper<AllocatorT, MapperT, AllocatorWrapperT>::BufferDescriptorT
GrallocHalWrapper<AllocatorT, MapperT, AllocatorWrapperT>::getDescriptor(uint32_t size) {
typename MapperT::BufferDescriptorInfo descriptorInfo = {
.width = size,
.height = 1,
.layerCount = 1,
.format = static_cast<decltype(descriptorInfo.format)>(PixelFormat::BLOB),
.usage = kBufferUsage,
BufferDescriptorT descriptor;
auto callback = [&](auto error, const BufferDescriptorT& tmpDescriptor) {
if (failed(error)) {
ALOGE("Failed to create descriptor: %" PRId32, static_cast<int32_t>(error));
} else {
descriptor = tmpDescriptor;
mMapper->createDescriptor(descriptorInfo, callback);
return descriptor;
template <typename AllocatorT, typename MapperT, template <typename> typename AllocatorWrapperT>
native_handle_t* GrallocHalWrapper<AllocatorT, MapperT, AllocatorWrapperT>::importBuffer(
const hidl_handle& rawHandle) {
native_handle_t* bufferHandle = nullptr;
mMapper->importBuffer(rawHandle, [&](auto error, void* tmpBuffer) {
if (failed(error)) {
ALOGE("Failed to import buffer %p: %" PRId32, rawHandle.getNativeHandle(),
} else {
bufferHandle = static_cast<native_handle_t*>(tmpBuffer);
return bufferHandle;
template <typename AllocatorT, typename MapperT, template <typename> typename AllocatorWrapperT>
void* GrallocHalWrapper<AllocatorT, MapperT, AllocatorWrapperT>::lock(
native_handle_t* bufferHandle) {
// Per the HAL, all-zeros Rect means the entire buffer
typename MapperT::Rect accessRegion = {};
hidl_handle acquireFenceHandle; // No fence needed, already safe to lock
void* data = nullptr;
mMapper->lock(bufferHandle, kBufferUsage, accessRegion, acquireFenceHandle,
[&](auto error, void* tmpData, ...) { // V3/4 pass extra args we don't use
if (failed(error)) {
ALOGE("Failed to lock buffer %p: %" PRId32, bufferHandle,
} else {
data = tmpData;
return data;
template <typename AllocatorT, typename MapperT, template <typename> typename AllocatorWrapperT>
void GrallocHalWrapper<AllocatorT, MapperT, AllocatorWrapperT>::unlock(
native_handle_t* bufferHandle) {
mMapper->unlock(bufferHandle, [&](auto error, const hidl_handle& /*releaseFence*/) {
if (failed(error)) {
ALOGE("Failed to unlock buffer %p: %" PRId32, bufferHandle,
} // anonymous namespace
GrallocWrapper::GrallocWrapper() {
sp<IAllocator4> allocator4 = IAllocator4::getService();
sp<IMapper4> mapper4 = IMapper4::getService();
const auto kAllocatorSvc = std::string(IAllocatorAidl::descriptor) + "/default";
std::shared_ptr<IAllocatorAidl> allocatorAidl;
if (AServiceManager_isDeclared(kAllocatorSvc.c_str())) {
allocatorAidl = IAllocatorAidl::fromBinder(
// As of T, AIDL Allocator is supported only with HIDL Mapper4
// (ref: VtsHalGraphicsAllocatorAidl_TargetTest.cpp)
if (allocatorAidl != nullptr && mapper4 != nullptr) {
ALOGD("Using AIDL IAllocator + HIDL IMapper v4.0");
mGrallocHal = std::unique_ptr<IGrallocHalWrapper>(
new GrallocHalWrapper<IAllocatorAidl, IMapper4, std::shared_ptr>(allocatorAidl,
} else if (allocator4 != nullptr && mapper4 != nullptr) {
ALOGD("AIDL IAllocator not found, using HIDL IAllocator/IMapper v4.0");
mGrallocHal = std::unique_ptr<IGrallocHalWrapper>(
new GrallocHalWrapper<IAllocator4, IMapper4>(allocator4, mapper4));
} else {
ALOGD("Graphics HALs 4.0 not found (allocator %d mapper %d), falling back to 3.0",
(allocator4 != nullptr), (mapper4 != nullptr));
sp<IAllocator3> allocator3 = IAllocator3::getService();
sp<IMapper3> mapper3 = IMapper3::getService();
if (allocator3 != nullptr && mapper3 != nullptr) {
mGrallocHal = std::unique_ptr<IGrallocHalWrapper>(
new GrallocHalWrapper<IAllocator3, IMapper3>(allocator3, mapper3));
} else {
ALOGD("Graphics HALs 3.0 not found (allocator %d mapper %d), falling back to 2.x",
(allocator3 != nullptr), (mapper3 != nullptr));
sp<IAllocator2> allocator2 = IAllocator2::getService();
sp<IMapper2> mapper2 = IMapper2_1::getService();
if (mapper2 == nullptr) {
mapper2 = IMapper2::getService();
if (allocator2 != nullptr && mapper2 != nullptr) {
mGrallocHal = std::unique_ptr<IGrallocHalWrapper>(
new GrallocHalWrapper<IAllocator2, IMapper2>(allocator2, mapper2));
} else {
ALOGE("Couldn't open graphics HALs (2.x allocator %d mapper %d)",
(allocator2 != nullptr), (mapper2 != nullptr));
GrallocWrapper::~GrallocWrapper() {
for (auto bufferHandle : mAllocatedBuffers) {
std::pair<native_handle_t*, void*> GrallocWrapper::allocate(uint32_t size) {
native_handle_t* bufferHandle = mGrallocHal->allocate(size);
void* buffer = nullptr;
if (bufferHandle) {
buffer = mGrallocHal->lock(bufferHandle);
if (buffer) {
} else {
bufferHandle = nullptr;
return std::make_pair<>(bufferHandle, buffer);
void GrallocWrapper::freeBuffer(native_handle_t* bufferHandle) {
if (mAllocatedBuffers.erase(bufferHandle)) {
} // namespace android