blob: 76b1c11e4c2e62f81fb132a6cf4d80267e63155d [file] [log] [blame] [view]
**Note**: Bugs against Android Studio or Gradle should be filed at, not here.
Before filing a bug, check that you are using the latest version of the NDK. The
latest stable version and the preview release of the next stable version are
listed on our wiki:
Make sure your issue isn't on the list of common problems before filing a bug:
Delete everything above this line before submitting.
#### Description
Bug description goes here. Include a test case. It's unlikely that anything can
be done without a test case.
Bug reports with better test cases will be resolved sooner than those with bad
test cases. A good test case:
* Is as small as possible while still exposing the bug.
* Does not require Android Studio or Gradle (if your bug cannot be reproduced
without either of those, it's a bug in Studio or Gradle, and should be
reported to Android Studio).
* Is complete. Snippets that would not compile even in the absence of the bug
you are reporting slow down the process.
Here's an example of a good test case:
#### Environment Details
Not all of these will be relevant to every bug, but please provide as much
information as you can.
* NDK Version: Value from Pkg.Revision in ndk-bundle/ If not
the latest version, check there before filing.
* Build sytem: ndk-build? cmake? standalone toolchain? custom? (if gradle, file
a bug against studio as specified above)
* Host OS: Windows, Mac, or Linux? Which Linux?
* Compiler: If GCC, check Clang before filing. GCC is no longer supported.
* ABI:
* STL:
* NDK API level:
* Device API level: