msm8998: Update to

.: from hardware/qcom/gps
  fb6ada7 LOC logging macro changes
  a41371d Adding ATL call flow to new Loc API interface
  1f0f30d hidl gnss hal 1.0 implementation
  dcaa2b1 LocationAPI implementation
  17227a4 Add explicit liblog dependency
  10f961e fixing a race condition on MsgTask::destroy() am: 4eda8e1eab am: 4797bfa900 am: acd98bcaab
  dabb110 fixing a race condition on MsgTask::destroy() am: 4eda8e1eab am: 6a27094a7b am: ecb76928eb
  acd98bc fixing a race condition on MsgTask::destroy() am: 4eda8e1eab am: 4797bfa900
  ecb7692 fixing a race condition on MsgTask::destroy() am: 4eda8e1eab am: 6a27094a7b
  4797bfa fixing a race condition on MsgTask::destroy() am: 4eda8e1eab
  6a27094 fixing a race condition on MsgTask::destroy() am: 4eda8e1eab
  4eda8e1 fixing a race condition on MsgTask::destroy()
  96349ca msm8998: Update to
  f7bbba4 Merge "Depend on libandroid_runtime" am: 82dd9367cf am: 1a94090191 am: 634a10c780 am: 2a7e5e066f
  2a7e5e0 Merge "Depend on libandroid_runtime" am: 82dd9367cf am: 1a94090191 am: 634a10c780
  634a10c Merge "Depend on libandroid_runtime" am: 82dd9367cf am: 1a94090191
  1a94090 Merge "Depend on libandroid_runtime" am: 82dd9367cf
  82dd936 Merge "Depend on libandroid_runtime"
  edc762c Depend on libandroid_runtime
  ada6527 Depend on libandroid_runtime
  435b813 msm8998: rename msmcobalt to msm8998 am: 02f13da8e1 am: 6e9861804c
  6e98618 msm8998: rename msmcobalt to msm8998 am: 02f13da8e1
  02f13da msm8998: rename msmcobalt to msm8998
  99a2828 Merge "Added XTRA CA path to gps.conf am: 47b626358a am: da0886d286" into nyc-mr2-dev-plus-aosp am: bd59daa7b2
  0be00e4 Added XTRA CA path to gps.conf am: 47b626358a am: da0886d286 am: 558ea5a345
  3626f27 Added XTRA CA path to gps.conf am: 47b626358a am: 07377b1319 am: cc1c500b57
  bd59daa Merge "Added XTRA CA path to gps.conf am: 47b626358a am: da0886d286" into nyc-mr2-dev-plus-aosp
  558ea5a Added XTRA CA path to gps.conf am: 47b626358a am: da0886d286
  cc1c500 Added XTRA CA path to gps.conf am: 47b626358a am: 07377b1319
  07377b1 Added XTRA CA path to gps.conf am: 47b626358a
  da0886d Added XTRA CA path to gps.conf am: 47b626358a
  47b6263 Added XTRA CA path to gps.conf
  73da450 msmcobalt: Update to LA.UM.5.7_RB1. am: c2fbb41f69 am: 2fc9d83718
  2fc9d83 msmcobalt: Update to LA.UM.5.7_RB1. am: c2fbb41f69
  c2fbb41 msmcobalt: Update to LA.UM.5.7_RB1.
  088623b gps: enable SAP am: c5b4bd3794 am: e646f881b5
  e646f88 gps: enable SAP am: c5b4bd3794
  c5b4bd3 gps: enable SAP
  b0f6b2c msmcobalt: Update to am: bc2807add2 am: 93f2dceb14 am: f1c1d98026 am: 9e55f15c05
  faf90fa fixed a copy paste error am: 90ff845856 am: 16f3d1e963 am: b0d47c984c
  9e55f15 msmcobalt: Update to am: bc2807add2 am: 93f2dceb14 am: f1c1d98026
  b0d47c9 fixed a copy paste error am: 90ff845856 am: 16f3d1e963
  f1c1d98 msmcobalt: Update to am: bc2807add2 am: 93f2dceb14
  16f3d1e fixed a copy paste error am: 90ff845856
  5446d0f Prevent gps.conf from being included twice on swordfish.
  0bedfd7 Changes to have swordfish build.
  c992f49 msmcobalt: Update to am: 63f8eb733a am: a88d1331b7
  a88d133 msmcobalt: Update to am: 63f8eb733a
  63f8eb7 msmcobalt: Update to
  2e35081 Merge "fix warning: Use of memory after it is freed" am: 05ef6c51f6 am: 314acc48fb am: 75034fd5a1 am: c5484e5147
  c5484e5 Merge "fix warning: Use of memory after it is freed" am: 05ef6c51f6 am: 314acc48fb am: 75034fd5a1
  75034fd Merge "fix warning: Use of memory after it is freed" am: 05ef6c51f6 am: 314acc48fb
  314acc4 Merge "fix warning: Use of memory after it is freed" am: 05ef6c51f6
  05ef6c5 Merge "fix warning: Use of memory after it is freed"
  9853496 fix warning: Use of memory after it is freed
  cf7e221 msmcobalt: Update to am: bc2807add2 am: 93f2dceb14 am: 829ed002cb am: 21c8fa6dc8
  21c8fa6 msmcobalt: Update to am: bc2807add2 am: 93f2dceb14 am: 829ed002cb
  829ed00 msmcobalt: Update to am: bc2807add2 am: 93f2dceb14
  93f2dce msmcobalt: Update to am: bc2807add2
  bc2807a msmcobalt: Update to
  539077a fixed a copy paste error am: 90ff845856 am: 30f9d208cb am: 39fe507fdb
  39fe507 fixed a copy paste error am: 90ff845856 am: 30f9d208cb
  30f9d20 fixed a copy paste error am: 90ff845856
  90ff845 fixed a copy paste error
  1566b37 msmcobalt: update to am: 1c56f4feb3 am: dfc9c9ed55 am: c31584c53c
  c31584c msmcobalt: update to am: 1c56f4feb3 am: dfc9c9ed55
  dfc9c9e msmcobalt: update to am: 1c56f4feb3
  1c56f4f msmcobalt: update to
  06ef7a3 msmcobalt: Update to am: 5bea9589b6 am: 2f928597e7 am: 0ebc797f0b
  518ba35 msmcobalt: Update to am: 6f2a63d31d am: 5c07def4f2 am: 0061f41bb8
  0ebc797 msmcobalt: Update to am: 5bea9589b6 am: 2f928597e7
  0061f41 msmcobalt: Update to am: 6f2a63d31d am: 5c07def4f2
  2f92859 msmcobalt: Update to am: 5bea9589b6
  5c07def msmcobalt: Update to am: 6f2a63d31d
  5bea958 msmcobalt: Update to
  6f2a63d msmcobalt: Update to
  018788d deprecate legacy NTP time download am: 685517e30a am: 2191154ca6
  2191154 deprecate legacy NTP time download am: 685517e30a
  685517e deprecate legacy NTP time download
  2f5fecd Add missing liblog dependency
  8f129a6 Add missing liblog dependency am: 3241b11d40
  3241b11 Add missing liblog dependency
  6a7bcbc Merge "Add missing liblog dependency" am: ac7c3e2801 am: 319408f97b am: 7eaa57e398 am: a09f183289
  a09f183 Merge "Add missing liblog dependency" am: ac7c3e2801 am: 319408f97b am: 7eaa57e398
  7eaa57e Merge "Add missing liblog dependency" am: ac7c3e2801 am: 319408f97b
  319408f Merge "Add missing liblog dependency" am: ac7c3e2801
  ac7c3e2 Merge "Add missing liblog dependency"
  b452837 Add missing liblog dependency
  1fa137f Merge "Add missing liblog dependency"
  6c3c4bb multiple XTRA downloaders could be triggered on boot up am: 351d6980ab am: 9cb11ad806
  9bc19df XTRA Client 2.0 am: d304a98437 am: 769e19e20b
  9cb11ad multiple XTRA downloaders could be triggered on boot up am: 351d6980ab
  769e19e XTRA Client 2.0 am: d304a98437
  351d698 multiple XTRA downloaders could be triggered on boot up
  d304a98 XTRA Client 2.0
  532f337 Add missing liblog dependency
  bd2b55a Merge "Add missing liblog dependency" am: 0cb64f83b7 am: d750da0bb5 am: 37639b35f8 am: 34ecd7320a
  34ecd73 Merge "Add missing liblog dependency" am: 0cb64f83b7 am: d750da0bb5 am: 37639b35f8
  37639b3 Merge "Add missing liblog dependency" am: 0cb64f83b7 am: d750da0bb5
  d750da0 Merge "Add missing liblog dependency" am: 0cb64f83b7
  0cb64f8 Merge "Add missing liblog dependency"
  c784d5e Add missing liblog dependency
  9c86882 fix Converting NULL to non-pointer type warning
  2d6a48f msmcobalt: fix wrong absolute path am: cb4d2fd2f8 am: 95bae3332a am: 9d5dee88dc
  9d5dee8 msmcobalt: fix wrong absolute path am: cb4d2fd2f8 am: 95bae3332a
  f94f1f8 Merge changes I1561518c,Ic7ad172a into cw-f-dev am: 146bb3bc6e am: 54c926623a
  d258a81 Adding TARGET_NO_GNSS check while creating LocApi am: d4fd1e91f6 am: 24fdf8a95c
  95d59eb Fix gps compilation for 8x26 am: f89bb9b1af am: 004a0335cf
  95bae33 msmcobalt: fix wrong absolute path am: cb4d2fd2f8
  54c9266 Merge changes I1561518c,Ic7ad172a into cw-f-dev am: 146bb3bc6e
  24fdf8a Adding TARGET_NO_GNSS check while creating LocApi am: d4fd1e91f6
  004a033 Fix gps compilation for 8x26 am: f89bb9b1af
  146bb3b Merge changes I1561518c,Ic7ad172a into cw-f-dev
  cb4d2fd msmcobalt: fix wrong absolute path
  d4fd1e9 Adding TARGET_NO_GNSS check while creating LocApi
  f89bb9b Fix gps compilation for 8x26
  e9d0c8b msmcobalt: import from LA.UM.5.7.R1. am: 129edaf7d0 am: ef384b99bc am: 9ea942d749
  9ea942d msmcobalt: import from LA.UM.5.7.R1. am: 129edaf7d0 am: ef384b99bc
  ef384b9 msmcobalt: import from LA.UM.5.7.R1. am: 129edaf7d0
  129edaf msmcobalt: import from LA.UM.5.7.R1.
  47d02ce DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: (nyc-dr1-dev) Move local gps/sap configuration to Context am: 950f058081  -s ours am: bece38a9ef  -s ours am: 7a2809aec4  -s ours am: 4ceccaca1d  -s ours
  4ceccac DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: (nyc-dr1-dev) Move local gps/sap configuration to Context am: 950f058081  -s ours am: bece38a9ef  -s ours am: 7a2809aec4  -s ours
  7a2809a DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: (nyc-dr1-dev) Move local gps/sap configuration to Context am: 950f058081  -s ours am: bece38a9ef  -s ours
  bece38a DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: (nyc-dr1-dev) Move local gps/sap configuration to Context am: 950f058081  -s ours
  950f058 DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE: (nyc-dr1-dev) Move local gps/sap configuration to Context
  4ac084d Move local gps/sap configuration to Context am: 8cf3e0e4dd am: 10144bef7a am: ecb4275f4f
  ecb4275 Move local gps/sap configuration to Context am: 8cf3e0e4dd am: 10144bef7a
  10144be Move local gps/sap configuration to Context am: 8cf3e0e4dd
  8cf3e0e Move local gps/sap configuration to Context
  b3a031e Support GnssMeasurement am: 64efbd901d am: 2bffa26206
  2bffa26 Support GnssMeasurement am: 64efbd901d
  64efbd9 Support GnssMeasurement
  48f3b8f Fix logging level and remove nmea log am: fecc8ce536 am: 155a71c33b
  b963bde multiple XTRA downloaders could be triggered on boot up am: e0bc79ad55 am: fb1c904613
  1b4677e Return the correct length of nmea sentence. am: 76733cd8ab am: 0af33eddac
  3c4612e XTRA Client 2.0 am: 16ac9aa2c1 am: b20fb31405
  155a71c Fix logging level and remove nmea log am: fecc8ce536
  fb1c904 multiple XTRA downloaders could be triggered on boot up am: e0bc79ad55
  0af33ed Return the correct length of nmea sentence. am: 76733cd8ab
  b20fb31 XTRA Client 2.0 am: 16ac9aa2c1
  fecc8ce Fix logging level and remove nmea log
  e0bc79a multiple XTRA downloaders could be triggered on boot up
  76733cd Return the correct length of nmea sentence.
  16ac9aa XTRA Client 2.0
  15e9cf7 Resolved CLANG reported errors. am: 9e34f5b67a am: cdc5bbcfc8
  cdc5bbc Resolved CLANG reported errors. am: 9e34f5b67a
  9e34f5b Resolved CLANG reported errors.
  6bf3f62 Don\\'t include default gps.conf if device-specific overlay exists am: 83280d12ce am: c4343c4375
  c4343c4 Don\'t include default gps.conf if device-specific overlay exists am: 83280d12ce
  83280d1 Don't include default gps.conf if device-specific overlay exists
  2ad9cb9 Merge "Merge "Default apn ip type to ipv4" into nyc-dev am: e98a418560 am: 2129a41fce" into nyc-mr1-dev-plus-aosp am: c35b347362
  c6b14d2 Merge "Default apn ip type to ipv4" into nyc-dev am: e98a418560 am: 107456fbba am: d731d2f3ca
  c35b347 Merge "Merge "Default apn ip type to ipv4" into nyc-dev am: e98a418560 am: 2129a41fce" into nyc-mr1-dev-plus-aosp
  475bd7a Merge "Default apn ip type to ipv4" into nyc-dev am: e98a418560 am: 2129a41fce
  d731d2f Merge "Default apn ip type to ipv4" into nyc-dev am: e98a418560 am: 107456fbba
  107456f Merge "Default apn ip type to ipv4" into nyc-dev am: e98a418560
  2129a41 Merge "Default apn ip type to ipv4" into nyc-dev am: e98a418560
  e98a418 Merge "Default apn ip type to ipv4" into nyc-dev
  d7b1204 Default apn ip type to ipv4
  86a36d3 Remove problematic dependency am: de7700cdd7 am: f7cb5caf08
  5729eb7 makefile change to enable CLANG am: 7fd74c908e am: 6b6a10c860
  f7cb5ca Remove problematic dependency am: de7700cdd7
  6b6a10c makefile change to enable CLANG am: 7fd74c908e
  de7700c Remove problematic dependency
  7fd74c9 makefile change to enable CLANG
  1c21715 Merge "msm8974: remove from top level makefile am: 53bf15aab7 am: c5e73a33f3" into nyc-mr1-dev-plus-aosp am: f1ea4b1864
  9486084 msm8974: remove from top level makefile am: 53bf15aab7 am: 5e4de8a60e am: 2fdf772c2d
  f1ea4b1 Merge "msm8974: remove from top level makefile am: 53bf15aab7 am: c5e73a33f3" into nyc-mr1-dev-plus-aosp
  1686b6b msm8974: remove from top level makefile am: 53bf15aab7 am: c5e73a33f3
  2fdf772 msm8974: remove from top level makefile am: 53bf15aab7 am: 5e4de8a60e
  c5e73a3 msm8974: remove from top level makefile am: 53bf15aab7
  5e4de8a msm8974: remove from top level makefile am: 53bf15aab7
  53bf15a msm8974: remove from top level makefile
  c3d974a msm8974: deprecate msm8974 am: 486ab75159 am: 7f3057afa8 am: a489465053
  a7663b4 resolve merge conflicts of 486ab75 to nyc-dev-plus-aosp am: dbb62f01af am: f18370c8a6
  a489465 msm8974: deprecate msm8974 am: 486ab75159 am: 7f3057afa8
  f18370c resolve merge conflicts of 486ab75 to nyc-dev-plus-aosp am: dbb62f01af
  dbb62f0 resolve merge conflicts of 486ab75 to nyc-dev-plus-aosp
  7f3057a msm8974: deprecate msm8974 am: 486ab75159
  486ab75 msm8974: deprecate msm8974
  0a581f9 Support GnssMeasurement am: 78bdcaf6f9 am: a56327631f
  a563276 Support GnssMeasurement am: 78bdcaf6f9
  78bdcaf Support GnssMeasurement
  35d8351 Disable GPS only for adp8064 and fox
  04783a7 gps: fix msm8994 typo am: 728d6c7523 am: f3f2274403 am: db4a9d6d6c
  df040e1 gps: fix msm8994 typo am: 728d6c7523 am: 1df22d3173 am: 5a003101ce
  db4a9d6 gps: fix msm8994 typo am: 728d6c7523 am: f3f2274403
  5a00310 gps: fix msm8994 typo am: 728d6c7523 am: 1df22d3173
  1df22d3 gps: fix msm8994 typo am: 728d6c7523
  f3f2274 gps: fix msm8994 typo am: 728d6c7523
  728d6c7 gps: fix msm8994 typo
  0226df7 Fix memory leak in loc_update_conf(). am: a31fdb9 am: e848997
  e848997 Fix memory leak in loc_update_conf(). am: a31fdb9
  a31fdb9 Fix memory leak in loc_update_conf().
  3bed97f Modify makefile to point to new GPS HAL path am: f6d4513 am: e6b49f2 am: 8a06ba7 am: ae527de
  ae527de Modify makefile to point to new GPS HAL path am: f6d4513 am: e6b49f2 am: 8a06ba7
  8a06ba7 Modify makefile to point to new GPS HAL path am: f6d4513 am: e6b49f2
  e6b49f2 Modify makefile to point to new GPS HAL path am: f6d4513
  f6d4513 Modify makefile to point to new GPS HAL path
  df55d81 Add the support for geofence dwell am: 293643d am: 970ce96 am: 1d40ddf
  1d40ddf Add the support for geofence dwell am: 293643d am: 970ce96
  970ce96 Add the support for geofence dwell am: 293643d
  293643d Add the support for geofence dwell
  b5a649c make LocSharedLock::mRef ops atomic am: 37d684c am: a2a181b am: 6639c61
  ee92bb7 Add support for dynamic TBF updating am: 0fde446 am: 85f8ea7 am: eba9942
  3df5842 encode field separator characters am: d0d586a am: 06e3b77 am: c6c6ed5
  de6cdff Xtra client always reports carrier as \'unknown\' am: 25c1936 am: c421d38 am: 360951d
  6639c61 make LocSharedLock::mRef ops atomic am: 37d684c am: a2a181b
  eba9942 Add support for dynamic TBF updating am: 0fde446 am: 85f8ea7
  c6c6ed5 encode field separator characters am: d0d586a am: 06e3b77
  360951d Xtra client always reports carrier as \'unknown\' am: 25c1936 am: c421d38
  a2a181b make LocSharedLock::mRef ops atomic am: 37d684c
  85f8ea7 Add support for dynamic TBF updating am: 0fde446
  06e3b77 encode field separator characters am: d0d586a
  c421d38 Xtra client always reports carrier as \'unknown\' am: 25c1936
  2ed9a9d Add the support for geofence dwell am: b12c98c20a am: 621d69f7eb
  621d69f Add the support for geofence dwell am: b12c98c20a
  b12c98c Add the support for geofence dwell
  37d684c make LocSharedLock::mRef ops atomic
  0fde446 Add support for dynamic TBF updating
  d0d586a encode field separator characters
  25c1936 Xtra client always reports carrier as 'unknown'
  82a0698 Rename QcomGnssSvStatus to QtiGnssSvStatus am: 2e0c5f2f0d am: 0ededfbfac
  ef75e07 Create msm8994 target for GPS HAL am: 8c2d3d5afc am: 76b3527c06
  0ededfb Rename QcomGnssSvStatus to QtiGnssSvStatus am: 2e0c5f2f0d
  76b3527 Create msm8994 target for GPS HAL am: 8c2d3d5afc
  2e0c5f2 Rename QcomGnssSvStatus to QtiGnssSvStatus
  8c2d3d5 Create msm8994 target for GPS HAL
  1b898fc Merge "Suppress unused-parameter warnings in hardware/qcom/gps/" into nyc-dev am: 20160f64d5 am: 274f4455bc
  274f445 Merge "Suppress unused-parameter warnings in hardware/qcom/gps/" into nyc-dev am: 20160f64d5
  20160f6 Merge "Suppress unused-parameter warnings in hardware/qcom/gps/" into nyc-dev
  ddb6532 Merge "Fix duplicate gps.conf for Flo/Deb" am: d5810f1a3a am: 0999be14ee am: b585f64c87
  b585f64 Merge "Fix duplicate gps.conf for Flo/Deb" am: d5810f1a3a am: 0999be14ee
  0999be1 Merge "Fix duplicate gps.conf for Flo/Deb" am: d5810f1a3a
  d5810f1 Merge "Fix duplicate gps.conf for Flo/Deb"
  4b35907 Fix duplicate gps.conf for Flo/Deb
  155639f Merge "Fix duplicate gps.conf for Shamu/Hammerhead" am: a3d4e93d67 am: 6fccfd8f5f am: 34350a3a3b
  34350a3 Merge "Fix duplicate gps.conf for Shamu/Hammerhead" am: a3d4e93d67 am: 6fccfd8f5f
  6fccfd8 Merge "Fix duplicate gps.conf for Shamu/Hammerhead" am: a3d4e93d67
  a3d4e93 Merge "Fix duplicate gps.conf for Shamu/Hammerhead"
  8c406e3 resolve merge conflicts of 12a7f538f6 to nyc-dev am: 38487b179c am: 6a27c23732
  6a27c23 resolve merge conflicts of 12a7f538f6 to nyc-dev am: 38487b179c
  38487b1 resolve merge conflicts of 12a7f538f6 to nyc-dev
  12a7f53 msm8909: Fix compilation issues with HAL GPS
  38785f2 Suppress unused-parameter warnings in hardware/qcom/gps/
  6cf5d45 Fix duplicate gps.conf for Shamu/Hammerhead
  1571b12 Merge "gps: Avoid duplicate gps.conf" am: 437931edd2 am: 03937b8a1b am: 244e0ac48d
  244e0ac Merge "gps: Avoid duplicate gps.conf" am: 437931edd2 am: 03937b8a1b
  03937b8 Merge "gps: Avoid duplicate gps.conf" am: 437931edd2
  437931e Merge "gps: Avoid duplicate gps.conf"
  558f1da gps: Avoid duplicate gps.conf
  f0b6bd8 Merge commit \'e7c98642e1e156ea6cde1238cd0006f669cfb696\' into HEAD am: 2819314769 am: a1df2abd8e
  a1df2ab Merge commit \'e7c98642e1e156ea6cde1238cd0006f669cfb696\' into HEAD am: 2819314769
  2819314 Merge commit 'e7c98642e1e156ea6cde1238cd0006f669cfb696' into HEAD
  d63e720 Merge "Add missing liblog dependency" am: c5a4eb13dc am: 73d77abd43
  73d77ab Merge "Add missing liblog dependency" am: c5a4eb13dc
  c5a4eb1 Merge "Add missing liblog dependency"
  53f040d Add missing liblog dependency
  70db819 Merge "Fixed the build break" into nyc-dev am: 976ed0484f
  976ed04 Merge "Fixed the build break" into nyc-dev
  2ec254f Fixed the build break
  c9a6ef1 gps: Avoid duplicate gps.conf am: 420b042f38
  420b042 gps: Avoid duplicate gps.conf
  96d10a1 [DO NOT MERGE] gps: Update to proprietary drop AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.HB. am: f53ac3ae2f  -s ours
  f53ac3a [DO NOT MERGE] gps: Update to proprietary drop AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.HB.
  3511668 Merge "gps: Update to proprietary drop AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.HB."
  4fb2620 gps: Update to proprietary drop AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.HB.
  123cac6 gps: Avoid duplicate gps.conf
  f764372 msm8996: add GPS HAL to top level makefile
  ff62c84 msm8996: add top level makefile to msm8996 GPS HAL directory
  86009d7 msm8996: fix makefile to point to chip specific directory
  4035be2 msm8996: Add initial GPS HAL drop
  cffbb9e resolve merge conflicts of e7c98642e1 to master.
  e7c9864 gps: msm8909w caf release LW.BR.1.0-00410-8x09w.0
  02685cb Workaround for adp8064
  7d84e9e Merge "Fix ASan global-buffer-overflow in loc_set_config_entry."
  eca401b am 0c7fdf01: qcom/gps: update gps hal
  0c7fdf0 qcom/gps: update gps hal
  9198ff2 Properly convert GpsXtraCallbacks to GpsXtraExtCallbacks.
  aa6e5af Fix ASan global-buffer-overflow in loc_set_config_entry.
  98cb761 msm8960: Fix build errors
  5c7552e Do not build GPS HAL for msm8916
  45b9829 Fix some compilation issues with legacy targets
  bfff634 gps: upgrade GPS HAL to latest
  51025d5 Do not build GPS HAL for msm8916
  0e4f469 am 5191b0fe: am 2f930f38: Merge "Fix "error: \'strerror\' was not declared in this scope"."
  5191b0f am 2f930f38: Merge "Fix "error: \'strerror\' was not declared in this scope"."
  2f930f3 Merge "Fix "error: 'strerror' was not declared in this scope"."
  9e09232 Fix "error: 'strerror' was not declared in this scope".
  42e8b5d am c534e7f3: am 05e3dc51: Merge "Add missing includes."
  c534e7f am 05e3dc51: Merge "Add missing includes."
  05e3dc5 Merge "Add missing includes."
  7757808 Add missing includes.
  68dd2c8 am c3e0eb7c: am 1ba57de8: Merge "Add missing <string.h> include."
  c3e0eb7 am 1ba57de8: Merge "Add missing <string.h> include."
  1ba57de Merge "Add missing <string.h> include."
  ccfd464 Add missing <string.h> include.
  0b31322 am 5d1b68b5: am 66b3250c: carrier configured GPS_LOCK value missed out
  5d1b68b am 66b3250c: carrier configured GPS_LOCK value missed out
  66b3250 carrier configured GPS_LOCK value missed out
  9c557a8 am bdaef3e5: am 3ce5de3a: Merge "Cleanup Obsolete LOCAL_PRELINK_MODULE."
  bdaef3e am 3ce5de3a: Merge "Cleanup Obsolete LOCAL_PRELINK_MODULE."
  3ce5de3 Merge "Cleanup Obsolete LOCAL_PRELINK_MODULE."
  38bc21f Cleanup Obsolete LOCAL_PRELINK_MODULE.
  a0de11c am 67a679de: am e5949fd1: Merge "C++11 compatibility fixes."
  67a679d am e5949fd1: Merge "C++11 compatibility fixes."
  e5949fd Merge "C++11 compatibility fixes."
  6076fa7 am 0afd2944: am f01db6fc: Merge "Add missing include."
  0afd294 am f01db6fc: Merge "Add missing include."
  f01db6f Merge "Add missing include."
  35ad85c C++11 compatibility fixes.
  93cad3f Add missing include.
  53c2cf1 Add missing include.
  534f4aa am 4750276b: Merge "Add a missing include."
  4750276 Merge "Add a missing include."
  3074723 Add a missing include.
  8aac9d3 Revert "Revert "GNSS measurement""
  a8f9a02 Revert "GNSS measurement"
  af0c0cc GNSS measurement
  2344717 support reinjecting supl url for sim hot swap
  b2c66a0 GPS lock is stuck as disabled after post powerup enablement
  1300ae6 GPS LOCK did not work when NMEA_PROVIDER follows it
  8aa503a GPS_LOCK configuration support
  dd587e5 allow reconfiguration update happen before HAL init
  fe66007 adding update config post power up
  9aba726 correct AGpsStatus size in call to reportAgpsStatus
  74b1898 GPS HAL: actually remove build dependency on libmdmdetect
  2c4f9ae GPS HAL: decouple 8x84 targets from vendor/
  0d00b9e Add support for IPV6 in AGPS Interface
  1d49400 Agps Cert Install Api Implementation
  33627a4 Fix regression issues with msm8960 hal split
  baa459d flounder: remove filter out check of TARGET_ARCH for arm64
  87543bf Add conditional compilation for libmdmdetect
  8369d5b Revert "Remove masks for Glonass"
  5cf20a0 Changes for GPS HAL compilation
  47ad5e4 Merge branch 'KK.' into l-pdk
  ec6e5d3 Split GPS HAL for older targets
  fd8c2c3 Fix build.
  07c3401 Revert "Revert "Remove masks for Glonass""
  0ed9ab1 Revert "Merge branch 'KK.' into l-pdk"
  544e9a1 Merge "Revert "Add conditional compilation for libmdmdetect""
  408e216 Revert "Add conditional compilation for libmdmdetect"
  d500f4f Add conditional compilation for libmdmdetect
  8a20422 Revert "Remove masks for Glonass"
  6270087 Changes for GPS HAL compilation
  8c61f8c Merge branch 'KK.' into l-pdk
  4fe12bb Split GPS HAL for older targets
  f2d8258 Merge "Revert "Split GPS HAL for older targets""
  2a0deb9 Revert "Split GPS HAL for older targets"
  a4a8ee2 Merge "Revert "Changes for GPS HAL compilation""
  915c96c Revert "Changes for GPS HAL compilation"
  c02d4b1 Add IPv6 support to GPS HAL.
  5527c15 Add option to fallback to LocApiV02
  07bee4d am a41314bd: Resolved On-Demand XTRA time injection issue
  a41314b Resolved On-Demand XTRA time injection issue
  1fdba83 Resolved On-Demand XTRA time injection issue
  8f6bca4 Revert "Fix inject NTP time fail"
  0acd743 Fix LocSvc log spam issue
  04bfb8f Fix inject NTP time fail
  4c50617 Bug fixed in AGPS checks
  9ca398a Include this only if BOARD_VENDOR_QCOM_GPS_LOC_API_HARDWARE is defined
  e14a6c8 Merge latest gps hal
  baa4c49 am 2a9f38e7: Merge "gps: geofence hal integration" into jb-mr2-dev
  af615e3 am ce5efcc5: Add liblog
  5899c82 am c65fed03: gps: Runtime detection between apq v/s mdm gps support
  fa96e0d am ade0338d: moved most of the GPS HAL back to aosp
  c7e36f3 am 52f4c8ca: add LOCAL_MODULE_OWNER := qcom to gps modules
  2610479 am 34ee0955: Revert "remove loc_api from hardware/qcom/gps"
  8229399 am 63e3dc43: (-s ours) am 3dac3016: am 65102c39: am 47210994: (-s ours) am c2f34af0: (-s ours) Reconcile with jb-mr1-release - do not merge

Change-Id: I9016a28c2c84fe39d3d3e7fe4183c3ce6df99d51
Signed-off-by: Thierry Strudel <[email protected]>
132 files changed