Increase the maximum shell command length to 4096ish.

The actual maximum length will depend on the version of the shell
protocol being used, and any additional parameters being passed through
(e.g. TERM=xterm-256color). This should be able to be raised to 64K for
devices with commit 3d2904c (L-MR1 and above), but that'll require some

Bug: http://b/20467103
Change-Id: Idf0c46af5b18b854110aba58df13a53297d2475f
diff --git a/adb_client.cpp b/adb_client.cpp
index cb5e488..bbc4dc7 100644
--- a/adb_client.cpp
+++ b/adb_client.cpp
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
 int _adb_connect(const std::string& service, std::string* error) {
     D("_adb_connect: %s", service.c_str());
-    if (service.empty() || service.size() > 1024) {
+    if (service.empty() || service.size() > MAX_PAYLOAD_V1) {
         *error = android::base::StringPrintf("bad service name length (%zd)",
         return -1;