Merge "Update kernel to builds 7036823"
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index e5ebafe..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-# Examples:
-# to update
-# * kernel and goldfish modules (recommended):
-#   ./ --bug 123 --bid 6332140
-# * only goldfish modules:
-#   ./ --bug 123 --bid 6332140 --update modules
-# * only kernel:
-#   ./ --bug 123 --bid 6332140 --update kernel
-set -e
-set -o errexit
-DEFINE_int bug 0 "Bug with the reason for the update"
-DEFINE_int bid 0 "Build id for goldfish modules"
-DEFINE_string update "both" "Select which prebuilts to update, (kernel|modules|both)"
-DEFINE_string branch "${DEFAULT_BRANCH}" "Branch for fetch_artifact"
-fetch_arch() {
-  scratch_dir="${1}"
-  branch="${2}"
-  bid="${3}"
-  do_fetch_kernel="${4}"
-  do_fetch_modules="${5}"
-  kernel_target="${6}"
-  kernel_artifact="${7}"
-  modules_target="${8}"
-  mkdir "${scratch_dir}"
-  pushd "${scratch_dir}"
-  if [[ "${do_fetch_kernel}" -ne 0 ]]; then
-    /google/data/ro/projects/android/fetch_artifact \
-      --bid "${bid}" \
-      --target "${kernel_target}" \
-      --branch "${branch}" \
-      "${kernel_artifact}"
-  fi
-  if [[ "${do_fetch_modules}" -ne 0 ]]; then
-    /google/data/ro/projects/android/fetch_artifact \
-      --bid "${bid}" \
-      --target "${modules_target}" \
-      --branch "${branch}" \
-      "*.ko"
-  fi
-  popd
-move_artifacts() {
-  scratch_dir="${1}"
-  dst_dir="${2}"
-  kernel_artifact="${3}"
-  do_fetch_modules="${4}"
-  pushd "${scratch_dir}"
-  if [[ -f "${kernel_artifact}" ]]; then
-    mv "${kernel_artifact}" "${dst_dir}/kernel-qemu2"
-  fi
-  if [[ "${do_fetch_modules}" -ne 0 ]]; then
-    rm -rf "${dst_dir}/ko-new"
-    rm -rf "${dst_dir}/ko-old"
-    mkdir "${dst_dir}/ko-new"
-    mv *.ko "${dst_dir}/ko-new"
-    mv "${dst_dir}/ko" "${dst_dir}/ko-old"
-    mv "${dst_dir}/ko-new" "${dst_dir}/ko"
-    rm -rf "${dst_dir}/ko-old"
-  fi
-  popd
-make_git_commit() {
-  x86_dst_dir="${1}"
-  arm_dst_dir="${2}"
-  git add "${x86_dst_dir}"
-  git add "${arm_dst_dir}"
-  git commit -a -m "$(
-  echo Update kernel prebuilts to ${FLAGS_branch}/${FLAGS_bid}
-  echo
-  echo Test: TreeHugger
-  echo Bug: ${FLAGS_bug}
-  )"
-  git commit --amend -s
-main() {
-  fail=0
-  if [[ "${FLAGS_bug}" -eq 0 ]]; then
-    echo "Must specify --bug" 1>&2
-    fail=1
-  fi
-  if [[ "${FLAGS_bid}" -eq 0 ]]; then
-    echo "Must specify --bid" 1>&2
-    fail=1
-  fi
-  do_fetch_kernel=0
-  do_fetch_modules=0
-  case "${FLAGS_update}" in
-    both)
-      do_fetch_kernel=1
-      do_fetch_modules=1
-      ;;
-    kernel)
-      do_fetch_kernel=1
-      ;;
-    modules)
-      do_fetch_modules=1
-      ;;
-    *)
-      echo "Unexpected value for --update, '${FLAGS_update}'" 1>&2
-      fail=1
-      ;;
-  esac
-  if [[ "${fail}" -ne 0 ]]; then
-    exit "${fail}"
-  fi
-  here="$(pwd)"
-  x86_dst_dir="${here}/x86_64/5.4"
-  arm_dst_dir="${here}/arm64/5.4"
-  scratch_dir="$(mktemp -d)"
-  x86_scratch_dir="${scratch_dir}/x86"
-  arm_scratch_dir="${scratch_dir}/arm"
-  fetch_arch "${x86_scratch_dir}" \
-    "${FLAGS_branch}" "${FLAGS_bid}" \
-    "${do_fetch_kernel}" "${do_fetch_modules}" \
-    "kernel_x86_64" "bzImage" \
-    "kernel_gf_x86_64"
-  fetch_arch "${arm_scratch_dir}" \
-    "${FLAGS_branch}" "${FLAGS_bid}" \
-    "${do_fetch_kernel}" "${do_fetch_modules}" \
-    "kernel_aarch64" "Image" \
-    "kernel_gf_aarch64"
-  if [[ -f "${arm_scratch_dir}/Image" ]]; then
-    gzip -9 "${arm_scratch_dir}/Image"
-  fi
-  move_artifacts "${x86_scratch_dir}" "${x86_dst_dir}" "bzImage" "${do_fetch_modules}"
-  move_artifacts "${arm_scratch_dir}" "${arm_dst_dir}" "Image.gz" "${do_fetch_modules}"
-  make_git_commit "${x86_dst_dir}" "${arm_dst_dir}"
-gbash::main "$@"