blob: e0e3b69cd8fc8a551386d815b443d46dc943e624 [file] [log] [blame] [view]
# Introduction
This directory contains a toy app for iorap test. The app shows a version number
when started and reads a text file.
* iorap_test_app_v1.apk: test app version 1
* iorap_test_app_v2.apk: test app version 2 (same with version 1 except for the
* iorap_test_app_v3.apk: test app version 3 (same with version 1 except for the
* src: The src of the app.
# Build
1. Set ANDROID_SDK_ROOT, For example:
export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=.../Android/Sdk
2. The command to build the apk is:
# Version Change
To change the version of the app,
1. open file src/IorapTestApp/app/build.gradle
2. change the "versionCode" field as the following
android {
defaultConfig {
versionCode = 1.0