tree: 6422469e84335d7e3856850e15cab867d1c63719 [path history] [tgz]
  1. conscrypt/
  2. i18n/
  3. local_riscv64/
  4. platform/
  5. runtime/
  6. statsd/
  7. tzdata/

Prebuilts of APIs from platform and other Mainline modules that the ART Module needs.

These prebuilts should reflect the APIs in Android 12 (version 31), which is the earliest release that may take an update of the ART Module. Hence updating the prebuilts to newer versions needs to be done with care. Prebuilts that are part of the NDK are generally safe since they are annotated to provide a version 31 compatible ABI.

To update:

  1. Submit the changes that need to go into the prebuilts.

  2. Wait for new builds on branches aosp-master and/or aosp-master-throttled, depending on which prebuilts are required. See for details about which branches and targets are used for what.

    In general mainline_modules_sdks-userdebug is the slowest build to complete, so look for that to be on the safe side.

  3. Run:

    prebuilts/runtime/mainline/ \
      --aosp-master-build <build id> --aosp-master-throttled-build <build id>

    where the two <build id> are the builds from step #2.

    The script will download, extract and put the right prebuilts in the right places in prebuilts/runtime, prebuilts/module_sdk/conscrypt, and/or prebuilts/module_sdk/StatsD. However, some prebuilts may not have corresponding CI builds so they may not be complete - see for details.

  4. Try to minimize the updates in the created CLs and ensure they are safe. This usually means reverting some prebuilts back to their old contents, and reverting specific hunks in the Android.bp files. Also, please improve the autogenerated CL descriptions to make them more accurate and describe the reason for the update. Please avoid doing any other changes - in particular there must be no local change in any prebuilt file (not counting Android.bp's). [email protected] is happy to help with review.

Note that the script takes a --local-dist argument that you can use to test with prebuilts from a local build in another tree. However, CLs created that way should not be submitted.