Check in python 3.8.1 prebuilts (Windows)
This checks in python to a new llvm-toolchain branch. Nothing else
should be affected.
Built at:
Change-Id: I88145ffae73748d3a10bdfc5ed14f05852336d5f
diff --git a/Lib/ b/Lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4f3c0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,579 @@
+"""Strptime-related classes and functions.
+ LocaleTime -- Discovers and stores locale-specific time information
+ TimeRE -- Creates regexes for pattern matching a string of text containing
+ time information
+ _getlang -- Figure out what language is being used for the locale
+ strptime -- Calculates the time struct represented by the passed-in string
+import time
+import locale
+import calendar
+from re import compile as re_compile
+from re import IGNORECASE
+from re import escape as re_escape
+from datetime import (date as datetime_date,
+ timedelta as datetime_timedelta,
+ timezone as datetime_timezone)
+from _thread import allocate_lock as _thread_allocate_lock
+__all__ = []
+def _getlang():
+ # Figure out what the current language is set to.
+ return locale.getlocale(locale.LC_TIME)
+class LocaleTime(object):
+ """Stores and handles locale-specific information related to time.
+ f_weekday -- full weekday names (7-item list)
+ a_weekday -- abbreviated weekday names (7-item list)
+ f_month -- full month names (13-item list; dummy value in [0], which
+ is added by code)
+ a_month -- abbreviated month names (13-item list, dummy value in
+ [0], which is added by code)
+ am_pm -- AM/PM representation (2-item list)
+ LC_date_time -- format string for date/time representation (string)
+ LC_date -- format string for date representation (string)
+ LC_time -- format string for time representation (string)
+ timezone -- daylight- and non-daylight-savings timezone representation
+ (2-item list of sets)
+ lang -- Language used by instance (2-item tuple)
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ """Set all attributes.
+ Order of methods called matters for dependency reasons.
+ The locale language is set at the offset and then checked again before
+ exiting. This is to make sure that the attributes were not set with a
+ mix of information from more than one locale. This would most likely
+ happen when using threads where one thread calls a locale-dependent
+ function while another thread changes the locale while the function in
+ the other thread is still running. Proper coding would call for
+ locks to prevent changing the locale while locale-dependent code is
+ running. The check here is done in case someone does not think about
+ doing this.
+ Only other possible issue is if someone changed the timezone and did
+ not call tz.tzset . That is an issue for the programmer, though,
+ since changing the timezone is worthless without that call.
+ """
+ self.lang = _getlang()
+ self.__calc_weekday()
+ self.__calc_month()
+ self.__calc_am_pm()
+ self.__calc_timezone()
+ self.__calc_date_time()
+ if _getlang() != self.lang:
+ raise ValueError("locale changed during initialization")
+ if time.tzname != self.tzname or time.daylight != self.daylight:
+ raise ValueError("timezone changed during initialization")
+ def __calc_weekday(self):
+ # Set self.a_weekday and self.f_weekday using the calendar
+ # module.
+ a_weekday = [calendar.day_abbr[i].lower() for i in range(7)]
+ f_weekday = [calendar.day_name[i].lower() for i in range(7)]
+ self.a_weekday = a_weekday
+ self.f_weekday = f_weekday
+ def __calc_month(self):
+ # Set self.f_month and self.a_month using the calendar module.
+ a_month = [calendar.month_abbr[i].lower() for i in range(13)]
+ f_month = [calendar.month_name[i].lower() for i in range(13)]
+ self.a_month = a_month
+ self.f_month = f_month
+ def __calc_am_pm(self):
+ # Set self.am_pm by using time.strftime().
+ # The magic date (1999,3,17,hour,44,55,2,76,0) is not really that
+ # magical; just happened to have used it everywhere else where a
+ # static date was needed.
+ am_pm = []
+ for hour in (1, 22):
+ time_tuple = time.struct_time((1999,3,17,hour,44,55,2,76,0))
+ am_pm.append(time.strftime("%p", time_tuple).lower())
+ self.am_pm = am_pm
+ def __calc_date_time(self):
+ # Set self.date_time,, & self.time by using
+ # time.strftime().
+ # Use (1999,3,17,22,44,55,2,76,0) for magic date because the amount of
+ # overloaded numbers is minimized. The order in which searches for
+ # values within the format string is very important; it eliminates
+ # possible ambiguity for what something represents.
+ time_tuple = time.struct_time((1999,3,17,22,44,55,2,76,0))
+ date_time = [None, None, None]
+ date_time[0] = time.strftime("%c", time_tuple).lower()
+ date_time[1] = time.strftime("%x", time_tuple).lower()
+ date_time[2] = time.strftime("%X", time_tuple).lower()
+ replacement_pairs = [('%', '%%'), (self.f_weekday[2], '%A'),
+ (self.f_month[3], '%B'), (self.a_weekday[2], '%a'),
+ (self.a_month[3], '%b'), (self.am_pm[1], '%p'),
+ ('1999', '%Y'), ('99', '%y'), ('22', '%H'),
+ ('44', '%M'), ('55', '%S'), ('76', '%j'),
+ ('17', '%d'), ('03', '%m'), ('3', '%m'),
+ # '3' needed for when no leading zero.
+ ('2', '%w'), ('10', '%I')]
+ replacement_pairs.extend([(tz, "%Z") for tz_values in self.timezone
+ for tz in tz_values])
+ for offset,directive in ((0,'%c'), (1,'%x'), (2,'%X')):
+ current_format = date_time[offset]
+ for old, new in replacement_pairs:
+ # Must deal with possible lack of locale info
+ # manifesting itself as the empty string (e.g., Swedish's
+ # lack of AM/PM info) or a platform returning a tuple of empty
+ # strings (e.g., MacOS 9 having timezone as ('','')).
+ if old:
+ current_format = current_format.replace(old, new)
+ # If %W is used, then Sunday, 2005-01-03 will fall on week 0 since
+ # 2005-01-03 occurs before the first Monday of the year. Otherwise
+ # %U is used.
+ time_tuple = time.struct_time((1999,1,3,1,1,1,6,3,0))
+ if '00' in time.strftime(directive, time_tuple):
+ U_W = '%W'
+ else:
+ U_W = '%U'
+ date_time[offset] = current_format.replace('11', U_W)
+ self.LC_date_time = date_time[0]
+ self.LC_date = date_time[1]
+ self.LC_time = date_time[2]
+ def __calc_timezone(self):
+ # Set self.timezone by using time.tzname.
+ # Do not worry about possibility of time.tzname[0] == time.tzname[1]
+ # and time.daylight; handle that in strptime.
+ try:
+ time.tzset()
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ self.tzname = time.tzname
+ self.daylight = time.daylight
+ no_saving = frozenset({"utc", "gmt", self.tzname[0].lower()})
+ if self.daylight:
+ has_saving = frozenset({self.tzname[1].lower()})
+ else:
+ has_saving = frozenset()
+ self.timezone = (no_saving, has_saving)
+class TimeRE(dict):
+ """Handle conversion from format directives to regexes."""
+ def __init__(self, locale_time=None):
+ """Create keys/values.
+ Order of execution is important for dependency reasons.
+ """
+ if locale_time:
+ self.locale_time = locale_time
+ else:
+ self.locale_time = LocaleTime()
+ base = super()
+ base.__init__({
+ # The " \d" part of the regex is to make %c from ANSI C work
+ 'd': r"(?P<d>3[0-1]|[1-2]\d|0[1-9]|[1-9]| [1-9])",
+ 'f': r"(?P<f>[0-9]{1,6})",
+ 'H': r"(?P<H>2[0-3]|[0-1]\d|\d)",
+ 'I': r"(?P<I>1[0-2]|0[1-9]|[1-9])",
+ 'G': r"(?P<G>\d\d\d\d)",
+ 'j': r"(?P<j>36[0-6]|3[0-5]\d|[1-2]\d\d|0[1-9]\d|00[1-9]|[1-9]\d|0[1-9]|[1-9])",
+ 'm': r"(?P<m>1[0-2]|0[1-9]|[1-9])",
+ 'M': r"(?P<M>[0-5]\d|\d)",
+ 'S': r"(?P<S>6[0-1]|[0-5]\d|\d)",
+ 'U': r"(?P<U>5[0-3]|[0-4]\d|\d)",
+ 'w': r"(?P<w>[0-6])",
+ 'u': r"(?P<u>[1-7])",
+ 'V': r"(?P<V>5[0-3]|0[1-9]|[1-4]\d|\d)",
+ # W is set below by using 'U'
+ 'y': r"(?P<y>\d\d)",
+ #XXX: Does 'Y' need to worry about having less or more than
+ # 4 digits?
+ 'Y': r"(?P<Y>\d\d\d\d)",
+ 'z': r"(?P<z>[+-]\d\d:?[0-5]\d(:?[0-5]\d(\.\d{1,6})?)?|Z)",
+ 'A': self.__seqToRE(self.locale_time.f_weekday, 'A'),
+ 'a': self.__seqToRE(self.locale_time.a_weekday, 'a'),
+ 'B': self.__seqToRE(self.locale_time.f_month[1:], 'B'),
+ 'b': self.__seqToRE(self.locale_time.a_month[1:], 'b'),
+ 'p': self.__seqToRE(self.locale_time.am_pm, 'p'),
+ 'Z': self.__seqToRE((tz for tz_names in self.locale_time.timezone
+ for tz in tz_names),
+ 'Z'),
+ '%': '%'})
+ base.__setitem__('W', base.__getitem__('U').replace('U', 'W'))
+ base.__setitem__('c', self.pattern(self.locale_time.LC_date_time))
+ base.__setitem__('x', self.pattern(self.locale_time.LC_date))
+ base.__setitem__('X', self.pattern(self.locale_time.LC_time))
+ def __seqToRE(self, to_convert, directive):
+ """Convert a list to a regex string for matching a directive.
+ Want possible matching values to be from longest to shortest. This
+ prevents the possibility of a match occurring for a value that also
+ a substring of a larger value that should have matched (e.g., 'abc'
+ matching when 'abcdef' should have been the match).
+ """
+ to_convert = sorted(to_convert, key=len, reverse=True)
+ for value in to_convert:
+ if value != '':
+ break
+ else:
+ return ''
+ regex = '|'.join(re_escape(stuff) for stuff in to_convert)
+ regex = '(?P<%s>%s' % (directive, regex)
+ return '%s)' % regex
+ def pattern(self, format):
+ """Return regex pattern for the format string.
+ Need to make sure that any characters that might be interpreted as
+ regex syntax are escaped.
+ """
+ processed_format = ''
+ # The sub() call escapes all characters that might be misconstrued
+ # as regex syntax. Cannot use re.escape since we have to deal with
+ # format directives (%m, etc.).
+ regex_chars = re_compile(r"([\\.^$*+?\(\){}\[\]|])")
+ format = regex_chars.sub(r"\\\1", format)
+ whitespace_replacement = re_compile(r'\s+')
+ format = whitespace_replacement.sub(r'\\s+', format)
+ while '%' in format:
+ directive_index = format.index('%')+1
+ processed_format = "%s%s%s" % (processed_format,
+ format[:directive_index-1],
+ self[format[directive_index]])
+ format = format[directive_index+1:]
+ return "%s%s" % (processed_format, format)
+ def compile(self, format):
+ """Return a compiled re object for the format string."""
+ return re_compile(self.pattern(format), IGNORECASE)
+_cache_lock = _thread_allocate_lock()
+# DO NOT modify _TimeRE_cache or _regex_cache without acquiring the cache lock
+# first!
+_TimeRE_cache = TimeRE()
+_CACHE_MAX_SIZE = 5 # Max number of regexes stored in _regex_cache
+_regex_cache = {}
+def _calc_julian_from_U_or_W(year, week_of_year, day_of_week, week_starts_Mon):
+ """Calculate the Julian day based on the year, week of the year, and day of
+ the week, with week_start_day representing whether the week of the year
+ assumes the week starts on Sunday or Monday (6 or 0)."""
+ first_weekday = datetime_date(year, 1, 1).weekday()
+ # If we are dealing with the %U directive (week starts on Sunday), it's
+ # easier to just shift the view to Sunday being the first day of the
+ # week.
+ if not week_starts_Mon:
+ first_weekday = (first_weekday + 1) % 7
+ day_of_week = (day_of_week + 1) % 7
+ # Need to watch out for a week 0 (when the first day of the year is not
+ # the same as that specified by %U or %W).
+ week_0_length = (7 - first_weekday) % 7
+ if week_of_year == 0:
+ return 1 + day_of_week - first_weekday
+ else:
+ days_to_week = week_0_length + (7 * (week_of_year - 1))
+ return 1 + days_to_week + day_of_week
+def _calc_julian_from_V(iso_year, iso_week, iso_weekday):
+ """Calculate the Julian day based on the ISO 8601 year, week, and weekday.
+ ISO weeks start on Mondays, with week 01 being the week containing 4 Jan.
+ ISO week days range from 1 (Monday) to 7 (Sunday).
+ """
+ correction = datetime_date(iso_year, 1, 4).isoweekday() + 3
+ ordinal = (iso_week * 7) + iso_weekday - correction
+ # ordinal may be negative or 0 now, which means the date is in the previous
+ # calendar year
+ if ordinal < 1:
+ ordinal += datetime_date(iso_year, 1, 1).toordinal()
+ iso_year -= 1
+ ordinal -= datetime_date(iso_year, 1, 1).toordinal()
+ return iso_year, ordinal
+def _strptime(data_string, format="%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"):
+ """Return a 2-tuple consisting of a time struct and an int containing
+ the number of microseconds based on the input string and the
+ format string."""
+ for index, arg in enumerate([data_string, format]):
+ if not isinstance(arg, str):
+ msg = "strptime() argument {} must be str, not {}"
+ raise TypeError(msg.format(index, type(arg)))
+ global _TimeRE_cache, _regex_cache
+ with _cache_lock:
+ locale_time = _TimeRE_cache.locale_time
+ if (_getlang() != locale_time.lang or
+ time.tzname != locale_time.tzname or
+ time.daylight != locale_time.daylight):
+ _TimeRE_cache = TimeRE()
+ _regex_cache.clear()
+ locale_time = _TimeRE_cache.locale_time
+ if len(_regex_cache) > _CACHE_MAX_SIZE:
+ _regex_cache.clear()
+ format_regex = _regex_cache.get(format)
+ if not format_regex:
+ try:
+ format_regex = _TimeRE_cache.compile(format)
+ # KeyError raised when a bad format is found; can be specified as
+ # \\, in which case it was a stray % but with a space after it
+ except KeyError as err:
+ bad_directive = err.args[0]
+ if bad_directive == "\\":
+ bad_directive = "%"
+ del err
+ raise ValueError("'%s' is a bad directive in format '%s'" %
+ (bad_directive, format)) from None
+ # IndexError only occurs when the format string is "%"
+ except IndexError:
+ raise ValueError("stray %% in format '%s'" % format) from None
+ _regex_cache[format] = format_regex
+ found = format_regex.match(data_string)
+ if not found:
+ raise ValueError("time data %r does not match format %r" %
+ (data_string, format))
+ if len(data_string) != found.end():
+ raise ValueError("unconverted data remains: %s" %
+ data_string[found.end():])
+ iso_year = year = None
+ month = day = 1
+ hour = minute = second = fraction = 0
+ tz = -1
+ gmtoff = None
+ gmtoff_fraction = 0
+ # Default to -1 to signify that values not known; not critical to have,
+ # though
+ iso_week = week_of_year = None
+ week_of_year_start = None
+ # weekday and julian defaulted to None so as to signal need to calculate
+ # values
+ weekday = julian = None
+ found_dict = found.groupdict()
+ for group_key in found_dict.keys():
+ # Directives not explicitly handled below:
+ # c, x, X
+ # handled by making out of other directives
+ # U, W
+ # worthless without day of the week
+ if group_key == 'y':
+ year = int(found_dict['y'])
+ # Open Group specification for strptime() states that a %y
+ #value in the range of [00, 68] is in the century 2000, while
+ #[69,99] is in the century 1900
+ if year <= 68:
+ year += 2000
+ else:
+ year += 1900
+ elif group_key == 'Y':
+ year = int(found_dict['Y'])
+ elif group_key == 'G':
+ iso_year = int(found_dict['G'])
+ elif group_key == 'm':
+ month = int(found_dict['m'])
+ elif group_key == 'B':
+ month = locale_time.f_month.index(found_dict['B'].lower())
+ elif group_key == 'b':
+ month = locale_time.a_month.index(found_dict['b'].lower())
+ elif group_key == 'd':
+ day = int(found_dict['d'])
+ elif group_key == 'H':
+ hour = int(found_dict['H'])
+ elif group_key == 'I':
+ hour = int(found_dict['I'])
+ ampm = found_dict.get('p', '').lower()
+ # If there was no AM/PM indicator, we'll treat this like AM
+ if ampm in ('', locale_time.am_pm[0]):
+ # We're in AM so the hour is correct unless we're
+ # looking at 12 midnight.
+ # 12 midnight == 12 AM == hour 0
+ if hour == 12:
+ hour = 0
+ elif ampm == locale_time.am_pm[1]:
+ # We're in PM so we need to add 12 to the hour unless
+ # we're looking at 12 noon.
+ # 12 noon == 12 PM == hour 12
+ if hour != 12:
+ hour += 12
+ elif group_key == 'M':
+ minute = int(found_dict['M'])
+ elif group_key == 'S':
+ second = int(found_dict['S'])
+ elif group_key == 'f':
+ s = found_dict['f']
+ # Pad to always return microseconds.
+ s += "0" * (6 - len(s))
+ fraction = int(s)
+ elif group_key == 'A':
+ weekday = locale_time.f_weekday.index(found_dict['A'].lower())
+ elif group_key == 'a':
+ weekday = locale_time.a_weekday.index(found_dict['a'].lower())
+ elif group_key == 'w':
+ weekday = int(found_dict['w'])
+ if weekday == 0:
+ weekday = 6
+ else:
+ weekday -= 1
+ elif group_key == 'u':
+ weekday = int(found_dict['u'])
+ weekday -= 1
+ elif group_key == 'j':
+ julian = int(found_dict['j'])
+ elif group_key in ('U', 'W'):
+ week_of_year = int(found_dict[group_key])
+ if group_key == 'U':
+ # U starts week on Sunday.
+ week_of_year_start = 6
+ else:
+ # W starts week on Monday.
+ week_of_year_start = 0
+ elif group_key == 'V':
+ iso_week = int(found_dict['V'])
+ elif group_key == 'z':
+ z = found_dict['z']
+ if z == 'Z':
+ gmtoff = 0
+ else:
+ if z[3] == ':':
+ z = z[:3] + z[4:]
+ if len(z) > 5:
+ if z[5] != ':':
+ msg = f"Inconsistent use of : in {found_dict['z']}"
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ z = z[:5] + z[6:]
+ hours = int(z[1:3])
+ minutes = int(z[3:5])
+ seconds = int(z[5:7] or 0)
+ gmtoff = (hours * 60 * 60) + (minutes * 60) + seconds
+ gmtoff_remainder = z[8:]
+ # Pad to always return microseconds.
+ gmtoff_remainder_padding = "0" * (6 - len(gmtoff_remainder))
+ gmtoff_fraction = int(gmtoff_remainder + gmtoff_remainder_padding)
+ if z.startswith("-"):
+ gmtoff = -gmtoff
+ gmtoff_fraction = -gmtoff_fraction
+ elif group_key == 'Z':
+ # Since -1 is default value only need to worry about setting tz if
+ # it can be something other than -1.
+ found_zone = found_dict['Z'].lower()
+ for value, tz_values in enumerate(locale_time.timezone):
+ if found_zone in tz_values:
+ # Deal with bad locale setup where timezone names are the
+ # same and yet time.daylight is true; too ambiguous to
+ # be able to tell what timezone has daylight savings
+ if (time.tzname[0] == time.tzname[1] and
+ time.daylight and found_zone not in ("utc", "gmt")):
+ break
+ else:
+ tz = value
+ break
+ # Deal with the cases where ambiguities arize
+ # don't assume default values for ISO week/year
+ if year is None and iso_year is not None:
+ if iso_week is None or weekday is None:
+ raise ValueError("ISO year directive '%G' must be used with "
+ "the ISO week directive '%V' and a weekday "
+ "directive ('%A', '%a', '%w', or '%u').")
+ if julian is not None:
+ raise ValueError("Day of the year directive '%j' is not "
+ "compatible with ISO year directive '%G'. "
+ "Use '%Y' instead.")
+ elif week_of_year is None and iso_week is not None:
+ if weekday is None:
+ raise ValueError("ISO week directive '%V' must be used with "
+ "the ISO year directive '%G' and a weekday "
+ "directive ('%A', '%a', '%w', or '%u').")
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("ISO week directive '%V' is incompatible with "
+ "the year directive '%Y'. Use the ISO year '%G' "
+ "instead.")
+ leap_year_fix = False
+ if year is None and month == 2 and day == 29:
+ year = 1904 # 1904 is first leap year of 20th century
+ leap_year_fix = True
+ elif year is None:
+ year = 1900
+ # If we know the week of the year and what day of that week, we can figure
+ # out the Julian day of the year.
+ if julian is None and weekday is not None:
+ if week_of_year is not None:
+ week_starts_Mon = True if week_of_year_start == 0 else False
+ julian = _calc_julian_from_U_or_W(year, week_of_year, weekday,
+ week_starts_Mon)
+ elif iso_year is not None and iso_week is not None:
+ year, julian = _calc_julian_from_V(iso_year, iso_week, weekday + 1)
+ if julian is not None and julian <= 0:
+ year -= 1
+ yday = 366 if calendar.isleap(year) else 365
+ julian += yday
+ if julian is None:
+ # Cannot pre-calculate datetime_date() since can change in Julian
+ # calculation and thus could have different value for the day of
+ # the week calculation.
+ # Need to add 1 to result since first day of the year is 1, not 0.
+ julian = datetime_date(year, month, day).toordinal() - \
+ datetime_date(year, 1, 1).toordinal() + 1
+ else: # Assume that if they bothered to include Julian day (or if it was
+ # calculated above with year/week/weekday) it will be accurate.
+ datetime_result = datetime_date.fromordinal(
+ (julian - 1) +
+ datetime_date(year, 1, 1).toordinal())
+ year = datetime_result.year
+ month = datetime_result.month
+ day =
+ if weekday is None:
+ weekday = datetime_date(year, month, day).weekday()
+ # Add timezone info
+ tzname = found_dict.get("Z")
+ if leap_year_fix:
+ # the caller didn't supply a year but asked for Feb 29th. We couldn't
+ # use the default of 1900 for computations. We set it back to ensure
+ # that February 29th is smaller than March 1st.
+ year = 1900
+ return (year, month, day,
+ hour, minute, second,
+ weekday, julian, tz, tzname, gmtoff), fraction, gmtoff_fraction
+def _strptime_time(data_string, format="%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"):
+ """Return a time struct based on the input string and the
+ format string."""
+ tt = _strptime(data_string, format)[0]
+ return time.struct_time(tt[:time._STRUCT_TM_ITEMS])
+def _strptime_datetime(cls, data_string, format="%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y"):
+ """Return a class cls instance based on the input string and the
+ format string."""
+ tt, fraction, gmtoff_fraction = _strptime(data_string, format)
+ tzname, gmtoff = tt[-2:]
+ args = tt[:6] + (fraction,)
+ if gmtoff is not None:
+ tzdelta = datetime_timedelta(seconds=gmtoff, microseconds=gmtoff_fraction)
+ if tzname:
+ tz = datetime_timezone(tzdelta, tzname)
+ else:
+ tz = datetime_timezone(tzdelta)
+ args += (tz,)
+ return cls(*args)