Add an enable/disable phone-account preference.

Preference exists in telecom app and this just adds an intent-preference
to link to it.

This change also shifts the SIP Phone Account ID from the sip Uri,
which can be inconsistent in odd cases, to the profileName, which is
what the SipProfile code itself uses as an ID.

Bug: 20303449
Change-Id: I08ce910c18c94b59a190f49c26c05d5c700e5bf2
diff --git a/res/values/strings.xml b/res/values/strings.xml
index e707c4e..e6e3cd9 100644
--- a/res/values/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values/strings.xml
@@ -151,6 +151,12 @@
     <string name="phone_accounts_add_sip_account">Add SIP account</string>
     <!-- Description label for icon to configure a phone account's settings. -->
     <string name="phone_accounts_configure_account_settings">Configure account settings</string>
+    <!-- Label for heading that takes user to the list of calling accounts where they can enable
+         and disable all accounts. -->
+    <string name="phone_accounts_all_calling_accounts">All calling accounts</string>
+    <!-- Summary for all-calling-account setting indicating that is where the user goes to enable
+         and disable phone accounts. -->
+    <string name="phone_accounts_all_calling_accounts_summary">Enable active calling accounts</string>
     <!-- Title for setting to select Wi-Fi call manager account -->
     <string name="wifi_calling">Wi-Fi calling</string>