Add the string/dimen/style values for the new Auto-select network UI

Bug: 70530820
Test: Telephony sanity, Manual test
Change-Id: I609f04d509578f77fd431093526b7ec9433bc83d
diff --git a/res/values/strings.xml b/res/values/strings.xml
index 72be3b2..9383fc7 100644
--- a/res/values/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values/strings.xml
@@ -387,6 +387,16 @@
     <string name="preferred_network_mode_summary">Change the network operating mode</string>
     <string name="preferred_network_mode_dialogtitle">Preferred network type</string>
     <string name="forbidden_network">(forbidden)</string>
+    <!-- Available networks screen, name of button when user wants to select network manually  -->
+    <string name="choose_network_title">Choose network</string>
+    <!-- Available networks screen, text when no networks connected -->
+    <string name="network_disconnected">Disconnected</string>
+    <!-- Available networks screen, text when network connected -->
+    <string name="network_connected">Connected</string>
+    <!-- Available networks screen, text when a network is connecting -->
+    <string name="network_connecting">Connecting...</string>
+    <!-- Available networks screen, text when a network cannot be connected -->
+    <string name="network_could_not_connect">Couldn’t connect</string>
     <!-- The preferred network modes in Mobile network settings -->
     <string-array name="preferred_network_mode_choices">