| #include "Context.h" |
| #include "Device.h" |
| |
| #include <android/dlext.h> |
| #include <dlfcn.h> |
| |
| namespace android { |
| namespace hardware { |
| namespace renderscript { |
| namespace V1_0 { |
| namespace implementation { |
| |
| |
| static dispatchTable loadHAL(); |
| dispatchTable Device::mDispatchHal = loadHAL(); |
| |
| Device::Device() { |
| } |
| |
| dispatchTable& Device::getHal() { |
| return mDispatchHal; |
| } |
| |
| |
| // Methods from ::android::hardware::renderscript::V1_0::IDevice follow. |
| |
| Return<sp<IContext>> Device::contextCreate(uint32_t sdkVersion, ContextType ct, int32_t flags) { |
| return new Context(sdkVersion, ct, flags); |
| } |
| |
| |
| // Methods from ::android::hidl::base::V1_0::IBase follow. |
| |
| IDevice* HIDL_FETCH_IDevice(const char* /* name */) { |
| return new Device(); |
| } |
| |
| // Helper function |
| dispatchTable loadHAL() { |
| |
| static_assert(sizeof(void*) <= sizeof(uint64_t), "RenderScript HIDL Error: sizeof(void*) > sizeof(uint64_t)"); |
| static_assert(sizeof(size_t) <= sizeof(uint64_t), "RenderScript HIDL Error: sizeof(size_t) > sizeof(uint64_t)"); |
| |
| const char* filename = "libRS_internal.so"; |
| // Try to load libRS_internal.so from the "rs" namespace directly. |
| typedef struct android_namespace_t* (*GetExportedNamespaceFnPtr)(const char*); |
| GetExportedNamespaceFnPtr getExportedNamespace = reinterpret_cast<GetExportedNamespaceFnPtr>( |
| dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "android_get_exported_namespace")); |
| void* handle = nullptr; |
| if (getExportedNamespace != nullptr) { |
| android_namespace_t* rsNamespace = getExportedNamespace("rs"); |
| if (rsNamespace != nullptr) { |
| const android_dlextinfo dlextinfo = { |
| .flags = ANDROID_DLEXT_USE_NAMESPACE, .library_namespace = rsNamespace, |
| }; |
| handle = android_dlopen_ext(filename, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL, &dlextinfo); |
| } |
| } |
| if (handle == nullptr) { |
| // if there is no "rs" namespace (in case when this HAL impl is loaded |
| // into a vendor process), then use the plain dlopen. |
| handle = dlopen(filename, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL); |
| } |
| |
| dispatchTable dispatchHal = { |
| .SetNativeLibDir = (SetNativeLibDirFnPtr) nullptr, |
| |
| .Allocation1DData = |
| (Allocation1DDataFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsAllocation1DData"), |
| .Allocation1DElementData = (Allocation1DElementDataFnPtr) nullptr, |
| .Allocation1DRead = |
| (Allocation1DReadFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsAllocation1DRead"), |
| .Allocation2DData = |
| (Allocation2DDataFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsAllocation2DData"), |
| .Allocation2DRead = |
| (Allocation2DReadFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsAllocation2DRead"), |
| .Allocation3DData = |
| (Allocation3DDataFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsAllocation3DData"), |
| .Allocation3DRead = |
| (Allocation3DReadFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsAllocation3DRead"), |
| .AllocationAdapterCreate = (AllocationAdapterCreateFnPtr)dlsym( |
| handle, "rsAllocationAdapterCreate"), |
| .AllocationAdapterOffset = (AllocationAdapterOffsetFnPtr)dlsym( |
| handle, "rsAllocationAdapterOffset"), |
| .AllocationCopy2DRange = (AllocationCopy2DRangeFnPtr)dlsym( |
| handle, "rsAllocationCopy2DRange"), |
| .AllocationCopy3DRange = (AllocationCopy3DRangeFnPtr)dlsym( |
| handle, "rsAllocationCopy3DRange"), |
| .AllocationCopyToBitmap = (AllocationCopyToBitmapFnPtr)dlsym( |
| handle, "rsAllocationCopyToBitmap"), |
| .AllocationCreateFromBitmap = (AllocationCreateFromBitmapFnPtr)dlsym( |
| handle, "rsAllocationCreateFromBitmap"), |
| .AllocationCreateStrided = (AllocationCreateStridedFnPtr)dlsym( |
| handle, "rsAllocationCreateStrided"), |
| .AllocationCreateTyped = (AllocationCreateTypedFnPtr)dlsym( |
| handle, "rsAllocationCreateTyped"), |
| .AllocationCubeCreateFromBitmap = |
| (AllocationCubeCreateFromBitmapFnPtr)dlsym( |
| handle, "rsAllocationCubeCreateFromBitmap"), |
| .AllocationElementData = (AllocationElementDataFnPtr)dlsym( |
| handle, "rsAllocationElementData"), |
| .AllocationElementRead = (AllocationElementReadFnPtr)dlsym( |
| handle, "rsAllocationElementRead"), |
| .AllocationGenerateMipmaps = (AllocationGenerateMipmapsFnPtr)dlsym( |
| handle, "rsAllocationGenerateMipmaps"), |
| .AllocationGetPointer = |
| (AllocationGetPointerFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsAllocationGetPointer"), |
| .AllocationGetSurface = |
| (AllocationGetSurfaceFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsAllocationGetSurface"), |
| .AllocationGetType = |
| (AllocationGetTypeFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsaAllocationGetType"), |
| .AllocationIoReceive = |
| (AllocationIoReceiveFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsAllocationIoReceive"), |
| .AllocationIoSend = |
| (AllocationIoSendFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsAllocationIoSend"), |
| .AllocationRead = |
| (AllocationReadFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsAllocationRead"), |
| .AllocationResize1D = |
| (AllocationResize1DFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsAllocationResize1D"), |
| .AllocationSetSurface = |
| (AllocationSetSurfaceFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsAllocationSetSurface"), |
| .AllocationSetupBufferQueue = (AllocationSetupBufferQueueFnPtr)dlsym( |
| handle, "rsAllocationSetupBufferQueue"), |
| .AllocationShareBufferQueue = (AllocationShareBufferQueueFnPtr)dlsym( |
| handle, "rsAllocationShareBufferQueue"), |
| .AllocationSyncAll = |
| (AllocationSyncAllFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsAllocationSyncAll"), |
| .AssignName = (AssignNameFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsAssignName"), |
| .ClosureCreate = (ClosureCreateFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsClosureCreate"), |
| .ClosureSetArg = (ClosureSetArgFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsClosureSetArg"), |
| .ClosureSetGlobal = |
| (ClosureSetGlobalFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsClosureSetGlobal"), |
| .ContextCreateVendor = |
| (ContextCreateVendorFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsContextCreateVendor"), |
| .ContextDeinitToClient = (ContextDeinitToClientFnPtr)dlsym( |
| handle, "rsContextDeinitToClient"), |
| .ContextDestroy = |
| (ContextDestroyFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsContextDestroy"), |
| .ContextDump = (ContextDumpFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsContextDump"), |
| .ContextFinish = (ContextFinishFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsContextFinish"), |
| .ContextGetMessage = |
| (ContextGetMessageFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsContextGetMessage"), |
| .ContextInitToClient = |
| (ContextInitToClientFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsContextInitToClient"), |
| .ContextPeekMessage = |
| (ContextPeekMessageFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsContextPeekMessage"), |
| .ContextSendMessage = |
| (ContextSendMessageFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsContextSendMessage"), |
| .ContextSetCacheDir = |
| (ContextSetCacheDirFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsContextSetCacheDir"), |
| .ContextSetPriority = |
| (ContextSetPriorityFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsContextSetPriority"), |
| .DeviceCreate = (DeviceCreateFnPtr) nullptr, |
| .DeviceDestroy = (DeviceDestroyFnPtr) nullptr, |
| .DeviceSetConfig = (DeviceSetConfigFnPtr) nullptr, |
| .ElementCreate2 = |
| (ElementCreate2FnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsElementCreate2"), |
| .ElementCreate = (ElementCreateFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsElementCreate"), |
| .ElementGetNativeData = |
| (ElementGetNativeDataFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsaElementGetNativeData"), |
| .ElementGetSubElements = (ElementGetSubElementsFnPtr)dlsym( |
| handle, "rsaElementGetSubElements"), |
| .GetName = (GetNameFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsaGetName"), |
| .InvokeClosureCreate = |
| (InvokeClosureCreateFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsInvokeClosureCreate"), |
| .ObjDestroy = (ObjDestroyFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsObjDestroy"), |
| .SamplerCreate = (SamplerCreateFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsSamplerCreate"), |
| .ScriptBindAllocation = |
| (ScriptBindAllocationFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsScriptBindAllocation"), |
| .ScriptCCreate = (ScriptCCreateFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsScriptCCreate"), |
| .ScriptFieldIDCreate = |
| (ScriptFieldIDCreateFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsScriptFieldIDCreate"), |
| .ScriptForEach = (ScriptForEachFnPtr) nullptr, |
| .ScriptForEachMulti = |
| (ScriptForEachMultiFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsScriptForEachMulti"), |
| .ScriptGetVarV = (ScriptGetVarVFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsScriptGetVarV"), |
| .ScriptGroup2Create = |
| (ScriptGroup2CreateFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsScriptGroup2Create"), |
| .ScriptGroupCreate = |
| (ScriptGroupCreateFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsScriptGroupCreate"), |
| .ScriptGroupExecute = |
| (ScriptGroupExecuteFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsScriptGroupExecute"), |
| .ScriptGroupSetInput = |
| (ScriptGroupSetInputFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsScriptGroupSetInput"), |
| .ScriptGroupSetOutput = |
| (ScriptGroupSetOutputFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsScriptGroupSetOutput"), |
| .ScriptIntrinsicCreate = (ScriptIntrinsicCreateFnPtr)dlsym( |
| handle, "rsScriptIntrinsicCreate"), |
| .ScriptInvoke = (ScriptInvokeFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsScriptInvoke"), |
| .ScriptInvokeIDCreate = |
| (ScriptInvokeIDCreateFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsScriptInvokeIDCreate"), |
| .ScriptInvokeV = (ScriptInvokeVFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsScriptInvokeV"), |
| .ScriptKernelIDCreate = |
| (ScriptKernelIDCreateFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsScriptKernelIDCreate"), |
| .ScriptReduce = (ScriptReduceFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsScriptReduce"), |
| .ScriptSetTimeZone = |
| (ScriptSetTimeZoneFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsScriptSetTimeZone"), |
| .ScriptSetVarD = (ScriptSetVarDFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsScriptSetVarD"), |
| .ScriptSetVarF = (ScriptSetVarFFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsScriptSetVarF"), |
| .ScriptSetVarI = (ScriptSetVarIFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsScriptSetVarI"), |
| .ScriptSetVarJ = (ScriptSetVarJFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsScriptSetVarJ"), |
| .ScriptSetVarObj = |
| (ScriptSetVarObjFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsScriptSetVarObj"), |
| .ScriptSetVarVE = |
| (ScriptSetVarVEFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsScriptSetVarVE"), |
| .ScriptSetVarV = (ScriptSetVarVFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsScriptSetVarV"), |
| .TypeCreate = (TypeCreateFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsTypeCreate"), |
| .TypeGetNativeData = |
| (TypeGetNativeDataFnPtr)dlsym(handle, "rsaTypeGetNativeData"), |
| }; |
| |
| return dispatchHal; |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace implementation |
| } // namespace V1_0 |
| } // namespace renderscript |
| } // namespace hardware |
| } // namespace android |