Add MSIM support for FDN.
Show title and get the Phone object to modify FDN settings for
according to subscription..
+ Add helper to provide common functionality for setting/getting
extras, getting the appropriate phone for a given subscription id,
and other miscellaneous things.
+ Show the subscription label in actionbar title of Call settings,
FDN settings, and FDN list. I didn't do this for edit/delete because
they have really long titles, and the context didn't seem necessary
at that point.
+ Pass the subscription label/id along in intents to the various FDN
setting activities.
+ Get the correct phone, so FDN setting changes are SIM-specific.
+ Take into account subscription id when providing a Uri for
modifying FDN settings, so that FDN contacts can be modified on a
per-sim basis.
- Delete some unused strings.
Bug: 18233666
Bug: 18232723
Bug: 18114923
Change-Id: I05c7149382adb7e7af36d38bab8a6875d5b20609
diff --git a/res/xml/fdn_setting.xml b/res/xml/fdn_setting.xml
index d03cf7c..7501dc8 100644
--- a/res/xml/fdn_setting.xml
+++ b/res/xml/fdn_setting.xml
@@ -30,17 +30,12 @@
+ <!-- The intent to launch the FDN List is set on this PreferenceScreen in FdnSetting, so that
+ its extras can be dynamically changed to include subscription information. -->
- android:key="button_fdn_list_key"
+ android:key="fdn_list_pref_screen_key"
- android:persistent="false">
- <!-- Intent to lauch the FDN list. -->
- <intent android:action="android.intent.action.MAIN"
- android:targetPackage=""
- android:targetClass="" />
- </PreferenceScreen>
+ android:persistent="false"/>