Custom VM

Headless VMs

If your VM is headless (i.e. console in/out is the primary way of interacting with it), you can spawn it by passing a JSON config file to the VirtualizationService via the vm tool on a rooted AVF-enabled device. If your device is attached over ADB, you can run:

cat > vm_config.json <<EOF
  "kernel": "/data/local/tmp/kernel",
  "initrd": "/data/local/tmp/ramdisk",
  "params": "rdinit=/bin/init"
adb root
adb push <kernel> /data/local/tmp/kernel
adb push <ramdisk> /data/local/tmp/ramdisk
adb push vm_config.json /data/local/tmp/vm_config.json
adb shell "/apex/ run /data/local/tmp/vm_config.json"

The vm command also has other subcommands for debugging; run /apex/ help for details.

Terminal app

Run GUI apps

Execute source enable_display and then click Display button above to enable display feature. And then, go back to the terminal, and run GUI apps.

Hardware acceleration

If the file /sdcard/linux/virglrenderer exists on the device, it enables VirGL for VM. This requires enabling ANGLE for the Terminal app. (